Shortly after returning to the yurt, Old Patriarch came, and so did Humil.

Humil wiped his tears and wiped Lin Shuhang’s medicinal wine, but when he finally left, he burst into laughter, suddenly took the initiative to hug Lin Shuhang’s naked upper body, and said shyly: “Don’t do that in the future. You are my man, you don’t have to prove anything to anyone! No one can take me away from you!”


Although Humier’s Small freckles are not his type, but the gentle whispers in the dim tent and the girl’s breath like blue in her ears are really a bit…

But at the same time, Lin Shuhang suddenly thought of it. a very serious question.

The day after tomorrow is his wedding with Khumil, and Old Patriarch had already mentioned this when he came to see him just now, saying that the clan had already begun to make arrangements.

And if the expected danger hadn’t arrived by then, there would be two things that would make Lin Shuhang very embarrassed.

First, don’t you need a bridal chamber to get married? So is it a hole or not?

Second, although the real time is different from the time in the karma scene after the simulator is upgraded to version 1.0, it is only 10 times the time difference. equivalent to more than six hours in reality, it should be two o’clock in the morning.

I have to go to the school tomorrow to sign a contract and an official report. Until I find a way to make money using the simulator, I must not lose my job, otherwise, it will not be a small moth who is reading a book. Eating boss worms?

That would go against his original intention.

I will definitely go to the school report tomorrow morning. I can’t really get married and have children slowly in this simulator. If it is counted according to the school registration at 10 am, then he can only stay here at most. Six or seven days.

When the time comes Suicide?

 …scaring, whatever that brewing crisis might be, I hope it comes sooner.

After the old and young left, Lin Shuhang endured the soreness like falling apart, stepped on the Misty Step several times, and practiced the Fuxi small circulation method several times.

It is not a masochism, mainly because it allows the spirit essence to recover quickly, which in turn accelerates the recovery of the fleshy body.

Recovery is always much faster than development. After a few trips, spirit essence has reached full capacity again.

I can clearly feel that the spirit essence that has been restored is much thicker than before. If the spirit essence in the past was a thread as thin as a fishing line, it is now a bit like a woolen thread.

Well, I worked so hard to practice some wool…

I lay down all tired, and when I woke up on the second day, my tiredness had completely recovered. Last night, Humier’s medicinal wine was rubbed vigorously, and the bruises were not left, even the eyes were a little swollen, but it took a closer look to find out.

Another day full of energy!

Because of the injury yesterday, Humi Langtai thought it would take several days for him to recover, so he had already cancelled today’s morning class for him.

You don’t have to go to school to teach your children, so what do you do? Of course, it is to go to the grassland to find the lovely Kuotai Zhebie.

Unfortunately, I walked around and didn’t see it. Finally, I finally heard that he was drinking in Uncle Getai’s pub, and Lin Shuhang went straight to him.

As a result, the most powerful warrior of the Tufang tribe didn’t get drunk after drinking three cans of wine, but after seeing Lin Shuhang for a while, he didn’t say a word, he just fainted directly on the table, Can’t wake up screaming.

Really drunk and fake drunk… I feel like I don’t want to teach myself.

Lin Shuhang is very sorry about this.

Forget it, then practice on your own.

He went to the grass to practice wrestling for a while, and also found the students who were in class yesterday to practice against each other, but these students were completely incomparable with the broad platform in terms of strength and skills.

In addition, I witnessed Lin Muyuan’s death yesterday, so I would first cowardly practice against him.

In this narrow road encounter, the brave wins, and the wrestler, how can he still fall if he is cowardly?

After practicing for a while, the simulator didn’t respond at all, obviously it didn’t improve itself, which made Lin Shuhang suddenly lose interest.

It seems that you still have to be on a broad stage… If you practice martial arts, you have to find an expert to abuse yourself, so you can improve quickly.

After instructing the children to practice on their own, Lin Shuhang returned to the yurt.

Kuotai will definitely ignore him today. Although he can’t practice martial arts, it doesn’t mean that he has nothing to do.

He has to measure the latitude and longitude of this place!

If you want to bring the two parchment scrolls as family heirlooms to yourself two thousand years later, you can only bury them in a secret place, and if you want to find the buried things two thousand years later, at least, You need to know your exact latitude and longitude coordinates.

