My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 1206: a world full of happiness

Xu Fan's location was buried by endless chaos giant beasts.

But at this moment, a trace of the power of the Holy Sun was revealed from the chaotic behemoth surrounded by it.

Then the rays of light became more and more, and finally it seemed that the Holy Sun Star suddenly appeared in the group of chaotic beasts, and suddenly burst open.

This area of ​​chaotic fog turned into nothingness.

And Xu Fan turned into a big Luo-level chaotic beast and took the opportunity to escape from the area.

Then the chaotic beast that Xu Fan turned into changed again, transformed into a chaotic fog, and disappeared into it.

"Grape, lock the coordinates closest to the outpost, and we will teleport there." Xu Fan said.

"Yes, Master."

A teleportation array appeared in the chaotic fog area, and then activated, teleporting all the chaotic fog in that area to another place.

Afterwards, Xu Fan controlled the chaotic fog and flew slowly towards the position where he found the outpost of the chaotic gods and demons.

Xu Fan wanted to catch a **** and demon first and search for the location of the Hongmeng Purple Qi crystal vein.

The location of the Hongmeng Purple Gold Mine was discovered by the two gods and demons at the same time, and this location is no longer a secret.

Just as Xu Fan turned into a mass of chaotic fog on his way, he suddenly felt that the chaotic space in the distance was turbulent.

After investigating, Xu Fan found that two chaos saints were fighting.

Then the chaotic mist left the battlefield without looking back.

"Can't provoke, can't provoke~"

Later, Xu Fan discovered that this chaotic area had turned into a battlefield of two great empires of gods and demons.

In a sage-level chaotic **** and demon battlefield, the cloud of smoke that Xu Fan turned into penetrated into the body of a chaotic **** and demon that had died in battle.

It didn't take long for that chaotic **** and demon to be swept away by the aftermath of the battle, and it was smashed into a mass of chaos.

The endless chaotic fog oscillated in this space.

Among them was an inconspicuous chaotic fog that dissipated with the waves.

In the chaotic fog somewhere far away from the battlefield, Xu Fan is cultivating his mind.

"Terror, it was really terrible just now, is this the strength of the Empire of Gods and Demons~" Xu Fan said with emotion.

He learned from the memory of the fallen saint-level **** and demon.

Not counting the miscellaneous soldiers below the Chaos Saint, each **** and devil empire has sent 10 Chaos Saints and one Chaos Great Saint to this war zone.

Among these memories, Xu Fan also specifically searched to see if there were any strong people above the level of the Great Sage of Chaos.

As a result, this idea was wiped out by an invisible force.

Xu Fan knew that when this happened, it was proof that the existence of that mighty force was beyond his ability to detect.

"Grape, deduce the coordinates I gave you, how long it will take you to arrive~" Xu Fan said.

"Master, according to the memories of the saints, gods and demons that I just absorbed, even if there are coordinates that can be teleported over a long distance, it will take 6,000 years to get there." Grape replied.

"6000 years~~" Xu Fan said thoughtfully.

"System, give me a little more convenience. In 6,000 years, I think the daylily will be cold when I get there~" Xu Fan said when he entered the fairy soul space.

What should I do if the project budget is not enough, of course, it is to find Party A.

At this time, the star-like system rune ball was still spinning as usual, and there was no sign of replying to Xu Fan.

"System, look at it like this, just think of a way to send me there. How about I send you a half-complete Hongmeng amethyst crystal mineral vein." Xu Fan said enticingly.

The system is still unmoved~

"You have to think carefully about the system. If you don't help me, the Hongmeng Purple Qi crystal ore will definitely not fall into your hands."

"Let's work together is a win-win situation~" Xu Fan said bitterly.

At this moment, a long chaotic rune dragon suddenly flew out from the system rune ball and dissipated in Xu Fan's fairy soul space.

"Avenue of Chaos Space, it's become~" A trace of mist appeared in Xu Fan's eyes.

Then he broke open the space and plunged into the crack of the space.

At this time, in an area with extremely high chaotic energy density, both **** and demon empires sent strong men to guard here.

There are at least two Chaos Great Sage-level gods and demons on each side.

In the middle of them, there is a Hongmeng amethyst crystal as large as a square.

On one side is the Barbarian Beast God and Demon Empire and the other is the ancient God and Demon Empire, and both sides sent heavy troops to guard this Hongmeng Purple Qi crystal ore vein.

In this area, outside the ten thousand light armor, there is a very small piece of Hongmeng amethyst crystal floating dust floating around.

Around that piece of Hongmeng amethyst crystal mineral vein, all this kind of Hongmeng amethyst crystal floats and sinks.

