My Little Country

Chapter 551: My master noticed you

"Ok... so powerful!"

Exhausted Bena was the first to see a female knight so close that she could use her combat skills in actual combat so beautifully, so flowing clouds and water.

As if her double swords had their own lives, it seemed that the entire battlefield was a gorgeous stage set for her debut.

And those wild boars are nothing but harlequins sent to perform poor performances.

This graceful and graceful female knight with perfect proportions from beginning to end, the extraordinary aura has always maintained a level of only one peak. this level, she easily did what the second-level super knights could not do, leaving all of the more than 100 wild boars in this valley.

The cold wind blew, as a gust of wind blew through this **** valley, and by the way, the dust that affected the sight was taken away.

So even ordinary soldiers with ordinary eyesight could see the unforgettable picture in front of their eyes.

A dark red tight-fitting armor with red hair pierced by a ponytail and a face that is not clear under the mask, but giving a noble and elegant temperament, is holding a double sword without traces of blood in both hands.

Standing quietly in a space surrounded by boar man corpses.

The delicate and blasphemous girl, with the body of the wild boar who was the shortest around her and also taller than her.

The epic beauty makes this scene like a famous painting handed down from generation to generation.

Hmm...if there is no giant 180-meter-tall squat on the edge of the mountain farther away...

Coupled with the soft sunlight falling in the sky, it really has such a taste of classical art.

Enough to make countless painters go crazy in order to reproduce this scene that shocked the soul.


It took Bena a long time to realize that she was saved...and she was saved by a young girl who felt much younger than herself.


Bena murmured to herself, and noticed that the girl came lightly.

Then put a beautiful silver seal in Bena's hands.

"My master noticed your talent."

"If you want, take it to the city of miracles."

"You will also have the opportunity to be like me."

After that, Princess Alice lightly touched, flew like a butterfly, and flew back to Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu didn't release Wangba's anger, and made some remarks and then let Benana bow her head and then was taken into his pocket.

For Xiao Yu, Bena's talent is to make him pay attention to it, and let the wizards and scholars record it.

Of course, let him join the maid group, but if the other party refuses to... Xiao Yu did not intend to fight for her for a fight.

Of course, Xiao Yu will not admit that this has something to do with whether he can still watch or not eat.

Otherwise, I really want to have such a cool and beautiful girl knight with a face value that is full of talents and special talents. Maybe, probably, maybe I don’t mind if the following people rob it and take it?

Successfully obtained the world's wonders, and let the maid's group debut.

Xiao Yu decisively left the battlefield and returned to the fleet to start studying this black gem ring.

As for the battlefield still in fierce battle.

With more than sixty undead giants still able to fight, they joined the battlefield.

The beasts were soon divided into pieces, and then surrounded by the guards of the Divine Guard.

If Xiao Yu joined himself, he might be able to speed up the end of the war and reduce some casualties.

However, in this way, the expanded Guards have reduced a lot of actual combat experience.

After all, Xiao Yu cannot be in the city of miracles all the time.

And with Xiao Yu becoming the de facto mainland overlord!

After ruling over such a large area of ​​land, he could not just go wherever he went and suppress it.

He came to the villain to be a prestige and a blessing. He came to learn extraordinary knowledge and harvest extraordinary treasures so that he could be at ease.

But it is not really to be their nanny and firefighter for the rights of the villain.

As a useful piece in Xiao Yu's hands, the Shenwei Army must become stronger!

If an army wants to be strong, there is no more effective way than fighting a fierce war.

There is a great horror between life and death, and life and death can best push out one's potential.

The warriors born during the rest of the battle may need so many extraordinary resources because of their poor talents.

However, the success rate of the promotion to the realm and the improvement of the combat power after the promotion are recognized as much stronger than those of smooth sailing.

Put in the history of the villain, the preciousness of extraordinary resources is undoubtedly much more than the warriors of the rest of the battles, so knowing that upgrading the warriors will get more combat power than upgrading the genius, but the same resources can make The genius advanced farther.

After pulling a few levels apart, the Warriors are still not opponents of the geniuses.

But for Xiao Yu's miraculous city forces, at least in the growth of the first-level knight and the first-level knight to promote the second-level knight.

Xiao Yu does not lack this white radish and ginseng!

Encounter that kind of warrior with great potential, don't mind to part the blood of Bimon monster to help them advance to the Grand Knight.

After all, if Xiao Yu’s current Divine Guard Army can spawn 10,000 big knights, then he wouldn’t be able to stop the gods and buddhas, and sweep the continent, not to mention the white beast king and the black beast king. Run again.

The same will be killed by the big knights on the beach?

Then you don't need so much troubled hands-on, and you have been preparing for so long.

Under the setting sun, the surviving officers and soldiers in the valley piled up the boar corpses like mountains, and set them on fire.

The corpses of the companions were temporarily identified and piled up in different categories, waiting for the reinforcements to arrive before being sent back to the country.

"Bena, the giant who just watched the battle, is the great Son of God itself."

The knight commander also recovered a little physical strength at this time. After he finished the command, he walked to the knight and whispered:

"As for the female knight who saved us, I am right, it should be Her Royal Highness Princess Alice, the little princess of the egret kingdom."

"It is rumored that she has the blood of the Valkyrie, and she has been awakened~ I was suspicious. Now it seems that this rumor should be true."

"But if it wasn't for her to join the maid of miracles, or the power of the Egret wouldn't make her so powerful in such a short time?"

"Uncle... do you say that, do you want me to go this way too?"

Bena's silver teeth are slightly important.

After today, she was shaken by her aversion to being a maid of the Son of God.

Her keen instinct can feel that the girl who rescued herself has a steady breath, noble and elegant temperament, without any clutter and impatience.

Obviously... she did not do all sorts of unspeakable secrets by giant monsters like the Son of God like those villains.

"Being a maid of the Son of God... is actually not as scary as imagined?"

Thinking about Bena like this, she unconsciously squeezed the silver seal in her hand.

The knight commander looked at secretly prayed that his talented niece could put down his heart and become a maid of the Son of God.

After all... from the point of view of the knight commander family, if there is a person in the family who is under the pillow of a son of God.

The surrounding environment of the family will be greatly improved and convenient.

If Bena had good luck and gained the trust of the Lord’s Son, it would become my existence as the singer Ji Feiya.

Well...they, Bena's family, must be able to rise and rise, and it is not impossible to become a newcomer in the Kingdom of Phylland!

You never see the egret kingdom in this battlefield.

It was because of the status of Princess Alice in the maid of the Son of God that the royal family of the Egret Kingdom was still as stable as Mount Tai when its power was severely damaged?

"Bena, go!"

"Neither me nor the whole family will pray for you in my heart..."

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