<Episode 138> First Birthday Party 2

“long time no see! Hwimin-senpai!”

“uh. long time no see.”

He readily responded to a lively greeting. Perhaps this was dissatisfaction, the opponent put his hand on the waist. It was an exaggerated gesture that made the pleated dress flutter.

“senior. What would you do if you stood helpless on such a fine day?”

“Well. I guess I’m the same as usual… … .”

“Isn’t it written on your face right now that you are free of thoughts?”

“It’s strange. When I looked in the mirror, there were no such words.”

As he continued to retaliate, the opponent’s expression became more and more sullen.

Our daughter’s first birthday party can’t be more enjoyable. Rather, it seemed to me that the energy was several times higher than usual. To be honest, the comparison target was just bad.

Apparently, So-hye did not realize that she was an exceptionally energetic person.

After a brief rehearsal after sitting back to back, it was time for the guests to arrive. We moved to the entrance of the banquet hall to welcome guests.

The banquet hall was close to the house, so it was quite close to the school. This is probably why So-hye arrived first among the guests.

So-hye, who had been scolding her instead of being scolded, quickly smiled.

“Anyway, congratulations, old man. Si-eun senior too.”

“Um, what.”

“thank you.”

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Me and Si-eun each responded. In my eyes, Si-eun doesn’t look any different than usual. I don’t know why I was the only one confused.

Soon, So-hye stood up and looked up at the one in Si-eun’s arms. After that, I also looked at Hana. One was making up for a lack of sleep before a birthday party.

Sohye, who was observing the sleeping Hana, extended her mouth.

“Time goes so fast. When I went to my seniors’ house to play, the child who was still in the stomach was already this big.”


Si-eun smiled broadly and then.

“To me, that seems like a long time ago. He has grown so much.”

“Ahaha. Iknow, right. I’ve seen it once since I was born, but at that time it was really like a baby.”

“It’s still a baby.”

Sohye didn’t even look at me as I was meddling. Why is it that it seems so harsh only to me?

no, more than that.

“Have you seen one before?”

When asked with a smirk, Sohye nodded her head.

“yes. When I went to the senior training center, I met Si-eun for a while.”

“Oh, then?”

While I was away for unavoidable circumstances, Si-eun said that she met a lot of people from school. One of the dogs must have been Sohye.

So-hye is showing a refreshing smile.

“At the time, it was much smaller than it is now. When they grow up like this, they even have a birthday party. It’s really great.”

“right. Next year, I might be taller than you. Because you are small.”

“senior… … .”


Apologize quickly before being scolded again. Perhaps the offended expression was just acting, So Hye quickly laughed and said, “Ahaha.”

“Anyway, I hope it will be a fun first birthday party.”

“I know. It would be better for both us and Hana to have fun with you, who took the time to come.”

“Yes. I’ll try to anticipate what kind of personality the senior will show while eating.”

“I won’t.”

I don’t know what else to consider a birthday party.

“just joke.”

Fortunately, you are joking. Then, Sohye waved her hand to us.

“Then I’ll see you later. When one wakes up, say hello!”

“uh. okay.”

“yes. See you later.”

Si-eun and I also returned greetings. Sohye frowned and headed into the banquet hall.

… … But how do you say hello?

Starting with Sohye, guests started to come one by one.

Not only my parents, but also Si-eun’s close relatives and Si-eun’s friends. Everyone came to celebrate Hana’s first birthday with happy faces.

Among those invited were a couple of friends.

However, even when most of the guests arrived, the shadows of the two were not visible.

If I had to be absent due to an urgent matter, I would have contacted you. Did you happen to have a major accident during your visit? A small worry arose.

As a result, it was raining.

As the first birthday party was almost starting, a couple of friends were caught walking slowly.

The two of them walked with leisurely steps from afar, and both showed a sullen smile.

As I greeted him with a smile, my friend nodded his head.

“Sorry for late.”

“no. What are you sorry for? It’s not too late because I came before we started. It’s a bit difficult to eat, but… … .”

Shi-eun was surprised and answered. To such a Si-eun, Ina spoke with an unstained smile.

“Oh, that’s fine. I ate at a rest stop on the way home.”


intervened and asked A couple of friends nodded at the same time.

Then it didn’t matter at all. Meals are not required, and if you do not intend to eat, it is sufficient to come before the event.

