My Lady Fairy

Chapter 1201

"a long time ago, in a beautiful country, there lived a king and queen who longed for a child." The first act began slowly with a girl's narration.

In order to enable every child to participate, the teacher also took great pains to write the script, and even let several children who dared not to go on stage wear good-looking costumes to read the narration in turn.

The previous senior fairy tale drama performance used Chinese, but Qiqi's classmates in this class are not good, too young, in the middle is not good enough, simply can't reach the level of reciting lines.

No matter how well the lines are read, it's the children's performance that matters, isn't it?

But when the "King" and the "Queen" came out, the parents all laughed, because the child who played the king had glasses with white beard on his small face, which was particularly interesting.

However, maybe everyone's laughter scared the children, and they stood there at a loss, timid, so pathetic.

"It doesn't matter!" "Come on!" The parents quickly made up for it and cheered them up. After all, it is the youngest grade child, and it is inevitable that something will happen.

Their nervousness gradually disappeared under the encouragement of the gentle smiling faces of their parents. However, they looked at each other and didn't say their lines. Both children forgot their lines!

The adults secretly gave the two children a sweat. Seeing their flat mouths, they were anxious to cry. At this time, the girl playing the queen looked backstage for help.

At the shelter of the curtain next to it, a soft voice came out: "God", although the voice was very low, at this time everyone was quiet, so it was heard clearly.

Yang Guo pulled La fangbeibei's hand and said, "that's Qiqi!"

Anyway, someone suggested that the children finally remembered their lines.

"God! We are all good kings and queens. Please give us a child!" The "King" and the "Queen" read out in an uneven voice, it doesn't matter, flaws don't hide their flaws.

Finally, God appeared in front of the king and queen with snow white. The plot went through very badly, making parents laugh up and down.

Qiqi came out and hugged the queen. Yang Guo saw that the little guy's eyes were scanning the audience flexibly. She still had time to find someone in the performance!

Fang Beibei took a DV -- Yang Guo bought it specially for today -- on the video, so he didn't realize this. Instead, Yang Guo felt his daughter's search for the first time. He immediately waved his arm excitedly and greeted Qiqi.

Qiqi found her father at once, and her beautiful big eyes suddenly bent into crescent moon.

After this scene, Qiqi also returned to the backstage, followed by the Queen's death, and the bad new queen came to the stage.

It's fun, because in addition to the main roles, there are children performing trees and children performing mirrors.

"Magic mirror, who is the most beautiful woman in the world?" The plot suddenly changed. After receiving the reply from the magic mirror, the bad queen ordered two bodyguards wearing "armor" to kill Snow White.

Qiqi finally comes out again! Yang Guo immediately took up 12 points to enjoy her daughter's performance.

When the bodyguard drew out his knife to kill the princess, he saw the princess who was picking flowers carefree. Snow White was pure and kind, just like an angel.

This is an adjective, which is difficult to be reflected by performance or lines, but Qiqi is almost acting in her true colors. Looking at it with her clear and flawless eyes, almost every audience is reminded of these characteristics of snow white.

The bodyguard didn't start at last. They let snow white escape to the forest.

Snow White fled into the forest and became good friends with seven dwarfs. Everyone had a line, and every child performed very well, and Qiqi did the same.

She didn't learn acting, but because memorizing lines was no effort for her, she spent more energy on doing actions!

Other children will more or less forget a few movements, and even stand still in place. It's nothing at all. After all, the audience doesn't have high requirements for children. It's interesting to watch children act.

But because Qiqi can complete those actions, it seems that the snow white played by Qiqi is more vivid and cute.

Yang Guo whispered in Fang Beibei's ear, not stingy of his praise for his daughter's performance. Fang Beibei turned the DV with a smile and said to Yang Guo, "did you make it or not, your voice has already been recorded!"

Yang Guo raised his V-shaped hand and said with a hehe smile, "don't shoot me! Shoot Qiqi quickly! Qiqi is coming up again!"

It turned out that the wind and cloud suddenly changed, and the bad queen who found that Snow White was not dead went to murder snow white with a poisonous apple, and the kind snow white bit down with a red apple.

"It's really delicious!" Yang Guo was surprised to see that Qiqi really bit on the apple.

The little guy was silly and said happily to the bad queen, "it's delicious!"

This line was designed by the teacher, but it was really a good laugh, and the parents were amused.

The plot continued, but snow white, who was killed by the poisonous apple, lay on a stage surrounded by flowers, and there was no part of Qiqi for the time being.

"This is my most unhappy link!" Yang Guo looked at the prince played by the black child. He curled his lips and muttered in his heart.

He didn't say it here, worried that others thought he was racist, because there were many foreign parents around.

But Yang Guo really doesn't have racial discrimination. He just feels jealous when he sees a child kissing his daughter! Where does it matter whether the other party is a child or an adult, black or white or Chinese?

Yang Guo didn't care much about the plot and the lines. He just looked at the black child step by step and walked to Qiqi lying in the flowers.

"Hey, no kiss, just touched the hair, and still touched the crown!" Yang Guo's wide eyes suddenly became eyebrows, and his mood suddenly became as clear as the blue sky on Baiyun Mountain in April.

Fang Beibei snickered. She had just been held by Yang Guo, but she clearly felt Yang Guo's inner struggle.

With great difficulty, Yang Guo stayed up until the end of Qiqi's fairy tale performance. He couldn't wait to stand up and applaud for Qiqi.

Although all the parents were applauding, Qiqi smiled more like a crescent moon, and only her father's two exaggerated thumbs stood up in her beautiful eyes.

After the performance, Qiqi didn't need to remove the props like other children, but was directly carried back to the seat by her father and his big skirt, and they.

"Qiqi performed really well!" Yang Guo smiled and hugged Qiqi without giving up.

"Hee hee! Baba, drama is so funny, Qiqi is so happy!" Pouncing on her father's arms, Qiqi was still wearing a crown, raising her small head and laughing softly.

"Snow White is your daughter? Great performance!" There were parents in front and behind, looking back at the warmth of father and daughter, especially a white elder sister who also thumbed up and said, of course, it was English.

"Thanks, she's too shy." Yang Guo smiled and pointed to Qiqi, who had covered her face and hidden in his arms, and said to each other.


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