<Episode 124> Beginner Husband and Beginner Father 2

“Mr. Hwimin.”

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My eyes widened at the sound of calling me.

When I lifted my head, which had been falling at some point, the team leader was watching me. The team members who were sitting on either side of me also turned their gazes towards me.

It didn’t take long to figure out the situation.

In the middle of a team meeting, he seemed to have just fallen asleep.

“Oh, sorry.”

As he apologized and shook his head from side to side without mercy, the team leader smiled bitterly.

“Mr. Hwimin. Is it difficult to raise children?”

“… … It’s hard, but I won’t sleep.”

“It’s okay to sleep a little. Hwimin is the type of person who does his job thoroughly.”

The team leader, who showed deep consideration, waved his hand in the air.

It seems like he would even pat me on the back from a distance. I just accepted it with gratitude.

‘It is better to marry late, but it is better to raise children early.’

The old boss’s advice was right.

Even when I’m still young, my body hurts like this. I can’t even imagine how hard it would be to raise children when I’m older.

Newborns are said to sleep 20 hours a day. It was what I saw in the book.

This in itself was true. So, if you only care for 4 hours a day, it should be over. Again this was not the case.

I wake up every hour and a half every day and night, crying and watching.

It would be 4 hours if I had to scrape up the time I was waking up like that. When you sleep, you don’t know the world, and when you wake up from your sleep, the whole town is crying for you to leave. There was no way it could fit into an adult’s lifestyle at the moment.

I thought I had adapted to some extent during the postpartum care life, but I’m sorry. In retrospect, it was just a trial version. True parenting starts when you get home.

It’s been two weeks since we slept together in the nursery.

Caring for one is very happy, but that doesn’t mean it’s full of happiness. As the days of waking up from a short sleep and taking care of the baby were repeated, I and Si-eun were slowly getting tired.

It’s a shame because I even go to work, doesn’t Si-eun have to spend 24 hours with Hana? I still wasn’t feeling well. Even if you get used to it, it would still be difficult to take care of the baby.

Anyway, it wasn’t the only thing I was worried about.

When I get home today, I decided to help Si-eun a lot.

Getting out of the taxi and heading home.

I keep getting retrace my steps. I felt like I wanted to see my wife and daughter as soon as possible. I almost ran to the elevator.

I got off the elevator and walked lightly. It’s a big deal if Hana wakes up to the sound of footsteps.

I also pressed the door lock password as carefully as possible. Pressing carefully doesn’t make the sound effect less, well, anyway.

When I opened the door, there was a man in the hallway to meet me.

Its true identity, of course, was Si-eun.

I’m so happy that the corners of my lips go up. He opened his mouth without hiding it.

“I went. honey.”

Si-eun, who was greeted, smiled brightly.

“Have you been?”

… … yo. this?

It’s an uncomfortable tone. Does that mean that you want to walk the other way? did what you wanted

“What kind of respect is that?”

“just. I did it because I was bored.”

Si-eun also stretched her mouth to answer my question. Is it half this time? Si-eun, who speaks respectfully, was nice because it felt different. It’s a little bit, but it makes me feel sad.

Si-eun asked as they entered the house.

“therefore? How about being respectful?”

“Well, that’s pretty good. Keep going.”

“… … yo. this?”


“From the second time on, it is a paid service.”

“How are you?”

“I mean I’ll do it when I feel like it.”

Si-eun snorted and said. You don’t want to do more. yes, but what to do I stood in front of Si-eun, promising the next.

“The one is?”

“I just slept.”


I won’t wake up for a while. We can talk comfortably for a little while.

Trying to understand this, Si-eun smiled and looked up at me.

“Didn’t you eat?”

“Of course. Let’s eat.”


It was a voice full of joy. It almost looked like a dog that had met its owner after a long time. It seemed to wag a tail that did not exist.

It has been several months since I started going to work, but Si-eun still greets me after work.

They come to meet you at the front door, of course, and they also throw up encouraging stories once in a while. I wish I could have a husband so happy.

I’m about to head to the kitchen with that kind of happiness in my arms. For some reason, Si-eun’s feet did not move.

Even though I glanced at why I wanted to be here, Si-eun didn’t say anything. Instead, he just pouted his lips as if he wanted to vomit.


“Do you remember now?”

Si-eun raised her eyebrows when she realized her intentions late and let out a short sound.

I wish I could be honest with you. Si-eun always hides her inner feelings and passes the ball to me.

