My Italian

Chapter 226: complex coping

Although the United Kingdom and Russia responded to the actions of Serbia and Greece, the reactions were not too intense. But to say that the two countries suddenly appeared to disrupt the situation this time, in addition to Italy, which reacted most violently, Bulgaria's response was fierce, or, in other words, more intense than Italy.

In Sofia, an equally heated meeting was unfolding.

"The actions of the two countries this time are definitely a conspiracy against our country. They don't want to see our country gain the Macedonia area, so they collude to embarrass our country in this way."

At the meeting held by King Ferdinand I, Stambolov, the prime minister, spoke with impassioned enthusiasm about his views on the sudden intervention of the two countries.

And his view attracted other endorsements, including Grekov, the foreign minister, who praised it loudly. "The prime minister is right. The purpose of the two countries this time is definitely to make our country better. They do not want to see our country regain Macedonia."

Of course, Bulgarians have their own considerations for such a one-sided attitude. Before that, although Bulgaria and Sehi were constantly filthy, they also cooperated in confrontation. The reason was the ownership of Macedonia and the two factors of Ottoman.

The territories of Greater Bulgaria, Greater Serbia, and Greater Greece that the three countries promote respectively include the Macedonia region. This is the reason why the three countries are constantly in turmoil, because these three countries are all competitive, and they all have plans for the Macedonia region.

However, because the Ottoman forces occupying Macedonia are too strong, they cannot be shaken alone, so cooperation is possible.

Therefore, in this relationship, the situation between the three countries is extremely complicated. Maybe today the two countries deal with one country, and tomorrow they will change allies and opponents for other reasons.

Of course, this situation would take a long time if it hadn't been for Italy's intervention, until the Three Kingdoms felt that they could shake the Ottoman Empire with their own power, and they would still consider doing something about it. Of course, the most impatient Greeks tried it once, but after being beaten by the Ottomans, they let the other two countries know that they could not act alone, and then there was a joint Balkan war.

As for now, due to Carlo's change to Italy, Bulgaria has now stood out from the original position that is not very leading, and it is strange that the other two countries do not jump.

But Bulgaria didn't take it to heart, as they felt they were really making a profit this time around. Can you find a strong ally and have no ambitions for Macedonia? Well earned.

That's why they are so angry at the Sehi countries who suddenly jumped into the war? This shows that they don't want to see Bulgaria occupy Macedonia.

Of course, although the Bulgarians are very angry, but they still retain their sense? Otherwise, the issue of the two countries' participation in the war would not be discussed in Sofia.

Facing the crowd of officials? Ferdinand, the king of Bulgaria, said. "Prime Minister, what do you mean?"

Ferdinand, who was born in the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha-Kohali family? Although he has served as the king of Bulgaria for several years, the current Bulgarian real power is basically in the hands of the prime minister. And his question? He also wants to hear the Prime Minister's opinion. Of course he said that? Also, let other officials pay attention to his prime minister to see what good advice the prime minister who is in power in Bulgaria has.

Facing the gazes of the king and other officials, how could Stambolov, the prime minister, have no idea, he said confidently.

"Your Majesty, fellow colleagues? At this time? Our primary task is still to complete the next operation to block the Thracian passage. Of course, we also need to ask what our allies mean. Of course, the relationship between Your Majesty and Austria-Hungary is ours. a way out."

That's right, in this complicated environment? Bulgaria is useless no matter how anxious it is. The primary goal must be clear? For the rest, it depends more on Italy, its ally. Of course, the prime minister has not forgotten the role of his own king? At this time, relying on this famous king may have unexpected results.

Stambolov's words? Let the people present secretly nod? He deserves to be a figure who can serve as the Prime Minister of Bulgaria? He thought of a solution for a while.

Of course, more people turned their attention to the king, hoping that he could stand up for the interests of Bulgaria.

Ferdinand I of course knew what they were expecting, and the Prime Minister's suggestion was very beneficial to him. After all, this was the first time he had participated in major political events in Bulgaria in a short period of time, and it was very good for him to improve his prestige.

"Since the Prime Minister has said so, then I will take the Foreign Minister to Vienna and Berlin."