There was, however, one thing I was curious about.

I looked at my friend and asked.

“Is it a little late for you though? You’re just stepping on the accelerator.”

“that is… … .”

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My friend scratched the back of his head.

“These days, I am strictly following the speed limit. As a result, it was much later than expected.”


You finally decided to stick to the speed limit. Is the law-abiding spirit entrenched in the friend’s head?

They nodded as if they understood, but somehow their expressions were strange. Hesitating with a bitter smile, he seemed to be hiding something.

Si-eun must be terrified because I also noticed that I lacked insight. Looking back, Si-eun was still shooting curious eyes at her friend’s couple.

“uh? What’s wrong with you?”

“Well… … .”

At Si-eun’s question, the friend showed a somewhat troubled face. It looked like it was difficult to answer, but Si-eun’s suspicious eyes didn’t seem to fade.

On behalf of the friend who hesitated for a while, Ina’s mouth opened.

“… … In fact, we did too.”

“Has it happened?”

come alive what? I questioned it without thinking deeply.

It was then that the friend opened his mouth as if he had made up his mind.

“What is it?”

Then I lowered my eyes.

“I mean baby.”

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At the sound of the question, the friend shook his head up and down.

“okay. It’s week 7 now.”

“Five. Hey, congratulations.”

“Uh, uh.”

I congratulated them with a warm heart, but my friend seemed shy inside.

There is nothing more blissful than having a baby. Why are you doing this?

Si-eun smiled and asked if she had the same thoughts as me.

“what. That’s a good thing, but why are you both like this?”

“no. What.”

The friend raised the gaze he had dropped on the ground.

“The baby said it would be better to make it later. It happened so quickly… … .”

He stuttered as much as he could, and replied:

I did something else. How shameful it is to say. I try hard to say

“What’s wrong with that? There’s nothing special about it, because he’s a full-blooded age.”

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My friend snorted at my words.

“but. If you are so energetic, you will already have a first birthday party.”

“… … uhm.”

I could understand somewhat why my friend was shy.

Anyway, when I said congratulations, my friend’s couple expressed their gratitude over and over again. You must be careful in the early stages of pregnancy, but to attend for Hana like this. We were more than grateful.

“Because that’s how it happened. I’ll keep in touch just like when we got married. I’m trying to get some advice.”

“okay. do whatever you want I’m okay.”

When I open my chest and proudly allow it, my friend smiled.

“Not to you, but to Yoo Si-eun.”

Would you like to

After that, the two entered the banquet hall. We didn’t even want to hold on to it. Si-eun and I also know the dangers of early pregnancy, so I wanted to give Ina, who has a baby, time to rest.

Anyway, the first birthday party was about to begin. It was also time for us to prepare. As long as all the guests who said they would attend had arrived, there was no reason to delay any further.


Just then, one of them woke up and let out a babble like this.

Si-eun and I looked at each other and smiled.

“Are you going to start the birthday party soon?”

Si-eun chuckled when asked playfully.

“Look. one would be excited It’s my first birthday.”

“If you look at it this way, it seems that you really know that today is your birthday.”


Si-eun stabbed me with her elbow again at the same nonsense as before.

But well. The more I look at it, the more I seem to know and enjoy it.

Anyway, I should go in now.

He smiled brightly and wrapped one arm around Si-eun’s waist. Si-eun stretched her back at the sudden touch, smiling while surprised.

I asked him face to face.

“Shall we go in?”

Si-eun answered my question in a happy tone.

“yes. Come on in.”

The event went smoothly.

As I sat at the entrance and waited, a staff member came and asked if I could start the event. As soon as I said yes, the MC entered and started the event.

The first order was to watch one growth video.

Just like the first step video sent through Kakao Talk last time, it was a picture of one usually taken by Si-eun and a video bundled with videos.

In the newborn room, in the postpartum care center, when you come to my house, when you babble for the first time, when you first succeed in flipping, when you start crawling, when you start walking.

When we lie still, when we sleep, when we get up and play aegyo, when we call mom and dad, when we laugh while playing with toys, when we just stay by our side… … .

Seeing the cute and clever figure of Hana, the guests burst into laughter several times.

Even though we had already watched the video several times, there was no way we could hold back our laughter either.

Afterwards, we entered with applause from the guests.

Light a single candle on top of the cake. In line with the happy birthday song of the guests, the three of them turned off the lights.

