My Italian

Chapter 126: ready to brighten muscles

"What are you doing? Why are you provoking the Abyssinians?"

Holding Major General Bart's report on the loss of Adiquara in Eritrea, Carlo said something in his heart.

Of course, the report that Carlo read must be that Abyssinia provoked Italy in every possible way, and the Italian army must be faithful to its duties, but it was defeated when it was besieged by the Abyssinians hundreds of times.

Carlo took a cursory look at the report, and it was similar to what he thought.

Of course, what is the actual situation? It may be the other way around. Unless the Abyssinians are crazy, they will deliberately provoke Italy.

However, Carlo will not say these thoughts, because the Minister of the Navy and the Army is in front of him, and the Prime Minister is also there. How can the army be demolished at such a time. As a qualified politician, Carlow would not have done such an unwise act.

"What is your military's opinion on this?"

Putting down the telegram in his hand, Carlo looked at the two military leaders, mainly at General Saragate, the Minister of War.

Facing Carlo's question, Admiral Saragate, who looked indignant, immediately spoke in his full-hearted voice. "This is an Abyssinian challenge to the Kingdom of Italy, an act of war that must be dealt with severely."

Regarding the words of Admiral Saragate, Carlo then turned his attention to the other two.

"A blow must be given."

These are the words of Admiral Gorek, Secretary of the Navy.

"The Abyssinians should be taught some lessons."

This is the speech of Prime Minister DePretis.

Seeing the surprising agreement between the military and the government, Carlo was entangled in his heart. In such a situation, it is impossible for him to oppose the unanimous opinion of the military and the government.

Unlike the military and political opinions, in fact, he is not willing to do anything to the Abyssinians. This is not because he is afraid of these black uncles in East Africa. Although they have won the victory over the Italian army in history, it was in Italy against them. Done with insufficient attention.

200,000 to 17,000, and still in an ambush, such a failure is not too shameful. I didn't see that even the British could break their wings in the hands of the Afghans, and it was twice.

The main reason for Kahlo's reluctance is that the Ethiopian plateau is too barren. There is neither enough arable land nor any minerals. It is not worthwhile to use force against such a place.

If it is as rich as Sudan and has so many resources, let alone military and political opinions, Carlo will definitely push Italy to do it.

However, considering the opinions of both the military and the government, and this is the behavior of the army of the Abyssinian Emperor Johannes IV, it means that it has at least the acquiescence of the black emperor.

That being the case, if Italy does not come back with revenge, let alone the people, there is no way for the people to explain it. Moreover, Carlo started his career by anti-fa. If he did not express a tough attitude, it would be easy to lose his prestige. So he had to make a statement, this is also considered a kidnapping by human beings.

When it comes to choosing opponents, Carlo is very careful, because Italy needs to be called by opponents if it wants to accumulate prestige and show its strength.

As for right or wrong and the reason, it doesn't matter anymore. In this era, the big fist is the truth.

In this respect, Carlo has been perfectly integrated into this era.

"So what's your military plan?"

Carlo's words made the two military bosses secretly rejoice. You must know that the previous order not to cross the border of the Abyssinian Empire was strongly requested by Carlo.

Although I don't know why, both generals can feel that His Majesty does not want to conflict with them.

And now that His Majesty himself said that the military was allowed to do something about him, how could he not make the two generals happy? Of course, the main thing is that Admiral Saragate is more happy, after all, this will be dominated by the Army.

"Your Majesty, our military's plan is to deploy one brigade from each of the ninth division and the twelfth division, with a total of 10,000 people, to reinforce Eritrea, so that we have 14,000 troops in Eritrea, which is enough for Abyssinia. The Asian Empire starts a war. At the same time we have to choose a successor within it, and after we defeat the army of Johannes IV, we need a new emperor who falls to us and takes control of Abyssinia for us."

Hearing Admiral Saragat say the military's plan, Carlo felt speechless for a while. This was to compare the Abyssinians with the scattered African primitive tribes. Although such an army is large enough for the rest of Africa, it is not too bad to deal with Abyssinia, a brave East African feudal empire.

So after listening to the plans of the War Minister, Carlo shook his head and said. "There are not enough troops for this plan."


Carlo's words gave the two admirals question marks on their faces.

This is the data they obtained by referring to the results of previous battles, in addition to the troops used by Britain and France when they were colonized, and also considering the strength of the Abyssinian emperor, Johannes IV. Although the Abyssinian Empire has more than 200,000 troops, the army under the emperor's command is only about 120,000. The strength of one to nine is enough to deal with the emperor of the East African Empire.

Carlo gives reasons why he thinks it's not enough. "Because we can't just consider the army of Johannes IV, we must know that we are waging a war against Abyssinia, and the emperor has enough righteousness, so it is very likely that he will be supported by other forces. So I think This kind of force is too small, at least 40,000 people are needed. In addition, there is a conflict between Abyssinia and Sudan's Mahdi forces, and we should take advantage of it."

That's right, what Carlo wanted was to use the huge army and foreign aid to defeat the Abyssinians with all his strength.

He very much agrees with the words of Zhu Yuanzhang, the first ancestor of the Ming Dynasty, that if you don't do it, you must do it.

"I think it's too labor-intensive."

However, as soon as Carlo finished speaking, there was a voice of opposition immediately, and everyone saw that it was the Prime Minister who was speaking.

In the face of everyone's gaze, Prime Minister DePretis stated the reason for his opposition. "It's too expensive, and the government simply doesn't have that much money."

After working for a long time, I was still short of money.

Facing the Prime Minister's words, Carlo asked. "How much money can the government put aside for military spending?"

"At present, in addition to the reserve fund of 80 million lire, the government can provide a maximum of 30 million lire."

After hearing the Prime Minister's words, Admiral Saragate, the Minister of War, continued. "According to His Majesty's request to send troops, the cost of sending troops to Abyssinia this time should be around 80-110 million lire, which is calculated by limiting the war time to three months. If every month is extended, The cost will also increase by about 20 million.”

As expected of a cannon, gold is worth 10,000 taels. Once there is a war, the money will be spent like running water.

Of course, what Admiral Saragate meant when he said also used this to dispel Carlo's idea of ​​making such a move.

But he didn't know that Carlo was determined to promote this plan.

"Then issue war bonds, and the government will immediately issue a special war bond of 200 million lire."

Carlo's words made the two military bosses silent immediately. Since they were talking about expenses, now that Carlo was going to issue bonds as an excuse, of course they had nothing to say.

However, for the Prime Minister, these words made him feel crazy, and the financial revenue, which had finally improved a little, would be dragged down by this bond again. But seeing Carlo staring at his expression, he couldn't say what he wanted to object. This was a default.

Now that the issue of military spending has been resolved, the next step will be easy.

Taking into account the actual situation of the army and the terrain of Abyssinia, Bugui Carlo instructed the Minister of War in particular. "The troops to be transferred are mainly mountain troops. In addition, the Guards will also send two regiments to participate in this disciplinary war against Abyssinia."

That's right, Carlo also needs to let the Guards go to the battlefield to practice.

Now that they have decided to send troops, the two military bosses need to rush back to prepare, make plans, transfer the troops, and supply and transport them all. They are busy.

As for the Prime Minister, he also needs to be busy. In addition to issuing war debts, he also needs to negotiate with other countries to make them understand Italy's disciplinary war against Abyssinia. Otherwise, those countries will make small moves in private, which will make it more difficult for Italian soldiers to fight.

Carlo got a report from the guards as soon as he was about to continue his work after sending off the three military and political leaders.

"Your Majesty, the British Ambassador, His Excellency Behrens, asks to see you."


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