Xu Fan incarnates the purple air of Hongmeng, floating around patiently.

Now the two gods and demons empires are in a tense confrontation. At this time, if you have to act, 100% will be discovered.

He was waiting, waiting for an opportunity for the turmoil of the gods and demons on both sides.

Xu Fan believed that after the victory of one of the gods and demons at the end, when the Hongmeng amethyst crystal vein was delivered, there would definitely be some turbulence, and there might even be a little friction.

This is the opportunity for Xu Fan to wait.

"The surroundings of Hongmeng Ziqi are all gods and demons at the level of chaos saints and even great saints.

Be careful, let's float slowly first. "Xu Fan said again.

Can't find the opportunity to get close to this Hongmeng amethyst crystal vein, what can he do?

"By the way, how many epochs have been accumulated in this chaotic space with this light-armored Amethyst Crystal?" Xu Fan said with saliva.

At this moment, several Hongmeng amethyst crystals with a diameter of several hundred meters floated past Xu Fan's eyes.

The floating dust that Xu Fan turned into immediately adhered to it.

It didn't take long before the two pieces of Hongmeng Purple Qi crystal collided, and the floating dust that Xu Fan had transformed into detached, and continued to float in the chaos.

This drift lasted for 3,000 years, during which Xu Fan did not receive any news from the outside world.

Just when Xu Fan thought it would take more than 1,000 years to end the battle, the Hongmeng Amethyst Crystal Mine suddenly exuded a powerful suction.

Inhaled all the Hongmeng amethyst crystals in the surrounding millions of years of light armor into the mineral vein.

Xu Fan also entered the mine with a large piece of Hongmeng amethyst crystal.

Then, the entire ore vein was sucked into the unknown space by a supreme power.

At this time, Xu Fan, who was hidden in the Hongmeng Amethyst Crystal vein, did not dare to move.

At the same time, he also warned the system in Immortal Soul Space, as long as you dare to absorb it, we have to finish the game.

After an unknown amount of time, Xu Fan felt that the environment he was in had not changed for more than a year.

So he slowly reached out his spiritual sense and began to probe the surrounding environment.

Then Xu Fan saw the scene that shocked him the most.

I saw that the space he was in was full of Hongmeng amethyst crystals.

Boundless, as if the whole world is full of Hongmeng amethyst crystals.

Xu Fan did a rough calculation and found that there were at least two light-armored Amethyst Crystals.

"I'm not dreaming!" Xu Fan said ecstatically.

At the same time, the system in the Immortal Soul Space also began to move.

Just when the system in the body wants to be presumptuous.

A crack opened in this world full of Hongmeng amethyst crystals.

A giant claw exuding endless mighty power disappeared after scooping up a handful of Hongmeng amethyst crystals in this world.

The dust and system that Xu Fan transformed into trembled.

After feeling the emotions of the system, Xu Fan asked strangely: "What are you afraid of, you can't beat him even if you let go of my restrictions."

The system did not speak, but quietly began to absorb the Primordial Amethyst Crystal around him.

As soon as it absorbed the space where Xu Fan was, it began to sink.

I don't know how many thousands of miles it sank, the system absorbs the Hongmeng amethyst crystal more and more.

The system rune ball in Xu Fan's Immortal Soul Space also began to slowly unlock more rune chains.

"System, take it easy, be careful to be noticed by that **** and demon." Xu Fan urged.

The system did not reply to Xu Fan, and was still madly absorbing the surrounding Hongmeng amethyst crystals.

It was as if a starving ghost had entered the cafeteria.

In the Immortal Soul Space, Xu Fan realized for the first time the benefits of absorbing Hongmeng crystals in unlimited quantities.

The endless chaotic rune culture as a long dragon flew out from the star-like system rune ball and dissipated in Xu Fan's space.

The endless comprehension about the chaotic runes was integrated into Xu Fan's fairy soul, and the speed was so fast that Xu Fan's acceptance speed could not even keep up with the chaotic runes dissipating.

In this way, Xu Fan felt that his Daluo sage had reached a peak. As long as he moved forward a little, he would be able to advance to the level of a sage.

At this moment, the system suddenly stopped absorbing the Primordial Amethyst Crystal, and turned into a barrier from the system rune, covering the whole body.

"You continue to absorb it, I'm only a little closer to being promoted to the realm of saints." Looking at the system rune ball covered by the barrier, Xu Fan said anxiously.

"You can't upgrade anytime, but this time~" Xu Fan said helplessly, seeing that the system didn't respond.

He was sure that this broken system had enough food and drink to upgrade.

