My Italian

Chapter 382: National Progressive Party (Part 1)

The problem of the Italian economy, of course, is not urgent yet, and the potential for economic development has not yet come to an end.

Of course, the economic development of Italy in recent years has also brought benefits to people at all levels. Especially under the advocacy of the government and public opinion, nationalism has penetrated into all parts of Italy.

Of course nationalism is generally good, and it strengthens the cohesion and patriotism of the people. However, nationalism is not all good. There are also rational and moderate nationalism and narrow and radical nationalism classifications. In any country, there are two major classifications of nationalists.

And the difference between the two is sometimes blurred and very easy to confuse. And radical nationalism, in a way, is more inspiring, which in turn makes more people identify with it.

Therefore, in Italy, there are not a lot of people with radical national views. Especially in these years, Italy has also performed very well. It has performed very well in war and diplomacy. This has further allowed the radical nationalists to develop and grow. . Of course, the radical nationalists in various regions are not reconciled to their influence being limited to this, so the connection and even the union have become the intended meaning.

In Florence, a meeting of radical nationalism was taking place.

In the conference hall of the Hotel Gimenez, west of Florence, 294 nationalists are coming together to speak out about a common goal.

"Everyone, I think that our country is smaller than France, Germany, and Austria-Hungary, let alone cultivated land. Except for the Po River Plain, our country is basically a hilly terrain, and the cultivated land is far from the area and the yield. They lag behind, and our population has a high fertility rate because of its emphasis on family, and there will be 400,000 more people every year.

Ladies and gentlemen, the annual population growth has far exceeded the limit of our country's territory, so every year 200,000 Italians have to travel across the ocean to seek livelihood elsewhere. This happens every year, and we, as qualified patriots, cannot ignore it. Therefore, I believe that the current situation of overflowing population in Italy is also the reason why our territory is not enough.

For example, Tunisia, which is separated by a sea from our country, was originally the land that our country took the lead in developing. The French seized this area by force and made our country lose this area. You must know that Tunisia is a very suitable region, with 5 million hectares of arable land, and at least 4 million Chinese nationals can be resettled. "

Udo Cruz said here, and he deliberately stretched out four fingers to gesture, and his words were not unexpected, causing the biggest commotion in the venue so far. The people present were the people who thought they had the most patriotic enthusiasm. Of course, they also knew some of the actual situation in Italy. They could find an area with a population of at least 4 million. This kind of good place is really rare, even in North Africa.

Udo Cruz then continued. "We in Italy, apart from Tunisia, others such as; Savoy, Nice, Tyrol, Malta, Trieste, Dalmatia, Corsica are Italian-speaking Italians, and all these people desire Back to the big family of the Kingdom of Italy. We have the responsibility and obligation to bring them back to the Kingdom, even at the expense of their lives."

Every time Udo Cruz said a place name, there was a burst of cheers, as if these places had become part of Italy. No one felt there was anything wrong with this, and as to whether the locals were eager to return to Italy, that was a must. If he doesn't want to return to the big Italian family, then this person must have moved from another place to impersonate another ethnic group, and he is destined to go back to his place in the future.

After the cheers died down, Cruz continued.

"Of course, our future is bright, but the road is bound to be tortuous. These areas are still under the rule of other countries, so we need to create favorable conditions for the kingdom to complete the above-mentioned areas at a lower cost. Seize. In these areas, we also need to respond flexibly according to the situation. Although we want the above areas to return, we cannot let the kingdom make enemies on all sides, so the choice is very important.

Of course, all of this requires us to influence the government in the form of political power. So I appeal to like-minded friends here, we must unite, we need to make our voice heard by the people, let them be attracted by our lofty goals, for this we need our own newspaper, and our own organization, we should let The world sees the strength of Italy. "

Udo Cruz's words brought the conference to a climax. Everyone present expressed their views on the formation of a political force. Basically, everyone wants to see it, because it allows more people to see their voices.

As for Cruz, he retreated to the back for a little rest.

"Udo, your performance is perfect, and I believe that the new party is destined to have your place."

The speaker was one of the sponsors of the conference, Berti Liver, a grain processing businessman from Florence.

In the face of his financial master, Cruz was very polite. "Thanks to Mr. Levener for his generosity, otherwise, this meeting would not have been in Florence at all."

"Udo, I think your performance can become one of the leaders. I think you can provide some funding when I think about it. 500,000 lire should be enough to build a newspaper office."

"Mr. Levenle, this time you broke the bill. On behalf of the other patriots, thank you for your help. We will not forget our true friends."

There is no need to hit the drum with a heavy hammer, and Cruz certainly knows the other party's intention this time. But since you want to become a political organization, you must consider some practical issues. Enthusiasm alone does not accomplish anything.

Including this time to gather everyone together, this cost is not light at all.

"Mr. Cruz, it's your turn to play."

The assistant in charge of staring at the venue immediately urged him.

With a smile on his face, Cruz walked back to the front desk. "Everyone, on the issue of forming a political organization, I want you to listen to my views first..."

On February 17, 1897, the nationalists held a congress in Florence, and a new political party was born, the National Progressive Party, witnessed by 294 nationalists.

The highest decision-making level of the National Progressive Party is the Executive Committee. There are seven members of the Executive Committee, one of whom is the Secretary-General of the Executive Committee, who is responsible for some daily work on weekdays.

Udo Cruz became the first Secretary General of the Executive Committee.

Of course, the first major event of the National Progressive Party after its establishment was to create its own mouthpiece, the Italian Weekly. In order to show that the National Progressive Party achieved a blockbuster effect at the same time, Cruz himself wrote the first issue of the manuscript.

In the weekly newspaper the National Progressive Party published its own right-wing remarks. They believe that war is a force for "revitalizing the body of society" and that the progress of the entire human race depends on war.

War not only revives and renovates life in conquered lands, it also helps resolve Italy's internal difficulties, as it provides an outlet for excess inhabitants and opens the way for economic expansion.

In addition, the National Progressive Party has also published one of its most controversial propositions. They advocate the establishment of a country that includes Trieste, Dalmatia, Tunisia, Libya, Albania, Savoy, Nice, Malta and Corsica. The "New Empire of Greater Italy", including regions.

In this empire, there should be no culture other than the Italian culture. And they pointed out that the foreign aggression and expansion of the Italian nation was just and reasonable. The Italian nation must have its own war, without its own war, the Italian nation can only "play the role of a clay pot next to an iron pot".

In addition, in line with their claims of foreign aggression and expansion, the nationalists' program also contains their own domestic policies and guidelines, the main contents of which are: citizens' liberal democracy, socialism, and bourgeois liberalism must be the principles for internal governance. The archenemy must establish a complete executive power. Every citizen of the Kingdom has a role to play in working for the Kingdom of Italy. Only when the country is strong can citizens have more benefits.

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