My Italian

Chapter 214: next step

"My Italian New ( Find the latest chapter!

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When Javad Pasha was thinking about how to deal with the incoming Italian army, Durres, which had just been captured by Italy, was also busy.

In the port destroyed by the Ottomans, a large number of sappers in military uniforms are busy rebuilding the pier. They did a good job. In one morning, they repaired a simple pier plank road, which can make Duo soon. Ships crammed into the harbour gained direct access to disembark.

As for this pier plank road that was repaired, due to its insufficient structure, it can only unload things that are not too heavy such as soldiers and light artillery. Of course, this cannot meet the needs of the army, so these engineers are urgently repairing a real high-strength plank road. For unloading various heavy equipment.

On the other side of the wharf, Simone, who had just landed, looked at the busy situation of the wharf and spoke to the officer in charge of the repairs at the scene. "You have worked hard for the past few days. The port needs to be repaired within three days. The follow-up troops still need to land, so your burden is not light."

"As ordered, Your Excellency Commander."

In the city defense headquarters of Tirana, Lieutenant General Jawad Pasha is listening to the report of Major General Hashem, the commander of the 16th Division. "Lieutenant General, our current defense in Tirana is mainly divided into two parts, one part is located on the mountain pass points of the two Dinara Mountains, Vola and Vachary, which is mainly responsible for my 16th Division, and the other Part of it is deployed in Tirana as a mobile force, which is under the responsibility of Major General Halder's 31st Division, ready for reinforcements at any time."

While Major General Hasham was speaking, he couldn't help but glance at His Excellency Lieutenant General, and after seeing that he had no objection, he continued to speak.

"The reason for this arrangement is that although the Dinara Mountains are not high and not large at the same time, only about five kilometers, but since the mountain has only small roads, it is impossible to pass heavy weapons such as artillery, so we only need to send a small amount of troops to monitor. ."

Then Major General Hasham explained the weapons and ammunition reserves of the garrison in Tirana, as well as the training of recruits.

With his introduction to these situations, Lieutenant General Javad Pasha, the supreme commander of Albania, had a preliminary understanding of the situation in Tirana.

"Very well, you did a great job."

After praising the two, Jawad Pasha continued. "Next, you need to consider the arrangements for retreating when things go wrong in the future."

Lieutenant General Jawad Pasha's words made the two look at each other.

In fact, Lieutenant General Jawad Pasha said this as a last resort.

Early this morning, after receiving the news that Major General Ataturk had returned with the 21st Division, Jawad Pasha was shocked by the huge number of casualties.

There were more than 10,000 casualties, and only 6,000 people returned. How could such a large casualty not surprise him.

Although Durrës is located by the sea, it is not conducive to defense, but such a large casualty makes Lieutenant General Jawad Pasha feel that he can no longer fight like this.

Facing the words of their immediate boss, the two were very moved. Who wants to see that their opponents suffered heavy casualties, and as generals, they also know that Tirana, where they are stationed, is not a place to stay for a long time.

So after hearing the boss's words, the two nodded at the same time after a brief silence.

After seeing the actions of the two, Javad Pasha was also very satisfied. As long as the two could make the troops lose little, it would be very beneficial for the subsequent defense of the Dinara Mountains.

Just when Jawad Pasha wanted to continue chatting with the two, a notification came from outside the door. "Your Excellency Commander, Major General Ataturk has arrived."

Now that the person the boss wants to summon arrives, the two of them will naturally have no eyesight, and immediately choose a reason to slip away.

When he walked out of the door and met Ataturk, he stepped forward and patted his shoulder to show his encouragement.

After Ataturk took a deep breath, he stood at the door and said loudly. "Report, Ataturk, commander of the 21st Division, came to report."

"Come in."

The tone is obviously different from the previous two teachers.

In the face of such a situation, Ataturk could only bite the bullet and walk in.

"Do you know why I called you right away?"

Jawad Pasha, who was sitting still on the chair, asked him in a flat tone.

Facing Jawad Pasha's question, Ataturk bowed his head and replied apologetically. "Know."


"I didn't bring my troops this time."

Facing Ataturk's words, Jawad Pasha stood up immediately and threw the documents aside. Covered by the scattered documents, Ataturk stood there and didn't dare to move.

"Ataturk, you are good at it. Have I taught you before that you should not work so hard in Durrës. If the terrain is at a disadvantage, be smart and exit early. How did you bring the 21st Division, casualties? so big."

In the face of Jawad Pasha's scolding, Ataturk felt ashamed. "Teacher, I was wrong."

That's right, Jawad Pasha was the former commander of the 21st Division, but this happened several years ago, but what should I say, there is still something like emotion. Seeing that the troops he had brought before were beaten and half-crippled, it was inevitable to get angry.

As for Ataturk, although he was scolded by his old superiors, he felt much more at ease. It's better to be scolded than polite. This is not treating yourself as an outsider, but still treating him as a confidant.

Sure enough, the confidant was different. After some scolding, and after Jawad Pasha's anger subsided, he said. "Next, you will take the 21st Division and retreat to Prilep. I will let 6,000 people be drawn from the newly sent batch of supplementary soldiers, and the 21st Division will be supplemented first. The weapons and equipment are also the same."

Prilep is already in the North Macedonia area. It can be said that the next 21 division only needs to recover the combat effectiveness as soon as possible, because they have to withdraw from the Albania area.

This is a pay-as-you-go treatment. If it is seen by the rogue soldiers of the Anti-Japanese War in later generations, they still don’t know what their red eyes will look like.

However, after taking the benefits, there is still something to do, and then Jawad Pasha said again. "This time, I will add troops and equipment to you. You have to train these recruits within a month and be ready to be recruited by me again. At that time, if the combat effectiveness of the 21st division does not rise, I think you, the division commander, don't do it. already."

Give a sweet date and sound the alarm, Jawad Pasha holds the key to employing people.

In the face of his knocking and encouraging words, Ataturk stood up and made up his mind as if he had been beaten. "Teacher, please rest assured, if this will cause problems, you don't need to speak, I took off this military uniform myself."

"Very good, I have seen your determination, and it will depend on your performance."

Javad Pasha, who put on a pleasant expression, then pulled Major General Ataturk down and sat down. "At present, the 21st Division is the only unit that has ever fought against the Italian me what it is like to fight with the Italian army."

Faced with the teacher's question, Ataturk certainly knew why. Although the situation of the Italian army has been known from the data, but from the paper and the actual experience are two different concepts, it is obvious that Jawad Pasha needs the information that his client knows.

So about the specific situation of the Italian army, Ataturk told his superiors from his own feelings. It took him half an hour to talk about it. Most of the time, he said it, while Jawad Pasha was listening and memorizing, and sometimes he would plan his words and ask questions of his own interest.

After Ataturk had finished speaking, Jawad Pasha spoke to him. "You haven't slept all day. You are probably very tired. Go and rest."

After sending Ataturk away, Jawad Pasha summed it up. In total, Ataturk said a few points. The first Italian army was well equipped, and the Italian soldiers had a higher rate of shooting at medium and long distances than they did.

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