<Episode 102> Honeymoon 3

the next day. We had lunch and left the hostel.

Both are traveling abroad for the first time. On the first day, we were going to visit various tourist attractions. If everything went according to plan, I had to get ready to leave early in the morning.

The reason this idea slipped from the first step was simple.

“Last night… … It was too bad.”

time past morning.

Si-eun, who covered her face with a blanket, said as if rebuking me.


As she apologized, she stroked her cheek on the blanket. The texture of the elastic skin was clearly transmitted beyond the thick blanket.

“From day one, really… … .”

“Not from the first day, but because it’s the first day.”


Si-eun also closed her mouth at these words. I don’t know what’s going on because I can’t see his expression, but maybe there’s nothing to refute.

The wish to go to the dormitory early and give Si-eun a rest could not be kept. In the end, it turned out to be more exhausting.

Well, isn’t that what Si-eun expected or expected? There was a strange nuance as he looked around the room, and Si-eun was the first to come into direct physical contact. When the arrow is directed at me, I feel very embarrassed.


Si-eun pulled the quilt under her eyes and broke her luck. Looking at his gentle eyes, it didn’t look like he was blaming me.

“I’m glad you had a plan. Even if I prepare and leave now, I won’t be able to go to all the places I originally planned to go.”

“I know. What should I do with my spare time? … . ah.”


Si-eun narrowed her eyes.

I remembered while talking. Come to think of it, didn’t Si-eun also say, ‘It is enough to stay at the dormitory for the rest of the time.’ Whatever the cause, I was complied with.

How do I feel at ease? It was too late anyway, and it was something Si-eun wanted. Wouldn’t it be okay if I left a little later?

In this way, I was equipped with the mind of being late for lectures… … He hugged Si-eun’s body in the blanket.

Si-eun, who was wriggling as if trying to escape for a moment, immediately turned her eyes toward me and asked.

“Why, why?”

“I want to hug you.”

I open my eyes to see if it’s funny. I pretended I didn’t see it, so this time, a shout followed.

“You are late. I don’t have time for this. I need to get up and wash up.”

“It’s late, so why not take it slow?”


Si-eun let out a laugh. As we smiled together, Si-eun’s arms moved. Then, he wrapped his arms around my back and started gently sweeping me away.

A warm and cozy touch stimulates the desire to sleep. As she was about to close her eyes while enjoying the sensation, Si-eun murmured quietly.

“It’s just like at home.”

“How are you? not good? I am the happiest when I am at home with my sweetheart.”

“It’s because Honey doesn’t like going out.”

Yes, sorry.

Si-eun smiled shyly as she nodded her head quietly.

“But the truth is, so am I. … … You said it would be nice to go anywhere with you.”

It was a word that made me happy enough to raise the corners of my lips as soon as I heard it.

But well.

“Isn’t that what the bear said?”

Si-eun shuddered as if she ate one bite when asked.

Then, “I don’t know.” Si-eun, who had turned away while doing so, I hugged her even more strongly.

Anyway, I guess he didn’t like Si-eun. After spending time with each other, we headed to the first tourist spot after lunch.

The first place we went to was Tokyo Skytree. A place where you can enjoy the view from the top of the tall tower. It was information gathered from the Internet.

After getting off the train at a nearby station and walking along the river, we arrived at our destination in no time.

The long ticket procession waited and chatted frivolously. Finally, when our turn came and we bought our tickets, we used our fingers instead of our mouths.

The elevator arrived at the observatory at a height of 350m.

“Wow, honey. Look here.”

Si-eun, who leaned right in front of the glass, said this with a smile on her face.

One hand spreads the index finger and points to the landscape. With the other hand, swinging my sleeve back and forth.

She turned her eyes to where Si-eun’s fingers were pointing.

The whole building looks like a miniature. The river I had just walked through was also flowing as if it were a brook. A person became smaller than a dot.

Did you mean to come at night? The daytime scenery is also worth seeing, but if it had been a night view, it would have been more atmospheric.

On the other hand, as if there was no such regret, Si-eun’s hand waving my sleeve did not stop.

I laugh and say

“You’re not a child, so why are you so excited?”

Si-eun glanced sideways.

“I am still a child.”

“Usually, he said he was an adult.”

Haha, this pure appearance is Si-eun’s greatest charm. There’s no benefit in playing any more. Grasping the other shoulder gently, we decided to look at the scenery together.