Then, on behalf of my family, I greeted the guests.

Even if he was the type who wasn’t nervous at the event, he couldn’t help but tremble at this time. I stood in front of the microphone with a somewhat stiff motion.

He exclaimed outside the microphone, clearing his throat and parting his lips.

“I would like to first say thank you to the guests who came from a long way. First of all, we tried to prepare the meal as delicious as possible, but I don’t know how you got it. And when it’s over, the gift of return is ready. Be sure to take it with you on the way out.”

As soon as I recited what I had prepared, Si-eun whispered beside her.

“Honey, why are you talking like this… … ?”

“Because I’ve been memorizing hard.”

Without realizing it, I answered into the microphone. Naturally, laughter from the guests followed.

I bowed my head in shame, but what should I do? The greeting had to go on.

“A lot of people have helped me to get here. Of course, I am grateful to the parents who gave birth to us and raised us like this.”

And then we looked at our parents. At the wedding, I cried because I was moved, and today I even folded my arms. It was like looking at a child who had been put on the shore.

He looks around the guests and follows behind them.

“People who gave strength to our Si-eun and did not spare their support. Those who helped us to become one. And I want to say thank you to those who sent love to one of us, who celebrated our birthday today.”

The banquet hall filled with laughter became quiet. As we approached the most serious talk, everyone seemed to listen silently.

“At first, I heard that the baby was born too early. One has grown up without any serious illness or major accidents over the past year. It was all thanks to the one of us who didn’t cause any trouble, and the power of those who helped us both physically and mentally… … .”

He said this and looked at Si-eun. Si-eun rolled her big eyes and tilted her head.

It was natural to see such a reaction as it was a part that was omitted during rehearsal.

He looked at his face and spoke.

“I think our Si-eun suffered a lot.”

Si-eun’s eyes grew even bigger.

“Thanks to Si-eun for taking good care of me even when I was away. Our family was able to celebrate such a happy day.”

“Wow, what.”

Add some chuminess to it if it’s fancy. At this moment, I took a deep breath.

“So, the last thing I want to say is.”

Then, with the brightest smile on his face, he added a word.

“Si-eun. love.”

It was a surprise confession of love.

Everyone in the guest seat gave a big laugh and applause. The cheers didn’t last long. Perhaps it was meant to be teased, someone even blew a whistle.

“… … Shit.”

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Meanwhile, Si-eun, who heard my surprise confession, clicked her tongue as if telling me to listen. And he even put on a sad face. He also had a slightly disgusted face.

Of course, it’s the exact opposite.

Just looking at the raised corners of his lips, he couldn’t tell.

The next order was stonework time. This turn is called the highlight of the first birthday party.

Various items were placed on the stone table that the staff brought. Books, pencils, rice, thread, microphones, recorders and so on. There were so many kinds of things that I was afraid that they might spill out of the table.

As strange things suddenly unfolded in front of her eyes, Hana’s eyes widened.

It is said that there are times when you do not want to pick up anything when taking stones. As a curious Hana, that didn’t happen. Perhaps it was because there were so many tools that I was seeing for the first time, and it was to the point that I continued to worry about it, burning my interest again.

While Hana was in agony, the MC continued to raise the tension in the hall.

Thanks to the talented MC, the inside of the banquet hall became noisy whenever one hand wandered from side to side.

Then one finally chose one.

Finally, the object held in one hand is… … .

“Ah~ I got the keyboard!”

It was none other than the keyboard.

“It looks like we are going towards IT~”

The MC induced cheers with the seal applause, but about half of them were from Comgong. Everyone had expressions that were difficult to describe.

Why the hell did you put something like that?

After that, the order of hanging threads to pray for a long life followed, and finally the turn of greetings came.

At this time, I thanked him with an appropriate comment.

“From now on, I will take good care of Hana so that she can become a great person.”

Of course, I did not forget this aspiration.

After the final greeting, the guests responded with a long and long applause.

The loud applause continued for a long time.

Thanks to that, one future seemed to be filled with only happiness.

Hearing the sound, he turned his gaze to the side.

Si-eun blushed again as if moved, but this time she didn’t cry.

Hana was smiling at how much fun the first birthday party had been.

Our precious family was in great joy.

Surrounded by such generous blessings.

As one of us, we are finally getting one year old.

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