"I won't let you go further, Master Chrome."

Shea finishes her kiss, dyes her cheeks bright red and stares at me.

"I will follow you. Everywhere. Whatever you say."

Shea, as I was saying, from now on...

I said it, and now Yulin sealed my words with a kiss.

"I'm just like Mr. Shea. I'll follow you with me. Take me with you."


"Our thoughts are the same."

Shea looked at me face to face with Lilyn and stared at me again.

"I will protect you as a [subordinate], who loves you as a woman."

"I want to protect you. Love, Master Chrome."

The two tell each other orally.

Will to act in the future and how you feel about me.

I had felt thin, but it was the first time I had been confessed my feelings in person.

No, the truth is... I knew it from the beginning, and I wondered if you'd turned a blind eye.

I had no room to face her feelings.

I have no room to turn my mind to anything but vengeance...

"I was betrayed two years ago by my beloved lover, my best friend, my friends."

I sighed.

"Since then, favor for others has disappeared from my mind. I've lost emotions other than vengeance. Yes, I thought so."

But now... it's hot in the back of my chest.

Sweet and swirling.

"Now I still can't afford to think about what you think about the two of us. So when this battle is over..."

"Right. After everything."

Shea sneers and nods.

"We will one day bring back Chrome's smile."


Lilyn is smiling.

Two smiles heal my heart.

At the same time, there is a willingness to fight.

Now, let's say we leave...

I renewed my resolve.

Finish all your revenge and I'll take a new step in my life.

Revenge is not a pointless act.

It's a ritual I absolutely need to move on.


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