My Little Country

Chapter 504: Do whatever you want

Qixingpai's head was crying while hiding from the side because he couldn't think about it.

The detection continues in an orderly manner.

Even as Xiao Yu became more and more proficient, the detection speed became faster and faster, and the tens of thousands of people who climbed the mountain today began to decrease at a rate visible to the naked eye.

At the foot of Zhenwu Mountain, there are many losers who were forced to bring it down. They clamored that Zhenwu Guan wanted to open the back door to relax the standard, or simply broke the jar, and questioned whether there was a heavy shadow in the Dawushan Gate of Zhenwu Mountain. .

I also feel that there is a special energy in the air on the mountain. I realized that it would be beneficial to stay there for a few days, and the nobles and dignitaries started to move, trying to stay in Zhenwu Mountain for a few more days through the power of relationship or money.

However, the court of this conference paid much attention to it. Where dare to open this mouth and give Jianxianmen a bad impression of being unreliable?

Those nobles who have always been unfavorable have failed this time.

They did not let them give up, but made them more eager.

Many people of insight are keenly aware that the housing prices near Zhenwu Mountain are probably not going to soar again!

If there is no other extraordinary force to emulate this Jianxianmen to engage in such a move.

I'm afraid it won't take long for this land in Zhenwu City to surpass many prosperous cities in one fell swoop and become the most expensive city in the world, right?

After all, what are the advantages of a good geographical environment and the concentration of regional industries? Where is the attractiveness of the opportunity to repair a fairy that can achieve longevity?

As time went by, among the mountainsides of Zhenwu Mountain, the last batch of students shone.

Ampangfu and other foreign friends together as the last batch of testers, or calmly or panic watched the soft light coming out of their bodies.

Ampangfu felt at this moment that the stone from Master Qingming Yinyang Master suddenly felt cold.

He had just realized that Qingming Yinyang Master would help him cheat.

Immediately he saw the light radiating from him and suddenly became huge and dazzling.

Ampangfu remembers the brilliance of those who were selected in front of him, maybe a few were bigger than himself, but none seemed to be as bright as himself.

The light is a little strange, why is it green? In order to surround the sky above his head, he always felt that his back seemed to be stared at by thousands of people with weird eyes, which really upset him!

This strange change is not due to Master Qingming Yinyang Master, right?

For his radiant scene, Ampangfu was not very proud of it. He knew in all his heart that it was the result of cheating.

Anpei Kangfu is one of Xiao Yu's key concerns. Naturally, he saw the talent of this guy for the first time, and he nodded gently when he saw the light.

"Actually a gift for being close to nature!"

"Oh, this is the talent of the best farmers."

Xiao Yu blinked and made a decision in his heart.

The position of the leader of the farming team in the country of cherry blossoms was decided to be this Ampangfu!

I hope he can do his duty well and lead his family and country to become his outstanding planters!


Anbe Kangfu, who was thinking wildly, suddenly heard an indifferent voice ringing in his ears. He couldn't help but feel happy, and quickly walked out and was led by Zhenwu Guandao to the rest area to wait.

In the rest area, Ampangfu suddenly realized that the tens of thousands of people who participated in the election this time, only 2,000 people left here can continue climbing.

Only the first level, the pass rate is less than one-twentieth!

This fairy tale... how hard to find!

Fortunately, I am Ampangfu, with the support of Master Qingming Yinyang Master behind him, I will be able to pass!

As the last group of people tested, the official staff invited all the losers to leave the mountainside platform, and then picked up those who had the recommended quota but failed to temporarily go to the lounge.

The people on the mountainside started talking in a low voice, guessing when the second round of tests would begin!

At this time, Xiao Yu's thoughts moved, and the undead knight Luo Xiaoying came on stage!

Luo Xiaoying, who stepped on the Andean Condor, flew down from the top of the mountain with a residual image, and came to the top of the crowd.

Just looking down slightly, Luo Xiaoying’s eyes were overflowing, and the extraordinary prestige of the undead knight who had overflowed his eyes had been released. In conjunction with the magic circle on the mountainside platform, he suppressed the more than two thousand lucky people present.

Detective Jiang or Anpei Kangfu both looked up at the Jianxianmen apprentice, as if they saw a pair of eyes that were not a living person, even more ruthless than a beast.

Coupled with the sudden feeling of oppression that allowed Hanmao to stand up.

They were shocked together, but they did not dare to act rashly, let alone speak.

So when Luo Xiaoying debuted, the scene that had just been noisy suddenly became quiet, and then only the voice of Luo Xiaoying echoed on the platform on the mountainside.

"Everyone who can continue mountaineering, at least you have the basic conditions for talent cultivation."

"But in order to enter the sect, in addition to talent, perseverance, and wisdom are also indispensable."

"The next round of testing is simple."

"Climb to the top of the mountain and just reach the main hall of Zhenwu Temple."

After finishing the speech, Luo Xiaoying, the head of the road, drove the Eagle City flying near the mountain road.

"So simple?"

Several talented ordinary people blinked and watched Luo Xiaoying fly away before daring to mumble.

"There must be some test hidden in this mountain road!"

"No matter, it's here, and it's impossible to give up halfway!"

"Maybe the first person to board Zhenwuguan can have a good impression!"

With that said, several young and vigorous youngsters came out first and climbed the mountain road.

"It's so cold!"

These pioneers didn't walk for tens of meters, they felt a coldness surrounding themselves, making them lose a lot of heat.

Their expression fell in the eyes of many people with telescopes, and many people realized that the temperature on the mountain might start to become lower.

A few of them read Xiuxian novels and feel that this mountaineering road will become a question, and it is possible that they will fall into the illusion and test themselves during the mountaineering process!

The thoughts of these people... are excellent.

Speaking of which, Xiao Yu wanted to do this after reading several Xianxia novels at But after recounting his capital, the ruthless reality made Xiao Yu give up this bold idea.

Although there is no shortage of witchcraft wonders in the Wizarding School of the Little China that test students' minds.

However, these witchcraft wonders are not world wonders. They are effective for ordinary people in the small country, but they are not very useful for people in the real world more than 100 meters high...

It was Xiao Yu who had to choose a trick to increase the mystery of this hiking trail.

The first is to arrange Yin Qi witchcraft, so that those who climbed the mountain road are cold and white.

Then, the spiritual shock wave of justice is used to make those who are not talented enough to retreat.

As for how to determine the talents of these people without instruments?

Uh huh!

Naturally, Xiao Yu himself did it casually!

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