My Italian

Chapter 163: Pre-Fearless Era (Part 1)

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How Cosenz trains new recruits, let's stop. Because the Navy is currently most concerned about the tender for new warships, the formation of the Marine Corps needs to be ranked at the back.

Out of the importance attached to the new warship, Admiral Gorek, as the Minister of the Navy, personally participated in the bidding work.

This tender requires the construction of three new battleships for the main decisive battle, so even if the requirements for the new battleships are so harsh this time, in the face of such a large contract, the major shipyards are also gearing up to get a piece of the pie.

Therefore, at the tender meeting, the shipyards brought their best warship plans, so they came with confidence. However, among the many shipyards, the Venice Naval Shipyard and Andorsal Shipyard are the most confident, because they hold the two best Italian warship designers.

And while the navy, which is presiding over the bidding work, has not yet come, the major shipyards have taken this opportunity to begin to exchange feelings. Of course, after this exchange, it is unknown whether any private agreement can be reached.

Different from the person in charge of the shipyard, the ship designers are much more simple. They are more about exchanging their own experience. It is impossible to design a warship behind closed doors. It is necessary to absorb the excellent ideas of others in order to make themselves better. However, unlike other designers, as the two most famous Italians, other designers do not dare to step forward due to their high status.

So in one corner of the venue, two of Italy's most outstanding warship designers were having a friendly exchange.

"Brin, you're not dead yet. I've been hiding in Genoa for so long without saying a word, I thought I was going to attend your memorial service?"

"Bran, don't be complacent, this time I want you to leave the venue crying."

The two were always on the go, but from their expressions, it was like two good friends meeting each other, but their words were not so pleasant.

Of course, this is also the reason why there are no other people around the two, so they can hear such words. But having said that, the two designers exchanged feelings, and which of them dared to join in the fun?

However, after a brief and cordial greeting, the two chatted about other topics.

"That's your heir."

Bernardto Bran pouted at Vittorio Cuniberti, who was sitting at the other end, chatting with other designers, and asked Benedetto Brin.

"I can't afford this title, I can only be regarded as a leader."

Listening to the old opponent's words, Brin shook his head and replied.

Facing Brin's answer, Bran suddenly turned serious. "I ask you something."


"The Venice-level outfit patrol you developed, is it yours or the young man?"

Facing Bran's words, Brin smiled wryly. "Didn't I say it before, mainly Vittorio is doing it."


"Yes, thanks to Vittorio, the main guard, I'm just helping to fill in the gaps."

Brin's words made Bran's eyes flash with a strange expression, but he hid it quickly and didn't let his old rival see it.

The short communication time always ended so quickly, and the people in the venue didn't chat for long when they heard someone at the door. "The Admiralty is here!"

Following this announcement, everyone in the venue immediately ended their conversation. They quickly and neatly stood at the door and greeted Admiral Gorek, who held the power of the navy.

The door was pushed open, and Admiral Gorek led the other high-ranking naval officials into the venue. His Excellency Admiral seemed to be in good spirits. After entering the venue, he had a friendly conversation with a group of people.

"Hello, Mr. Jamie."

"Hello, Your Excellency."

"Hello, Mr. Burnett."

"Hello, Your Excellency."


Conversing all the way to the end, Admiral Gorek came across two of the most famous designers. How to put it, as the most outstanding warship designer, there are some preferential treatment, which can be seen from the greetings of Admiral Golek.

"Hello, Mr. Bran, I hope your design this time will open my eyes."

"Yes, Your Excellency."

"Mr. Brin, I have high expectations for you."

"As you wish, Your Excellency."

The conversation between Admiral Golek and the two is obviously different from others, which other designers are completely envious of, which requires proof of strength.

After talking with all the people, Admiral Gorek took the main seat directly, and only after the others were seated did Admiral Gorek speak. "Okay, I will not delay everyone's time, and now I announce the start of the bidding meeting for new warships."

As Admiral Golek said that the bidding conference was starting, the designers in the venue took out their carefully prepared drawings, ready to go on stage to explain the details of their works to the Navy.

Of course, this needs to be done one by one, and the navy will start the roll call according to the order of the shipyard.

"Bologna Shipyard."

With the navy's roll call, the designer of Boloni Shipyard immediately came to the stage with the design drawings.

The Boloni Shipyard is located in Naples, a very powerful shipyard in the local area, building a number of cruisers and gunboats, and other ships for the Italian Navy.

Just looking at the Boloni shipyard in the whole of Italy is not enough. That's why the Navy puts the shipyard first.

There is no way to let the Boloni shipyard come to power first, which is also a painstaking effort of the Navy. If the Venetian Naval Shipyard and Andorshare Shipyard, which have two major designers, will talk first, will other shipyards still have a chance? With the Pearl in front, what kind of plan can I come up with to impress the Navy?

So this naval tender started with weak shipyards.

However, the designers of Boloni Shipyard have obviously failed the Navy's painstaking efforts. Under the explanation of its chief designer, this Boloni Shipyard's plan obviously failed to meet the Navy's requirements.

The Boloni shipyard gave a plan. It is a warship with a standard displacement of 15,500 tons, with a full load of 16,480 tons, a maximum speed of 17.8 knots, and a maximum sailing of 4,000 kilometers. The armor is in accordance with the requirements of the Navy, but the main belt is too narrow, which makes the Navy less satisfied. As for the artillery, it met the requirements of the Navy, but lost too many points in armor and speed.

So after the designer of Boloni Shipyard finished speaking, there was a lot of discussion in the Navy, which made the representatives of Boloni Shipyard feel a little embarrassed.

But fortunately, the Navy did not care too much, and continued to call the next shipyard to show its plan.

However, sometimes, giving opportunities is not necessarily useful, and the solutions proposed by several shipyards have their own shortcomings. Either the speed is slow, the armor is not enough, or it is the problem of firepower. I feel that none of their designers have come up with works that are satisfactory to the Navy, so they can only wait for the plans of the two major shipyards.

And soon, it was the turn of the Venice Naval Shipyard.

When I called to the Venice Naval Shipyard, I saw designer Bran walking on the stage with his own design drawings.

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