Xu Fan looked at the chaotic amethyst crystals around, and suddenly thought that he would also absorb a little bit to see if he could try to get rid of the restrictions of this broken system.

Xu Fan did what he said, and then began to absorb the surrounding Hongmeng amethyst crystals and began to deduce how to break the system restrictions.

But outside this world full of Hongmeng amethyst crystals, is a land of gods and demons whose borders cannot be explored.

The entire land of gods and demons is floating in chaos.

On the Continent of Gods and Demons, there is a chaotic giant beast that exudes enormous energy all the time, shining and radiating the entire continent.

At this time, the entire God-Devil Continent was caught in the flames of war.

All the chaotic gods and demons divided into two factions and began to fight endlessly.

In a splendid and magnificent palace, there is a **** and demon with endless and profound imposing manner.

He sat quietly in the throne, feeling the land of gods and demons that turned into a battlefield.

"How many epochs of reincarnation, in the ancient empire, there are finally gods and demons who dare to challenge my authority." The gods and demons on the throne said lightly.

At this time, the entire palace began to vibrate.

A giant **** and demon with three heads and six arms walked into the palace.

Looking at the gods and demons on the throne, he said angrily: "Tianhuang, since the beginning of chaos, we have supported you as king, and this is how we created a huge empire that covers countless chaos."

"We have conquered the endless chaotic region for you and made countless contributions to the empire."

"We don't have the heart of rebellion, why do you want to kill us all~" said the three-headed six-armed demon angrily.

The gods and demons sitting on the throne just glanced at the gods and demons roaring below.

"You are innocent and rebellious, and I can see your loyalty to the empire."

"But you should never try to explore the path I've traveled."

"It's enough to be a great sage of chaos. If you want to go up, you want to take away the origin of my destiny."

"So, whoever has this heart, should be damned!" The gods and demons on the throne raised their hands gently.

The endless chaotic energy controlled the gods and demons roaring below.

In the end, those chaotic energies turned into strange symbols and drilled into the body of the **** and demon.

Slowly, the controlled gods and demons found themselves beginning to dissolve, and their spirits became more and more blurred.

After the consciousness of the gods and demons completely dissipated, it turned into a mass of origin and appeared in the hands of the gods and demons on the throne.

"I am the only **** and demon who can walk this road~" The **** and demon on the throne said lightly.

At this time, the chaotic energy of the entire land of gods and demons seemed to be mobilized.

The paintings made one weird symbol after another, flying towards the rebel gods and demons.

A fire that just ignited was extinguished like this, and those gods and demons who wanted to resist were all honest.

At this time, the gods and demons sitting on the throne seemed to have received bad news, got up with an angry expression, and then disappeared into the gods and demons continent.

At this time, Xu Fan in the Hongmeng Amethyst Crystal World was waiting for the system to be updated.

Xu Fan's deduction on how to lift the system restrictions seems to have encountered a logical closed loop. No matter how he deduces, he will eventually return to the original direction.


After that, Xu Fan gave up and waited honestly for the system update.

"When is this a head?" Xu Fan said, looking at the system rune ball wrapped by the barrier.

At this time, the system rune ball was only 2/3 of the original size, which made Xu Fan understand that as long as the remaining runes were consumed, the limitations of this system would disappear.

Xu Fan was idle and bored, while waiting for the system update, he carefully collected the Hongmeng amethyst crystal from his space spirit treasure.

As I put it away, I sighed that I should have brought a few more Space Spirit Treasures that could accommodate the Hongmeng Amethyst Crystal.

Just when Xu Fan was about to fill the space with spiritual treasures, the endless Primordial Amethyst Crystal was appeared in the sky above the Continent of Gods and Demons.

In the end, it turned into a Hongmeng amethyst crystal of the same size and fell towards the road of the gods and demons.

"You follow the Lord of Gods and Demons, this is a reward for you~"

A voice resounded throughout the entire land of gods and demons, attracting all the gods and demons to revel.

Those Hongmeng amethyst crystals that turned into meteors in the sky made the gods and demons excited.

And Xu Fan possessed a piece of Hongmeng amethyst crystal with a diameter of 500 feet.

As soon as he fell on the Continent of Gods and Demons, he was picked up by a saint-level gods and demons.

Xu Fan also followed the piece of Hongmeng amethyst crystal into the space exclusive to the gods and demons.

It didn't take long for the gods and demons to leave the gods and demons continent as if they had received some orders.

Xu Fan, who was in the exclusive space of the gods and demons, felt that the gods and demons left the mainland, and after leaving the aura that shocked him, he felt a lot more at ease.

"Wait, I'll come out after the system is upgraded~"

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