My Italian

Chapter 264: complicated question

The village of Kolkit is located on the river Drin, only 31 km from the Albanian city of Shkadar. It is located on the main road from Albania to Kosovo, so there has been an endless stream of caravan pedestrians passing through the village, which also allows the residents of the village to benefit a lot from it.

Although the caravan pedestrians on this road were reduced a lot due to the war, the income of the village did not decrease much due to the frequent passing of the Italian army there.

On a new day, the villagers got up one after another, and they were busy with each other. The fruits and vegetables in the farmland were a lot of money for them. Although the rulers have now been replaced by foreigners from the Apennine Peninsula, years of experience have told them that if they want to keep themselves safe, it will have little impact on them. After all, they all need to pay taxes.

In fact, it is not just the local residents who have this idea.

Located two kilometers east of the village of Colket, there is a small military camp, where there is a company of Italian garrisoned troops, whose main responsibility is to ensure the stability of the surrounding area and keep the road to Kosovo clear at all times.

Today, however, the commander in the barracks, Captain Gurelella, received a different order.

"Are you sure it came from the division?"

Captain Gurelella has understood the order, but still wants to confirm it again.

"Yes, this order was issued by the teacher himself."

Faced with the slightly questioning words of Captain Gurelella, the messenger was not surprised, because nine of the ten commanders had asked this question. Although the questions are different, the core content is the same.

Hearing that the commander personally issued the order, Captain Gurelella stopped talking. Captain Gu Leila has not been in the army for a short time, and he also knows a lot about the temperament of the division commander Major General Brasso. This division commander of his own rarely gives orders directly, usually in the name of the division, and in his own name. The orders issued in the name of , are urgent and serious orders, such orders cannot be changed or questioned, and the troops below must strictly implement them 100%.

Since the messenger said so, even if Captain Gurelella has any doubts, he must strictly implement it.

After sending the messengers away, Captain Gurrella called the orderlies. "Call in the deputy company commander and the squad platoon commander immediately. Now we have a mission."

"As ordered, company commander."

As the orderly recruited the deputy company commander and the squad leader one by one, a meeting on operational deployment was held in the barracks. The meeting didn't last long, and it was over after an hour. After the meeting was over, and after the squad leaders had left, Captain Gurelella spoke to his deputy company commander. "Then we just have to wait for someone from the government to arrive."

The arrival of the government in Captain Gurelella's mouth is actually ready, but the Albanian Governor's Palace in Tirana has not yet issued an order.

Because Viscount Aykut Demir, the governor of Albania, is still a little undecided.

This Viscount Demir, who previously held a position in Italy, and this time he managed to become the Governor of Albania is also an expression of wanting to improve. You must know that before this, there were only two and a half governors in Italy (the governor of Sicily could only be counted as half due to many restrictions in the country). Just look at the Governors of East Africa and Borneo, they are simply half the prime ministers (last year, the Governor of Lanfang was renamed the Governor of Borneo, from the change of name, you can see Italy's ambitions for the island).

Although three new governors have been established in Italy this time, his ability to grab the second most important governor of Albania is also a performance of his ability.

To put it another way, the first and most important governor in the new establishment is the governor of Kosovo. Italy plans to spend the most money because of the discovery of large quantities of much-needed minerals in the region. Then there is the governor of Albania that he served. As for the governor of Libya, because the land is vast and sparsely populated, it is full of deserts, and no one wants to eat sand, so it is a position that is despised by others.

In addition to him, the governor of Kosovo, Mills, has just arrived. As for the governor of Libya, Haward Georgie, he has only set foot on the land with the army. It is estimated that there is still a problem with where to live.

It's just that they didn't expect that they were all in place, and when they were not familiar with anything, this terrible order was sent from China.

To expel all the locals out of the country, if this is an order given by another person, no matter who it is, even the Prime Minister, Viscount Demir would dare to spray him to the ground. This is simply making a mess, it just doesn't give them time to prepare. You must know that before they came, the plan was not like this. Now that they suddenly make earth-shaking changes, it will take time for people to adapt.

Although he doesn't like these pagans who believe in the Koran, he can't drive them away because of this.

The evictions, plus the delays in immigration, kept him and the new Albanian government too busy.

It's just that the person who gave the order, he didn't dare to say it, and could only execute it silently.

Of course, it is impossible for him to implement this policy alone. It requires a large number of officials, and this brings up another trouble, that is, most of these officials sent together with Viscount Demir are Not ready yet.

That's right, expelling the locals, it seems, is as simple as sending troops and officials to drive them away. But in fact, it is very complicated. Someone needs to receive it. In addition, it needs to plan the route, arrange the escort, and register the property.

In addition to this, there is another very important reason, which is to change the concept of officials.

Being an official in the colony and being an official in the country are two styles. In the colony, as long as you complete the work arranged by your superiors, at other times, you compensate yourself a little, and you won't be told anything. Look at the officials who have returned from Borneo and East Africa in the past few years, all with rich family assets, I don't know how many people are envious. In fact, the Romans are well aware of this, and this is a kind of compensation for them to take various risks.

It should be known that every year colonial officials caused nearly 100 casualties due to various diseases, accidents and other factors. Especially in Borneo, which has a tropical rainforest climate, accounting for 70%, how can people work with peace of mind without sufficient compensation.

As for the country, due to the stable environment and the political clean-up over the years, it is impossible to make as much money as it was nearly a decade ago.

In China, nearly 100 officials at all levels are sent to prisons every year for corruption and bribery charges.

And Rome's order to expel the natives was clearly intended to operate here as homeland. Since it is local, then the laws and regulations must be implemented in accordance with the local. This will disappoint many people, and Viscount Demir needs to adjust the mentality of these people first.

Viscount Demir, who had just finished the meeting, returned to his office and drank a large glass of water first.

"Governor, the military has come to ask again, asking when we will send people over."

Before he could catch his the secretary informed him of the military's urging.

"Tell them to give us three more days."

Hearing the secretary's words, Viscount Demir replied without raising his head.

Does he still know what the military is thinking, is it that he wants to gain more benefits from this operation. That's why he urged himself one after another. After all, the military has been here for several months, and he and the government officials have only been here for less than half a month. Taking advantage of information asymmetry, there are too many manipulations.

Viscount Demir is a person who is good at this, and can be used by the military.

So the first time he came here, he immediately arranged for someone to understand. From the information I have learned so far, Albania has a lot of property, and he needs to arrange for people to keep an eye on these properties.

In three days, it can be said to be fast or slow, but in any case, during the three days, the government sent many people to fight with the troops who were executed by the military.

An upcoming military security operation is about to kick off.

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