My Lady Fairy

Chapter 1076

if you wake up one day and find that people all over the world are discussing one thing and playing the same game with their mobile phones, don't be surprised, because this is the Internet + effect created by the combination of mobile Internet and social software!

Yes, we are talking about flappy_ bird!

Back in Yangcheng, I resumed my normal life of taking classes and doing projects. One morning, Yang Guo took Fang Beibei to school and found that someone was talking about this game everywhere.

Of course, free flappy_ Bird's popularity is just the narrow sense of Internet +, which may be secretly promoted by the team of Feilong company, but they didn't create the overwhelming viral transmission in the later stage!

It's the difficulty of this game that makes everyone crazy!

When you get complacent in your circle of friends with a score of four points, soon someone has refreshed your cognition with a score of six points, which makes you have to fight back and try to prove yourself with eight or ten points.

Those who scored 20 or 30 points were almost worshipped by their friends, and even the screenshots of this achievement in the circle of friends were wildly spread.

flappy_ Bird is on fire, but it's not just now! At the end of August, flappy_ Bird has been on fire in omey country.

First, it was slowly discovered in social networks, and more and more people tried to challenge this little game, which is known as the most difficult to play in history. Some have lost their halberds, and some have won the appreciation of friends. This is the same as the current domestic popular model.

However, gradually, this trend spread from civilians to stars with higher influence!

Many stars and athletes showed their achievements in playing this game on their twitter. Some played well, scores or even threehundred points, and some were funny. Only by deliberately exposing themselves to the sun did they have a poor score, and then pretended to be glass hearted and cried.

Such behavior, not only does not lose powder, but gives people a sense of grounding, so that they get more fans like.

Yang Guo is not very clear about the situation abroad, but in China, the first week of September is flappy_ Bird's download volume in the domestic IOS software market has ranked first!

After Fei Long came back from Li Yang, he couldn't close his mouth with laughter, because their company's phone was exploded, and many advertisers waved money to throw money at them!

Some old brand manufacturers tried to buy this game, but Feilong refused very aggressively. Now they don't need money. How boring it is to sell their hard work! For Feilong and his lonely hackers, making a game to tangle up people all over the world is more important than making money!

When Feilong just introduced this game to Yang Guo, Qiqi played very hard until one day Yang Guo found that the little guy secretly took his mobile phone and was playing, and he was still hiding in a dark room, which made Yang Guo angry.

Yang Guo was worried about Qiqi's health and decided to strictly control the time she contacted her mobile phone. However, it took Yang Guo a lot of effort to let Qiqi quietly release the pixel bird.

"If Baba can play to the last level, Qiqi won't play!" Learned from Uncle Feilong that this little game has customs clearance, Qiqi has been red eyed and wants to play customs clearance, so she made such a proposal to her father.

Qiqi plays best with more than 270 points! This has surprised Yang Guo. How long will it take to get through the customs?

"OK, Dad promised you!" For her daughter, Yang Guo is desperate.

"Hook hook, do what you say." Qiqi pouted her small mouth and asked her father to make a promise.

"Can't be a puppy!" Yang Guo laughed and hooked her, then kicked the dog gold away and played on the sofa.

Yang Guo used to be laughed at by Qiqi for a long time, but is he really that bad? How? Yang Guo's ability to play games is stronger than anyone else. Qiqi still inherits from her father!

Yang Guo, who has strong physical control, quickly played the game skillfully, and his grades are getting better and better. From the earliest scores to the next hundreds, Yang Guo easily broke Qiqi's record.

"How many points did your uncle Feilong say the last level was? Don't play until dad's mobile phone runs out of power, and he still can't pass the level!" Yang Guo can also chat with Qiqi while playing. Just now he scored 563 points, but he hung up after wiping his sweat. This time, he decided to use both hands together. When his left hand was tired, he changed his right hand, and when his right hand was tired, he changed his left hand.

However, you can't play like this endlessly, can you? Must there be a hope?

"Qiqi doesn't know, don't know!" The little guy shook his head cunningly and refused to tell his father. She must know. Fat Dragon will tell her everything. That guy has been looking forward to having a child, and he can't stand Qiqi playing tricks on him!

Yang Guo glanced at Qiqi's dignified expression. The corners of his mouth tilted slightly, and he understood in his heart. Surely the last level won't be too far, otherwise Qiqi won't be so nervous.

So, Yang Guo played with his bow from left to right, playing!

The environment on the screen suddenly changed when you reached the nineth percentile. Nima, these green cement pipes are actually moving! The designer, Ruan Dongha, must have deliberately played cards against the rules! Not only does the cement pipe move, it is also laid out in strange patterns. Yang Guo accidentally bumped into the cement pipe and suddenly moved sideways and hung it

"I don't believe I can't handle you!" Yang Guo played from morning to afternoon, except for making lunch for Qiqi in the middle. Qiqi had already slept on the sofa

The first nine hundred points are relatively easy, and the last one hundred points basically increase the difficulty every ten points. In the end, there are big monsters that will spit fire with the flight path of birds!

But! Yang Guo played through the customs before Fang Beibei came back! Yes, tears are streaming down my face! This game can actually play customs clearance. However, after customs clearance, the boring and monotonous ending picture disappointed Qiqi: "Hey, Qiqi thought that in the end, something very interesting and interesting would happen!"

This also cut off Qiqi's interest in playing.

But there was a small episode in this, that is, after hearing Qiqi's call to complain, Feilong said he didn't believe that Yang Guo really played through the customs, so in order to prove himself - forced by Qiqi and Fang Beibei - Yang Guo just had to play again.

Qiqi was unconvinced, while Fang Beibei was very curious. She wanted to see the birth of this "miracle" with her own eyes, rather than listen to Yang Guo. So she looked at it and took photos with her mobile phone.

Why shoot video? Because Feilong said nothing, the video is proof!

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