My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 1562: The luck of 100,000 wishes

There is a common perception among all the powerhouses of the Holy Master level, that is, relying on the supreme fetish to become the Holy Master is far higher than those who rely on the number of places to become the Holy Master.

"You want too much, and I will give you three places at most." The leader said.

"Three places are also fine. There is a chaotic beast guarding the Supreme Divine Object, but it has not reached the second level, and you may need to join hands to expel it at that time." The Holy Master said.

At this time, all the holy masters looked at the holy master with contempt, as if saying that you are a dog.

"I want to see the supreme object first, otherwise nothing will be discussed." Xu Fan said.

If that supreme fetish is integrated into the world in the cracks of space, it should be able to quickly generate a place for the Holy Master.

"No problem, it's not far from this land of chaos, but the road is more difficult to walk." The Holy Master said with a smile.

Xu Fan directly opened a star map and asked the Holy Master to point out the location for him. "Just mark the coordinates for me, and I'll go and see for myself," Xu Fan said. "That's fine, but Fellow Daoist Xu, you need to make a supreme oath." The Holy Master said vigilantly.


After Xu Fan made the supreme oath, he received the coordinates from the Holy Master.

"I will come back within 10 days. Xu Fan said that his figure disappeared outside the Three Thousand Worlds."

Those holy masters also scattered away.

In a chaotic undeveloped area, Xu Fan discovered for the first time the secret space in the chaotic undeveloped matter.

Following the secret space, Xu Fan seemed to have entered another space.

And in that space, there is a chaotic beast like a dog sleeping, its body is as huge as a big world, and its whole body is red, which makes people feel creepy at first sight.

Xu Fan quietly observed the big dog, and then he noticed the supreme object in the middle surrounded by big dogs.

The shape of the bone of the supreme divine object exudes a supreme and mysterious aura.

The supreme law contained in the supreme fetish happens to be the one that Xu Fan is proficient in.

Ever since, Xu Fan used the supreme law to condense the bone that was exactly the same as the supreme god, and easily took it out of the arms of the sleeping chaotic beast, and put the replacement back.

All this went surprisingly smoothly, and Xu Fan was also a little surprised by the smoothness.

However, after he confirmed it again and again, he confirmed that the one in his hand was the top supreme divine object.

Xu Fan quietly exited the secret realm, and then directly teleported back to the chaotic tunnel.

As soon as he returned, he attracted the attention of all the holy masters.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, is that supreme artifact really real?" said the Holy Master who gave Xu Fan the coordinates.

"Really, now you can specifically tell me how you want me to help you." At this time, all the holy masters around Xu Fan had gathered.

Xiong Li stood respectfully behind Xu Fan, like a guard.

"It's very simple, you just need to be able to restrain more than four Holy Masters, so that we can free up our strength to deal with other alien alliance Holy Masters." Burning Holy Master said.

"Okay, tell Xiong Li when I need to take action." Xu Fan said with a smile, he was very happy to get a top-notch fetish.

"Just recently, we will notify Fellow Daoist Xiong if necessary." After the brief meeting, all the Holy Masters revoked the clones of divine sense.

Xu Fan returned to the small courtyard, and suddenly he saw Zhang Weiyun whose cultivation had fallen to the level of a mortal.

"Weiyun, did you use the supreme divine technique to let me obtain this supreme divine object?"

"Looking at Zhang Weiyun whose realm has fallen to a mortal, Xu Fan quickly counted the supreme law and patted it into Zhang Weiyun's body.

"I was making a wish that day, and I wanted my husband to get a supreme fetish that can increase the quota."

"Just when I made this wish 100,000 times, I suddenly had a deep feeling telling me that as long as I am willing to give up my cultivation and become a mortal forever, you can get the supreme fetish you want .”

"At that time, when I heard that there was such a good thing, I agreed directly.

up. "It seems that Husband really got that kind of supreme fetish." Zhang Weiyun said happily.

Xu Fan was a little moved, he gently embraced Zhang Weiyun, and investigated everything about Zhang Weiyun in detail.

Since there is a voice telling her to become a mortal forever, there must be a force that restricts Zhang Weiyun from becoming a strong person.

Sure enough, Xu Fan saw many tens of trillions of densely packed runes in Zhang Weiyun's chaotic soul.

Every rune is restricting the growth of Zhang Weiyun's strength, and will quickly guide Zhang Weiyun through a mortal life.

If Xu Fan does not intervene, Zhang Weiyun will meet the deadline in 80 years.

Looking at the dense runes on the chaotic holy soul, Xu Fan tapped lightly.

This kind of rune, not to mention the Great Sage of Chaos, even the Holy Lord, would be helpless.

Even if all the magical medicines in the world are used up, even if the entire chaotic river of time is reversed, there is no way.

He could only watch helplessly as Zhang Weiyun, who had turned into a mortal, left. "Things are impermanent, and there is always a silver lining in everything."

Xu Fan said, gently closed his eyes, and put his forehead against Zhang Weiyun's.

The divine sense entered Zhang Weiyun's chaotic holy soul.

"These runes condensed by the Supreme Law of Fortune are too naive, it's okay to embarrass the ordinary Holy Master."

"It's a pity that you met me." Just when Xu Fan finished speaking, an idea came to Meng's mind.

Ever since, Xu Fan used his fingers instead of pens to start to describe the Great Formation of the Supreme Law. It didn't take long to see Zhang Weiyun's chaotic holy soul covered by a dense layer of supreme law runes.

Then the entire formation started to operate, and within Zhang Weiyun's holy soul, all the runes seemed to be summoned, and began to pour into one of the gaps.

An hour later, all the restrictions on Zhang Weiyun were lifted. Although he is still a mortal, he can already cultivate.

Xu Fan gently raised his hand, and a string of black runes condensed into a ball appeared on the palm of his hand.

"It should be cheated or cheated."

Xu Fan stretched out his finger and tapped lightly, and an unconscious human body was Xu Fan released the group of black runes directly into the body.

Then a teleportation array appeared and left with the body.

At this time, Zhang Weiyun, who had recovered to normal, began to practice, and countless fairy spirits began to gather.

Zhang Weiyun's realm has been rapidly improved, Jindan, Nascent Soul, Transforming God, and Practicing Void.

Before even a meal, Zhang Weiyun's realm climbed to Daluo.

Seeing that Zhang Weiyun's state had not moved, Xu Fan directly photographed thousands of supreme laws.

Afterwards, the realm quickly improved, and it was transplanted to the Great Sage of Chaos.

"Unfortunately, it would be great if I could still practice Fuyuanyiyi, so that I can continue to make wishes for my husband." Zhang Weiyun said regretfully.

"One time is enough, if there is more, something will happen." Xu Fan said while stroking Zhang Weiyun's beautiful hair.

Between the gaps in space, the big world that Xu Fan planted is changing rapidly.

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