My Italian

Chapter 117: the situation is good

Carlo woke up early in the morning, and his hands were gone. He was just about to ask, but gave up after thinking about it.

But in the end, he was still worried. After breakfast, Carlo asked the captain of the guard.

"How is she?"

Although Carlo's words were thoughtless, how could the captain of the guard, who is a confidant, not know who the question was, so he answered immediately.

"Miss Nia, left early this morning. She took the earliest train back to Potenza."

Hearing the chief guard's words, Carlo suddenly said something. "Do you think I'm doing it right?"

Carlo seemed to ask, but the captain of the guard, Filimic, thought it over and over again before answering. "There's no right or wrong, it's just an inevitable choice when you grow up. Your Majesty doesn't need to be too entangled."

The chief guard's words of persuasion only let Carlo say a word. "No, you don't understand."

"Let me be alone for a while."

"As ordered, Your Majesty."

Yes, Carlo thinks they don't understand, maybe it sounds a little hypocritical, but this is the first love of Carlo two people, the first love is the most precious, and watching his beloved woman leave, it is fake that Carlo Ni does not feel heartache. talk. But the captain of the bodyguard is right. This is also an inevitable process of growing up. Although it cannot be happy, it is life.

Carlo will keep this memory in the deepest part of his heart, just leave a good memory.

When he came out again, Carlo had already put it down, because the country still needed him.

For Carlo, the most important thing at the moment is the pro-government ceremony tomorrow. While he has actually taken back power, there are still some names that Carlo needs.

For example, before this, the nominal power was shared by the regent, the speaker, and the prime minister, although Carlo regained most of the power through his own efforts. But after all, the name is not right, so he is most looking forward to the pro-government ceremony. After tomorrow, then he will become a legitimate power controller.

The current power structure in Italy is actually somewhat like the dual constitutional monarchy in Germany. The king is the controller and mediator of the power, while the prime minister just takes over the power of the government from the king. As long as the king does not agree with him, then no matter how good he does, he can also be replaced.

Of course, this is only a possibility. If the prime minister's public prestige is too high, even the king needs to consider the influence.

However, Prime Minister De Pretis does not have this kind of prestige, or there are no more than two Italians who have such prestige, Prime Minister Cavour is one, and Garibaldi is one. It's just that both of them have passed away, so now the Italian Prime Minister is more like the top official of the government and cannot be independent.

While Carlo was looking forward to tomorrow, in the Prime Minister's Office, DePretis, the Prime Minister, was a little troubled. What troubled him was the dispute between the two confidants.

"Prime Minister, tomorrow the king will hold the ceremony of pro-government. It's time to make up your mind."

Home Secretary Sabot looked at the Prime Minister sadly.

"How do you make up your mind? Do you still want to do anything? You can't do anything drastic at this time, or the Prime Minister may be replaced at any time."

The Minister of Commerce and Trade, Rivera, who is also a confidant, countered the opponent.

Sabot did not look at the Minister of Commerce and Trade, but continued to persuade the Prime Minister who was sitting motionless on it. "You are putting your hope entirely on the king. Although the king has given a guarantee, everyone knows that it is not advisable to put hope on someone else's guarantee."

"Then what do you want the prime minister to do? Do you want the prime minister to oppose the king's pro-government?"

Facing Rivera's rebuttal, Sabot felt a burst of anger. "I didn't say that I want to oppose the king's pro-government. This is simply unrealistic. At present, we need to focus more on attracting others. Before the king is in control of the political situation, we must start to be stronger."

"It's not to arouse greater suspicion, it's simply not feasible."

Facing Rivera's cowardly words, Sabot was completely angry. "Don't do anything, won't it cause suspicion?"

"At least this will keep the prime minister's job. As long as the prime minister is still in our hands, then the others won't..."

"Crack," the argument between the two henchmen was interrupted by Prime Minister DePretis.

"I can understand your pitch, but I know exactly how to do it, so I don't need to say any more."

Depretis' words made the two of them die again, but judging from their expressions, they were still not convinced by each other. At this point, Depretis can't help either.

Because the two of them are different, Rivera is a general of the pro-French faction and a strong political support for De Pretis.

And Sabot is much simpler, because he recognized De Pretis' political charm and came here.

So the two of them, one agrees with De Pretis' political philosophy, and the other agrees with his political charm. Although no difference can be seen on weekdays, it will show a difference at a critical Rivera is more concerned with factions, while Sabot is more concerned with the Prime Minister himself. So they slow down one by one, and these are all choices made with different considerations.

As for Depretis himself, he was in a dilemma, he didn't know how to choose. This is also his weakness, a little indecisive.

But now that his prestige is still there, the disputes between the two can still be suppressed.

So the two of them could only leave the Prime Minister's office in despair.

However, although they left, the tension between the two was not released at that time. I saw each of them glanced at each other, snorted from their nostrils, and left in tandem.

Sabot looked at the Minister of Commerce and Trade who was walking in front with a gloomy expression on his face.

After returning to the carriage, he seemed to have made up his mind.

"Love, don't take me back yet, I want to go around the street."

"Okay, Your Excellency."

The coachman's answer made him sink. Sabot felt a burst of anger at the indecision of the Prime Minister. How could he have taken a fancy to him at that time.

Forget it, it's important to change clothes.

Sabot took out an ordinary suit with a hood from the carriage and changed it without a word.

When the carriage turned to Rue Saint-Errez, he stopped the carriage. "You go back first, I have something to deal with."

"As per your order, Your Excellency."

When the carriage left, Sabot put on the hood. There were many celebrities living in this street, but this time his target was not them. It is an inconspicuous house on the corner of the street. Few people know that the palace chief Alejad lives here.

When he came to the door, he rang the doorbell with determination without hesitation.


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