Not long after, I heard Si-eun’s voice in my ear.

“This is a real foreign country.”

“Why all of a sudden?”

“no. Looking at it this way, it resembles Korea, but if you look closely, it has a different feeling.”


I hear it and it seems like that. If you ask me if I’ve ever seen a Korean landscape like this, I’m not sure… … .


Si-eun let out a low impression. It was a word I remember hearing yesterday.

“It seems strange to come to a foreign country.”

“Of course. You come to a place where you can’t even speak or write, and you’re looking around like this. Aren’t you curious?”

excites and asks When I ask this question, I wonder if I have a boyfriend who will say that it is not strange. He patted his head and said, “It’s amazing.” and answered.

Si-eun said with a smirk on whether she was very happy.

“I don’t think it would have been good if I was alone.”


“Why? Imagine standing here alone and looking at the scenery.”

“Without other tourists?”

“no. Everyone else is the same, and I’m not alone next to Honey. So what do you think?”

“If I had been alone, I wouldn’t have come in the first place.”

“It’s not that~”

As if I was frustrated, Si-eun extended her words and looked at me. Of course it’s a joke. Then he answered correctly.

“It must have been sad. No matter how beautiful the scenery is.”

At that moment, Si-eun shrugged her shoulders triumphantly.

That’s it. If I had been alone, I wouldn’t have felt this way. He said that the scenery was nice, and after about 10 minutes, he must have headed for the elevator. Even if it’s not a waste of money, I think it’s a waste of time.

It reminds me of the days when I was reluctant to interact with others.

Even at the beginning of this year, there was only one friend around me. Even then, his friend showed him a kind heart. I’ve never been so kind on my side.

In retrospect, it was as if I had built a fence to prevent others from entering.

And Si-eun lightly jumped over the fence and entered.

Thanks to Si-eun for coming to us once every few days with a snack and having a useless conversation. I learned the joy of being with someone.

Even if it’s a room or on top of any tower in a foreign country. If I’m with Si-eun, I’m sure I’ll be happy.

“thank you.”

I tried to convey this feeling, but Si-eun tilted her head.





Si-eun smiled loosely at me, who gave me a short answer.

“but. Honey, I have a lot to be thankful for.”

I don’t think you know why I’m thankful.

Well, I don’t even need to explain. It is also true that there are many things to be thankful for Si-eun. It’s hard to enumerate all of them.

So I said it again.

This time, while hugging Si-eun from behind.

“thank you. honey.”

“… … what, what why all of a sudden? at this place. Everyone sees it.”

A gesture of resistance lightly. Words that grunt at the sudden expression of gratitude.

As always, Si-eun tried to hide her inner feelings.

As much as the rosy cheeks, it seemed that he could not hide it.

After descending from Skytree, we decided to have an early dinner.

It’s a pork cutlet shop made with beef, but because it’s so famous, the line seemed to be incredibly long. So, I made plans to go when it wasn’t crowded, but… … . One problem occurred.

“Oh sorry.”

When I suddenly stopped, Si-eun placed her chin on my shoulder. It looked like he was tired of walking with his tired body.

That was even more unfortunate. He lowers his head and says

“Sorry. So far it has been going in the opposite direction.”

“yes? okay?”

“uh. I’ll have to walk another 30 minutes from here… … .”

The reason why the voice gradually crawled was because Si-eun had no face. After saying, “It’s going to be difficult, I’ll find a way.” I took the lead and walked, but so far the direction has been the exact opposite. It was completely my mistake.


Apologizing again, Si-eun gave a small smile on her shoulder.

“Thanks to you, it was nice to walk together, what?”

Si-eun, who was standing next to me with such a sound, said, “Uh-huh,” and stretched out.

“Honey, who doesn’t want to exercise because she doesn’t want to move unnecessarily, even walks extra. I didn’t know that overseas travel could be so good.”

“… … I’m sorry too.”

“I told you not to be sorry.”

Si-eun poked my cheek, leaning back and sticking out her upper body.

“Come on, let’s go. I am hungry.”

“Um, it’s delicious.”

At the restaurant that arrived after many twists and turns, Si-eun moved the food to her mouth with a happy face.

It was famous for a number of reasons. The gyukatsu, eaten in line, was definitely delicious. It was comparable to the home-cooked meal that Si-eun made.