But hey, maybe my mistake for forgetting for a while is bigger.

There was only one way to pay for their sins.

After holding Si-eun’s cheeks lightly, they overlapped their lips.

After a brief kiss, when they parted their lips, Si-eun’s face quickly turned red. His lips twitched, as if he was trying to put up with something.

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Maybe shame or joy.

When we started going to work, we got to kiss each other goodbye before going to work. A few days ago, they started kissing even after work.

After I got one, I was so busy that I couldn’t do a couple-like job. Even so, the intention was to fill the quota.

By the way, it was Si-eun who spoke up first.

It is not necessary to mention the fact that his face was bright red during the proposal.

Si-eun’s face now wasn’t that different from back then. Even the ears were dyed red, and the appearance reminded me of Si-eun when they started dating.

Of course, so was I.

Unlike the days of lovers, when they were always together, these days, when they are busy with work and childcare, even small skinships seem to be particularly approachable.


Si-eun, who received the short kiss, laughed playfully.



As soon as he asked the question, Si-eun immediately looked at him with a blank look.

“… … thanks.”


Laughter erupted at the words that dug into the gap. Si-eun showed a smile as if she had expected my reaction.

Seriously, I wish there was no other husband as happy as this.

Today, too, he was dressed in a luxurious dress.

Soybean paste stew with egg rolls, bean sprouts and quail eggs. Although the noodles on the menu were plain, the taste was excellent.

When the rice was half empty, Si-eun put down the second rice bowl and asked.

“How was your company today? What happened?”

“Uh, what.”

I paused for a moment to answer. This was not to be missed. The forehead is slowly frowned.

“What happened?”

I’m also quick-witted

It’s not that nothing happened. Because I fell asleep during the team meeting. In my work life, where I mostly sit alone in front of a computer, this is a major incident.

So, it would be enough to use it as a material to laugh at, saying, “There was such an incident.” How come I didn’t like it

As soon as you put it in your mouth, it’s obvious that Si-eun has something to worry about.

Wheehee shook her head.

“no. He swallowed the food in his mouth and hesitated a bit to talk.”

“… … okay?”

“okay. what must have happened They’re all from computer science, so I can’t even communicate well.”


Si-eun nodded her head as if she was convinced by the excuse that contained all her soul. This was a sad excuse in many ways.

“Honey? Did anything go wrong at home?”

“yes. there was no Show me a black and white picture book. When I wake up from sleep, feed me. That’s it, what?”

“It must have been difficult.”

“It’s a little better than last week.”

Si-eun replied with a gentle smile.

Hey, last week was a lot more chaotic. The waking cycle is shorter than it is now, so it’s almost like I’ve been out of sleep for the whole week.

It’s not as comfortable as it is now. Still, one often wakes up crying. Each time, Si-eun also has to get up and feed her. I also have to do housework like laundry and cleaning. Even the dinner table set before my eyes went through Si-eun’s hands.

For Si-eun, who has not yet recovered, each day must be a series of hardships.

It wasn’t, but a black shadow fell on Si-eun’s eyes. The eyes, which were always wide open, were slightly opened. It seemed that it was not the fault of the cool autumn weather that the lips were swollen.



Si-eun tilts her head to answer the call.

He made eye contact and said.

“You must be tired, go to bed. One I’ll take care of.”


The chopsticks in Si-eun’s hand clashed.

“no. are you okay. I slept with Hana in my spare time, so I’m not very tired.”

“You slept all the time. Go in and sleep soundly. One usually wakes up every hour and a half… … . I’ll call you when I wake up for the second time. Just get three hours of sleep.”

“What if I use the child as a timer?”

I heard it and it is one, I’m sorry

Si-eun’s words follow.

“Anyway, it’s okay. More honey than that… … .”

“I don’t care. Just eat and brush your teeth, then go to sleep.”

“… … .”

Si-eun licked her lips as if she had something to say.

However, Si-eun’s mouth did not fall off in the end. After a while, Si-eun got up from her seat and put the spoon and bowl she had used in the dishwasher. Even during this time, he did not bring out a single word of rescue.

The mouth opened when Si-eun headed towards the bathroom.

“thank you. honey.”


“When you’re done, put the bowl in the dishwasher. Cover the side dishes with a cloth. Get up and I’ll clean it up.”

“okay. Don’t worry and go to sleep.”

“… … yes.”

With this answer, Si-eun went into the bathroom.

To the end, it was a crawling voice.

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