My Life Simulator

Chapter 11: 1st counterattack

     "Intelligence game?"

   Liu Qin was drawing a cartoon in his notebook, and when he heard Lu Li's words, he raised his head in surprise.

   There are boys who are willing to play intellectual games with me?

   Boys are face-saving, they just want to show their strength and strengths in front of girls.

  Intellectual games...Well, I try to think as long as possible, don't let him think that IQ is crushed too badly!

Hey! Too high IQ is also a problem. I think everyone is mentally handicapped, it is really inconvenient to get along with classmates!

   As for pretending to be unable to answer, pretending to admit defeat...for such a simple thing, it is too difficult for me to pretend not to.

   "Okay! What game do you want to play?"

   Liu Qin closed the notebook and smiled at Lu Li, "I haven't played an intellectual game in a long time!"

   I haven't played for a long time, one wants to play with me, even my mother is not allowed to play mahjong, saying that I am recording cards.

   I really did not deliberately record the cards. My memory is too strong, I can't help it!

   "Huh? Lu Li, you want to play an intellectual game with Liu Qin?"

   Liu Qin's deskmate Wang Min, looking in front of a small mirror, trimming his eyebrows, he looked over in shock when he heard what intelligence game Lu Li was going to play with Liu Qin.

   "Is anyone still daring to play intellectual games with Liu Qin? We are not afraid to fight with Liu Qin when we fight the landlords!"

   Wang Min looked at Lu Li's eyes full of pity, as if to say: What blow have you been? Why are you looking for abuse?

   Lu Li is not here to find abuse, he is just here to make achievements.

   It's time for exercise between classes. It happened to be raining today, and there was no breaktime exercises, and the students were free to move around. There are a lot of empty seats in the classroom.

   "Liu Qin, my game tests memory."

Sitting across from Liu Qin, Lu Li randomly pulled out a book from his classmate’s desk, “This is a...well, a geography book. Let’s take the same book. You can quote a number at will and choose a page. Ten minutes Time, let’s see who will remember more when we race.

   "Better than memory? Okay!"

   Liu Qin blinked his eyes, a little speechless, and had no expectations for this "game".

   Memory, isn’t this my strength? How dare you compare memory with me? What gives you confidence?

   "Take out your geography book. Then, you just say a number and choose the number of pages."

   Lu Li lifted the geography book in his hand and motioned to Liu Qin to start acting.

"it is good!"

   Liu Qin nodded, took out the geography textbook from the desk, placed it on the desk, and looked up at Lu Li, "Just choose page 123. Ten minutes, right? So..."

   Liu Qin turned his head to look at Wang Min, who is at the table beside him, "Wang Min, you will time us."

   "You...really compare?"

   Wang Min glanced at Lu Li, sighed, and took off the digital watch on his wrist, "That's fine, I'll time you. Prepare..."

   Lu Li and Liu Qin looked at each other, and the two opened the geography textbook together, turning to page 123.


   Wang Min waved his hand and pressed the electronic watch timer.

   Lu Li looked down at the opened book page, one second... finished, all the contents of the whole page are remembered clearly. It's just such a hanging!

ten minutes? Ha ha! I only need one second. It only took ten minutes to talk for not wanting to be too shocking.

   Defeating a real Xueba, even if it’s just a small game, there should be an achievement badge!

   Liu Qin, a true scholar, is a gold mine, and she can definitely get a bunch of achievement badges from her.

   Even if the memory was completed in one second, Lu Li still pretended to try hard to memorize and recite. He waited until Wang Mei called out "Time is up", then closed the book and raised his head.

   "How many did you write down?"

   Lu Li stretched out his hand and pressed the geography book, raised his eyes to Liu Qin, and asked.


   Liu Qin smiled slightly, "How about you?"

"me too."

   Lu Li nodded, "Now, the rules of the game are: For the page just now, we ask each other. Who can't answer, who loses. Ladies first, you ask first."

   "Very good!"

   Liu Qin glanced at Lu Li deeply, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and thought: Did he really remember it? Actually let me ask questions first.

   is true or false, as long as I ask a question, it will be verified immediately.

  "Please listen to the question: What is the content of the first sentence of the third natural paragraph on this page just now?"

   Liu Qin put his hands flat on the desk, and looked at Lu Li with a smile.

   "The first sentence of the third paragraph reads: The mantle is about 2,865 kilometers thick and is mainly composed of dense rock-forming materials. This is the largest and most massive layer in the Earth's interior."

   Lu Li said the answer without hesitation.

Huh? Does he really remember?

   In ten minutes, did he really finish this page?

   A look of surprise flashed across Liu Qin's face, very surprised by Lu Li's performance.

   "Really memorized it? Impossible, right?"

  Wang Min quickly picked up the geography book, turned to page 123, carefully compared it again, confirmed the answer, but still felt unbelievable.

   "Now it's my turn to ask questions."

   Lu Li's face was indifferent, "Listen clearly, my question is: the last line of the fourth natural paragraph, the fifth last word, what is it?"

   This question... really tricky!

   The expression on Liu Qin's face became serious, frowned and thought for a while, then gave the answer: "Rock! Rock of magma!"

   Have you answered all this?

   deserves to be a schoolmaster! Awesome!

   Hearing Liu Qin's answer, Lu Chengli secretly exclaimed.

   In order to improve his achievements, he asked tricky questions, but Liu Qin actually answered it.

   Lu Li can remember clearly because he opened up. But, Liu Qin...well, she was born for her by God.

   "Now it's my turn to ask questions."

   Liu Qin sat down and became serious, "Please listen carefully, my question is: How many characters are there in the last natural paragraph of the text? The earth?"

   "There is no "地"! The last natural paragraph is only half a sentence, and the following content is on the next page."

   Lu Li glanced at Liu Qin and thought: Would you like to deliberately mislead me? Ha ha! I have never forgotten, UU reading can even remember the punctuation.

   actually answered? This guy... is a rival!

   Liu Qin raised his brows and thought: I didn’t see it! The memory is so strong when the mountain is not dew in normal times? The strength is not below me!

   At this moment, Liu Qin felt like "finally found his opponent".

  Since childhood, because of her high IQ, Liu Qin learns everything fast and is strong at everything, always feeling "invincible and lonely".

   Now that he discovered Lu Li, the "adversary" that had been hidden, Liu Qin was inexplicably excited.

   Lu Li didn't care what Liu Qin was thinking, he was busy making achievements!

   Must ask a question she can't answer! In order to achieve the badge, don't blame me for the killer.

   "It's my turn."

   Lu Li raised his head with a serious face, "Listen well, my question is: How many commas are there in the third natural paragraph?"

   "Huh? Comma? What the **** is this? It's too much!"

  Wang Min, who was "looking at the gods" by the side, heard Lu Li's question, was shocked and angry, and jumped with anger.

   This question is indeed too poisonous.

  Who will memorize punctuation?

   Liu Qin frowned tightly, pondered for a long while, but couldn't give an accurate answer, so he could only sigh helplessly, "I can't answer."

   "The correct answer is: five commas!"

   Lu Li laughed, "This game...I won!"

   Successful counterattack!

  Achievement badge arrived as expected.

   "The player gets the achievement badge: Counterattack (Level E)."

   "You have defeated a real academic bully, although it's just a trivial game."


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