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Me and Si-eun were slowly seeing the bottom of the rice bowl. In Si-eun’s case, this is the second… … . Had I known this would happen, I would have ordered for 3 people.

“Today was so much fun.”

Si-eun put down the bowl she was holding and said.

There was rice grass on his lips, so he tried to point it out, but then swallowed the words. It’s cute, so I’d better leave it alone until I go out.

He said something else with his open mouth.

“The only thing I did was to wander around the observatory for a while and eat, right?”

“It was all fun.”

“Well, it doesn’t.”

“Is not it?”

Si-eun laughed softly. Even though he took a few steps because of me, he still didn’t seem to care.

He looked at him lovingly and then suddenly opened his mouth.

“It sounds like you’re going abroad.”


“Since yesterday, I have been told many times that it is strange. I even made a big mistake today, but I don’t seem to care at all.”

Si-eun’s eyes twitched at my words.

“what. Do you still like that thing? because it’s okay.”

“It was hard, but you made me walk more. I’m sorry.”

“okay. say sorry Instead, in the future, please refrain from saying sorry. got it?”

“… … yes.”


Si-eun pursed her lips and spoke. The smile never left since before. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Si-eun so high in tension.

In the midst of this, the rice grass showed no sign of falling. Si-eun lowered her head to look at the rice grass, and met her eyes.

“What did I ask?”


I casually lied to the sudden question. apologized inwardly.

“I want you to look good.”

“That’s good. I’m on my honeymoon and I’m eating delicious food.”

“Does it feel twice as good to eat two bowls?”

“I think so.”

It definitely felt good to see that he didn’t get upset even when he was teased with his gluttony.

Si-eun’s lips move again.

“It was before.”


“Remember what I said to you?”


After asking for detailed information, Si-eun paused for a moment.

“At that time, I was talking about the first time we had a date and had a drink.”


As for when, it was a long time ago. I do remember it anyway. It was a day when important events happened one after another for me and Si-eun.

Si-eun continued the story whether she accepted my response as a positive one.

“Then I asked. If only our house was a little more ordinary. Playing like everyone else, studying less, and not working part-time. I wondered if that could have been the case.”

“It did.”

“Honey, it would have been if the house had been normal, but she said that she seems to have done well in difficult circumstances.”

“yes. I remember.”

I didn’t remember this in detail. Hearing Si-eun’s comment, it reminds me of old things. Until then, how did you come up with this answer?

Si-eun added in a small voice like a whisper.

“You don’t know how happy those words were to me.”

“okay? I think everyone else complimented me.”

“no. I was the happiest with the words she gave me.”

Then he smiled brightly at me.

“Have you heard of someone you like?”

person I like.

Hearing such a fresh expression makes me feel embarrassed. He scratched the back of his neck and stared into the air next to Si-eun.

With a warm tone as if Si-eun doesn’t care.

“Then we checked each other’s hearts. It allowed me to live a normal life as someone’s wife. We went to our honeymoon together and we are having a fun time. Shouldn’t it feel good?”


It was easy to get a sense of what you were talking about.

If I was a fence, Si-eun was a snare. Si-eun, caught in a trap that tightens the more she tries to escape, endures the hard times and endures the sorrows, and has lived day to day.

Then, meeting Si-eun with me would not have been an easy task.

We made each other happy.

He filled in the gaps and healed the wounds.

It’s a perfect match for a pair.

When I thought of this, my mouth moved.


“yes? why?”

After staying there for a while.

“As much as I have endured… … Let’s live a normal life together.”

A squeaky word came out of nowhere.

Si-eun widened her eyes for a moment, and then smiled as if she had heard something funny.

“Why are you laughing?”

“no. I just want to say something cool.”

“Was it cool?”


“Then I’m glad.”

As soon as he breathed a sigh of relief, Si-eun burst out laughing again.

A smile so big that I had to wipe the tears from the corners of my eyes.

After this conversation, we went back to the hostel.

Walking down the street again, riding the subway, and walking down the street again. Of course, holding hands. … … By removing the rice grass.

There were only conversations that had no meaning or anything, but even that time was so precious to us.

Even just looking into each other’s eyes, smiles were drawn, and the hands holding each other’s clasped hands kept tickling.

The second day of our honeymoon was such a happy day.

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