The words of Ferdinand I made the people at the scene burst with praise for him, and compliments like His Majesty's wiseness were spoken without money.

Of course, Ferdinand himself knew how many of them were just talking casually.

When Bulgaria was discussing countermeasures against the actions of the two countries, there was actually another country that responded equally violently, and that was the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

In Vienna, a meeting of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is being held here. The question of negotiation also came from the question that came out of Sehi.

"Your Majesty, everyone, the actions of Serbia and Greece this time have a great impact. The telegram from Italy is asking about our attitude."

Count Gustav Karnoghi, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, spoke out the theme of this meeting in front of the Emperor and important ministers.

Of course, the telegram from Italy was just an introduction, and it was more concerned with Austria-Hungary's own interests in this war.

When Count Carnocki finished speaking, the Austrian Prime Minister Count Edward Taffey spoke up. "I think our country needs to pay enough attention to the war that is currently breaking out in the Balkans, because it is very important for our country to expand its influence in the Balkan map. Because the current war is suspected of being out of control, so I think that It's better not to interfere, but we can give our possible allies more assistance."

Obviously, the Austrian prime minister did not want Austria-Hungary to rush into the war.

"What Earl Taffy said is right, and I agree with it very much."

This time, the Hungarian Prime Minister Tissa Kalman, who is in charge of the power of the Kingdom of Hungary, is very famous in Hungary. So his words basically represent the attitude of the Kingdom of Hungary.

Facing the words of the two kingdom prime ministers, Count Karnoki, who was the first person in the imperial government, shook his head and said. "I agree with both of you very much, and of course I don't want to bring Austria-Hungary into this war, but I don't think the Bosnia and Herzegovina issue can be delayed any longer."

Speaking of this, Count Karnoki turned his head to Tisa Karman, the Hungarian Prime Minister. Because of the Prime Minister's interference, the Austro-Hungarian Empire has been unable to reach a resolution to annex Bosnia and Herzegovina.

It needs to be explained here that the Austro-Hungarian dual system empire requires the unanimous approval of the prime ministers of the two kingdoms when making major external decisions.

Does this feel incredible? There is no way. At that time, in the 1848 European Revolution and the formation of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, such a decision had to be made in order to gain the support of the Hungarians.

This also led to a huge increase in the power of the Hungarians in the empire, and any decision that might threaten its status would be strongly opposed by it.

The annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the eyes of the Hungarians, is a threat to their political status. Because there are a large number of Serbs in the area. Especially after the annexation of the region, the proportion of Serbia in the country will reach the top three. If the kingdom of Serbia is annexed, its population will be about the same as that of Hungarians.

In this case, his status in the empire will also be greatly reduced, so this is the reason for the opposition of the Hungarians.

In the face of the gaze cast by Count Karnoki, Hungarian Prime Minister Tisa Karman simply ignored it.

Seeing that the other party was not enlightened, Count Carnoghi could only turn his eyes to Emperor Joseph. As Emperor Franz Joseph I of course knew what this meant. At this time, he had to act himself, otherwise the Bosnia and Herzegovina issue would never be resolved, which would seriously affect the interests of Austria-Hungary.

"Tisza I assure you that the status of the Hungarians will not be diminished."

Facing the emperor's words, although Tisa Karman was unwilling, but facing the emperor's gaze, after several inner struggles, he could only choose to acquiesce. "Then do according to His Majesty's wishes. Our Kingdom of Hungary respects His Majesty's opinion."

Well, the biggest problem has finally been solved. Next, Austria-Hungary issued an ultimatum to the Ottoman Empire, asking the other party to give an answer to the Bosnian issue.

In the face of the Ottoman Empire, which had been extremely difficult for a long time, the pressure from Austria-Hungary made it impossible for them to refuse, so they could only agree.

Of course, they didn't get nothing. The benevolent Austro-Hungarian Empire still took out 2.4 million pounds to make compensation for the area.

However, this money does not have much effect on the current battle situation.

Of course, Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina, which further increased the turmoil in the Balkans and made the situation develop in an unpredictable direction.

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