Lin Shuhang had already checked the information on the Internet and learned how to use the most limited conditions to measure the latitude and longitude when he had just made this plan, that is, when he returned to the airport in City C.

Frankly speaking, I don’t know if I don’t check it. I’m shocked when I check it. It’s really difficult and difficult…

Latitude is relatively easy to measure, mainly because Calculated by observing the altitude and moving direction of Polaris, this trick is quite useful in the northern hemisphere, and now he is in Mobei, which happens to be in the northern hemisphere.

However, this has to wait until night to see the stars, it’s broad daylight and it’s time to measure longitude, and that’s really the hardest part.

In the absence of a mobile phone or satellite positioning, there are generally two methods to measure Earth’s longitude.

The first is the moon phase method, which is calculated by observing the shadow changes on the lunar surface, but this method, not to mention the complexity of its calculation, the key is that in the absence of an astronomical telescope, it is purely No way, can you naked eye see the craters on the moon? Not to mention the precise shadow area.

The second is a little more reliable. It is measured by time. It mainly depends on the comparison between the height of the sun and the time difference on the clock in a day to judge how much longitude is missing. Earth is divided into 360 degrees, and a day is 24 degrees. Hours, then one degree is 15 minutes, so as long as the time is accurate enough to the millisecond, the exact longitude can be calculated.

But this is the same as the moon phase method that requires a telescope. If this method is really ancient, there is no way to solve it.

After all, Earth was the first human being to invent an accurate clock, and it was already in the 17th century, but Lin Shuhang is different. There is a system mall. Although only the primary level area is open, the astronomical telescope and clock In fact, there are such common supplies, and they are quite high level.

The clock is much cheaper, as long as 10 Karma Coins are needed, and the algorithm is relatively simple compared to the moon phase method, so this is the natural choice.

Of course, the so-called ‘simpler’, whether it is to use time to measure longitude, or to use the North Star to locate latitude, is for professionals.

For someone like Lin Shuhang, who is now learning and selling, and who even needs to check the North Star online, it is heavenly ascension.

Fortunately, after passing the prologue, the increase in spirit strength has improved intelligence to a certain extent. Things that used to look complicated in the past can already be understood after learning online.

No matter how difficult it is, as long as there is a method, it can be solved in the end, and the rest is just continuous experimentation and accumulation of experience with practical operations.

Lin Shuhang is really attentive to this. After all, if he can really bring something to himself after 2000, then this skill will be used frequently in the future. Yes, no matter how difficult it is, it must be thoroughly studied.

But this time he didn’t buy a clock. After all, when he first entered this chapter, he didn’t know what he would encounter. If he died if he entered, it would be a waste of Karma Coins.

But this does not prevent Lin Shuhang from taking the lead in learning and practicing. Of course, it is impossible to observe the height of the sun directly with the eyes, which is both dazzling and inaccurate at all.

Lin Shuhang asked Khumier for a bare long pole, and Lin Shuhang planted it in the open space in front of the house. Khumil thought he wanted to set up a flag, after all, he would get married soon Yes, after getting married, it represents independence. According to the rules of the tribe, it is possible to set up a flag.

So I was quite enthusiastic and active in making suggestions, thinking about whether the flag should be painted with a family logo or a Totem like a wolf, but I heard Lin Shuhang say: “No flag, this is a kind of scientific observation. , to measure the exact time of day and the height of the sun from us through the shadows left by the sun shining on the bamboo poles…”

Lin Shuhang crackle said a lot, but not for Humi What I listened to, but a process of continuous thinking and self-inspiration in concentration, some words even did not fit the preamble, and the words were inaccurate. After all, he was just a beginner.

But Humir was stunned when he heard it.

The sun? high? Scientific observation?

This…isn’t the sun changed by a big bird? This can also be observed? Observing for what?

Thinking about it, the little girl’s face turned red again, a few small freckles were clearly granulated under the sunlight, and the two eyes looked towards Lin Muyuan were even more overflowing with rays of light.

I don’t understand it at all, but I feel that my man is so smart and understands things that the herdsmen don’t understand. This is really… amazing!

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