My Italian

Chapter 114: Carlo who is difficult to advance and retreat

Governor Kairoli is flourishing in Lanfanggan, and of course Carlo, the king, is not bad at all. Now his life is very leisurely, and after many ministers have changed their attitudes, he can also come into contact with the daily work of a monarch.

Don't think that Carlo will be an adult in a year, and these jobs or powers will be in his hands obediently. If it weren't for his excellent performance several times before, let alone gradually gaining power, he might still be busy in his studies.

Now that he has power, Carlo will not let it slip away from his hands, so he has been working hard to adapt to this kind of life during this time.

"Chief of the Guard, have this document handed over to His Excellency Bakona from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

"Captain of the Guard, I have already read the plan of the Ministry of Communications. Let's hand it over to the Prime Minister."

"Commander, bring something to eat, I'm hungry."

Carlo took the simple food sent by the captain of the guard and listened to his next arrangement while eating.

"Your Majesty, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, I will meet with the Minister of Agriculture, His Excellency Macleide. The estimated time is one and a half hours, and then I am preparing to receive Bishop Malif. This is the bishop of the Palermo region. He is a friendly faction to our country."

Hearing this, Carlo couldn't help but said. "Why is that Pope Pius IX inspired by God, and the Vatican still has to choose a Pope who hates our country. They really plan to spend it with our country like this?"

Carlo's words could not be answered by the captain of the guard, because it involved too much, and it was not something that a little captain of the guard could interrupt.

Of course, Carlo did not expect the captain of the guard in front of him to speak, because the difficulty of getting along with the Vatican can be described as a stubborn problem in the unified Italy. With so many prime ministers taking over, there is still no way to take the Vatican. It's as if the tofu fell into the ashes, and it couldn't be beaten.

Let’s take the current Pope Leo XIII. The Pope sends Italy more than twice a year, on average, protest letters to protest against Italy’s plundering of the church. In addition, he also sought help from Germany, France, and Austria-Hungary to let them oppose Italy together. It is simply an anti-Italian diehard, shot ten times, and also leads the Vatican against Italy.

Of course, if the Pope's objectionable position is stripped away, this one is still very capable. He was resourceful and enthusiastic, and he attached great importance to the financial gain of the Holy See. Shortly after taking office, he acquired a large number of stocks and securities in Austria, Bavaria, France and Belgium. In addition, various enterprises were established, such as the Electric Motor Company, the Flour Company and the Bank of Rome.

Politically, Leo XIII inherited the views of his predecessor, Pius IX, and advocated that the Roman Catholic Church should resolutely oppose political freedom and democracy, oppose the separation of church and state, and oppose civil liberty and freedom of religious belief.

However, in terms of actual policy, he has shown greater flexibility. Shortly after he succeeded the Pope, in order to unite France against Italy, he pointed out that the Roman Catholic Church did not pursue only one form of government, but could accept any of the three forms of monarchy, aristocracy, or democracy. A form of hope for French Catholics to take back the Papal State in the highest interest of the Church.

Well, let's go back to it again. It's still the papal state. The people in the Vatican haven't given up on the papal state. With theocracy, you still want secular power. It's really a group of old stubborn people living in the Middle Ages.

The Italian government is very clear about the Vatican's actions, but given the Vatican's status in the world, Italy cannot do anything either.

Carlo sometimes really envys communism, at least he doesn't have the confidence to say, Pope, he has several divisions.

But now the Vatican issue doesn't need him to have a headache, the Prime Minister's headache is enough.

After dumping the pot, Carlo felt much better, and he was more motivated for the rest of the trip.

Carlo continued to work on documents after a simple lunch in the office.

Then there was a meeting with the Minister of Agriculture, and then a meeting with the Bishop of Palermo.

After these two things are completed, today's work will come to an end.

At the beginning of the lantern, Carlo, who was physically and mentally exhausted, had dinner with his family in high spirits. The younger brother, Prince Vittorio, is already seventeen years old, and the family's excellent genes look handsome... pretty... Forget about a dwarf. The two younger sisters are no longer as weird as the elves before, and every move they sit at the table looks very ladylike, but it is only when there is a flash of emotion in their eyes that they can feel their childlike innocence.

Carlo couldn't help but sigh in his heart, everyone has grown up a lot.

At this time, I saw that the mother Queen Margherita tapped the cup with a spoon and made a ding ding sound, which brought Carlo back to reality.

"Carlo, I have something to tell you."

As soon as he heard his mother's words, Carlo felt a headache. "Mom, as I said, I have no intention of attending the banquet at all. I need to focus more on government affairs."

Facing Carlo's remarks, the Queen Mother continued to speak. "Carlo, it's not about you alone, it's about the whole kingdom. It's unimaginable that a king has no queen."

After finishing speaking, the Queen Mother Margarita gave a meaningful glance, and stood behind a somewhat uneasy Well, the pain of urging marriage that Carlo did not enjoy in his previous life, this life Supplemented.

"Mother, I'm still young, so I don't need to worry about choosing a queen."

Facing the forced marriage of his own mother, Carlo felt a little overwhelmed.

"Why don't you worry, the choice of the queen is very important to Italy. It's not just what you like."

Mother Margarita said this, and glanced at the little maid who was about to lose her feet.

"Mother, this... this question, you have to give me some time to think about it."

"Then how long will it take you?"

Obviously, Carlo's delay did not achieve his goal, at least the Queen Mother Margarita didn't intend to let him go like this.

Carlo, who was stared at by his mother for questioning, didn't know how to answer now, while the younger siblings sitting on the side watched with relish that Carlo, the elder brother, was deflated in front of his mother.

"Mother, Vittorio is actually at the age of engagement, because as a king, it's hard to choose right now, but Vittorio definitely can."

Vittorio opened his mouth wide and looked at his brother in surprise as he used himself as a shield, and the spoon in his hand fell on the ground without knowing it.

"Mother, I'm done eating, goodbye."

Carlo, who didn't eat a single bite, quickly left the chair and ran away as if he was running away, leaving only his stunned family members.

Seeing the eldest son fleeing quickly, Queen Margherita showed a somewhat disappointed look, but she turned to look at the second son and immediately recovered.

Vittorio, who was watched by his mother, immediately felt a chill.

"Vittorio, you're not too young..."


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