My Italian

Chapter 186: Combination punch (top)

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Although Italy and Germany are much worse off, the alliance treaty still has not been signed, because there is still a lack of another country, the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

So soon the two sides moved to Vienna, ready to discuss the renewal of the contract with Austria-Hungary.

In the face of the two teams of negotiators who came from Berlin, the Austro-Hungarian Empire also attached great importance to it.

Because the Triple Alliance Treaty is an upgraded version of the German-Austrian Alliance Treaty, it is also very beneficial to the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

However, the renewal of the contract, which was originally thought to be just going through the motions, has caused waves.

"Prime Minister Bismarck, we have seen the terms in this treaty, and our country believes that changes that are more in line with the interests of the three countries should be made."

As soon as the three parties sat down, Count Gustav Karnochi, the Austrian-Hungarian foreign minister and chairman of the Council of Ministers, opened his mouth to say that Austria-Hungary had different opinions.

One more thing, the Austro-Hungarian Foreign Minister has been concurrently serving as the chairman of the Council of Ministers for nearly two decades, because the Austro-Hungarian Empire does not have the post of Prime Minister, only the Prime Minister of Austria and the Prime Minister of Hungary. Traditionally, the Prime Minister of Austria-Hungary is basically the Chairman of the Council of Ministers, and this is concurrently held by the Chairman of the Council of Ministers. (It should be a translation problem, I think it should be the chairman of the Council of Ministers, but the steamed bread can't read German clearly, so I don't dare to change it randomly)

And the words of Count Carnocki made the German side feel a little stunned, and there was a feeling that things were about to get out of control.

Sure enough, following Prime Minister Bismarck's words, what Austria-Hungary thought should be changed, the Count of Carnoghi immediately expressed Austria-Hungary's opinion.

"My country believes that Article 4 of the treaty is somewhat out of date. For example, when a major power that is not a signatory of this treaty threatens the national security of one of the contracting parties, and the contracting party is forced to go to war with it, the other contracting parties are obliged to maintain the Neutral, I reserve the right to enter the war at an appropriate time. We think this needs to be changed."

As soon as Count Carnocki finished speaking, the face of the German representative immediately became better. Although Prime Minister Bismarck has already made some guesses, he, who has a good culture, still endured his inner displeasure and said. "Then how to change it?"

"We believe that it should be changed to other contracting states that are obliged to maintain assistance to the allies."

What Count Carnocchi said afterwards, which was similar to the previous Italian opinion, all required the support of public opinion and diplomacy from allies.

Faced with the words of Count Carnoghi, Bismarck does not need to say, it is a person who can see that Italy and Austria have reached an agreement in this regard.

Now Bismarck understands everything, no wonder Italy no longer insists, they are waiting to attack together after the round with Austria-Hungary.

Faced with such a situation, even Bismarck, who excels in diplomacy, is troubled.

Because Austria-Hungary is different from Italy, if a simpler word is used to describe the relationship between Germany and the two countries, then Italy is a friend. Although everyone is not bad on weekdays, but when it comes to critical situations, it is not a pity for Germany to say goodbye.

As for Austria-Hungary, it is a brotherly relationship. Although there is a little friction on weekdays, Germany will not give up Austria-Hungary in a critical situation.

Of course, this may not be accurate, but that's basically it. Otherwise, it will not be, after a few years of fighting the Austro-Prussian war, it will be drawn into an ally again.

Of course, in addition to the historical relationship of the same race, there is also the factor of France. As long as France remains a threat to Germany, its foreign policy will not change.

So Bismarck thought for a while after Karnogy finished speaking before opening his mouth. "As for your suggestion, we will consider it carefully, but I feel a little unwell due to the fatigue of the boat. I hope the meeting can be postponed to tomorrow?"

Yes, Bismarck also used a timeout. At present, Germany lacks intelligence support, so it is not known why Austria-Hungary also supports the Italian draft. It is a diplomatic taboo to continue talking without being familiar with the opponent's cards.

In the face of Bismarck's reason for suspending the negotiations on the grounds of his body, how could the Austria-Hungary side represented by Karnocki refuse to accept it.

"If that's the case, then Count Bismarck take a rest, we can wait."

With Carnocki's words, the three-way negotiation was put on hold.

And Bismarck, who hurried out of the negotiation venue, whispered to his deputy, Foreign Minister Weizsäcker. "Weizsek, it's not convenient for me to come forward. You can contact your friends in Austria and Hungary to find out what's going on."

Weizsek, who knew the seriousness of the matter, nodded silently to indicate that he knew.

Compared with the German representatives who left in a hurry, the Austrian-Hungarian and Italian representatives walked unhurriedly behind.

"Your Excellency Bakona, are you interested in having a drink together?"

Count Carnocki sent an invitation to Bakona beside him.

"I heard that the wines in your house are very famous all over Vienna, I am very honored to be asked."

The performance of the Italian and Austrian negotiators in this way will definitely shock the jaws of those who do not know it. When did the relationship between the two countries become so good?

In fact, this is not surprising at Because the two completely explain what it means, there is no eternal friend, only eternal interests. The two countries are approaching so quickly, precisely because interests are at work.

Italy's proposal to amend Article 4 was a pleasant surprise for Austria-Hungary.

Just open the map to see it.

Look at what countries are around Austria-Hungary. Germany and Italy are now allies, so don't worry at all. To the east, Russia is its rival for the Balkan competition. As long as they resist the threat of Russia, then the Balkan countries will be completely unable to withstand the various means of Austria-Hungary.

Although there are still some small countries around Germany, countries such as the Netherlands, Belgium, and Denmark have some huge ties with other European powers. Unless Germany intends to challenge two or three opponents, he cannot move at all.

This is also the reason why Bismarck is reluctant to revise Article 4. Germany's income from the revised Article 4 is too low, and it is completely making wedding dresses for the other two countries.

As for Italy, its land has no possibility of expansion, and it is restricted by France and Austria. As for the poor and poor Switzerland, its location makes Italy dare not touch it at all.

Although Italy has no possibility of expansion on land, but who made Italy have an excellent navy. With a powerful navy, countries along the Mediterranean coast can be invaded.

Of course, this also requires picking opponents, and the opponent that Italy has picked this time will at least not let other powers intervene.

Of course, in addition to this reason, Italy also made another huge commitment to Austria-Hungary.

So what is the promise, with such power?

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