My Italian

Chapter 102: contact (below)

In the Lanfang camp on the banks of the Kun River, the leaders from all walks of life gathered together today, because Liu Enguan, the chief, has something important to discuss with everyone.

In the largest bamboo building in the camp, the heads of people stood, and the leaders from Sanfa, Singkawang, Pontianak, Dongwanlu, Gaoping and others came over.

The Lanfang military and civilians guarding this place felt that this meeting was extraordinary.

"Isn't this Zheng Zhengxin, the leader of Zheng? His third round is not too far from here."

Zheng Zhengxin, the leader of the army and the people, is a fat man in his 40s with a friendly face. Don't be fooled by his appearance. The smiling tiger is his nickname. I saw the smiling tiger walking slowly, walked into the venue slowly, and chose a seat next to him to sit down.

Within two minutes, another tall, thin middle-aged man came over with a gloomy aura.

"Leader Ye Tingfan from Gaoping also came."

This time, the voices of those who spoke were much lower. This man was also famous in Lanfang, but his reputation was obviously somewhat negative. Because he grows opium in Gaoping, and sells many of them to his own people. He is an opium dealer, but there are many people who eat in his hands. He can call two or three hundred people at any time.

Afterwards, leaders from Singkawang, Pontianak, Dongwanlu and other places arrived one after another, including Guo Yawei, Yu Kang, Huang Fuyuan, Chen Heer, Luo Sarting, and Lin Conge Tang.

These leaders are all from all over the world, and they all live in different places.

"Boss Luo, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Boss Chen, how are you doing recently?"

"It's not very good, it's hard to do business."

"Whoever said no, don't look at how many people I have, but everyone is counting on me to eat. Now one of the two is big, and they are dying of worry."


Following the conversation of the leaders, there was a lot of noise in the venue for a while, and it had the smell of a vegetable market.

Of course, this situation continued until a loud cry rang out.

"Total long."

With the appearance of Liang Luyi and Luo Yibo, the head of Lanfang, Liu Enguan, the venue immediately became quiet. The Liu family has served as the head of Lanfang for decades, and its prestige is not a joke. Although Liu Enguan has only served as the head of Lanfang for more than a year, with the strength accumulated by the Liu family in Lanfang for many years, he can still dominate the audience.

One more thing, this Liu Enguan's father was appointed by the Dutch Jiabidan to make Lanfang become Liu Shoushan of the Netherlands Affiliated Republic. However, compared with his father's compromise, Liu Enguan's attitude towards the Dutch is different, and his attitude towards the Dutch is very tough.

Of course, this may have something to do with the Netherlands' opinion on Lanfang's disposal. Before, the Dutch acquiesced that Lanfang was an affiliated republic, but now they plan to turn it into a direct jurisdiction. This seriously threatens the interests of the Liu family. Liu Enguan, who is also the chief of the family, will of course not allow such a thing to happen. Of course, the main thing is that the Dutch didn't want to leave benefits to the leaders of Lanfang at all, they just wanted to get rid of them all.

After Liu Enguan sat on the first place to represent the chief, he said. "let's start."

As his voice fell, Luo Yibo stood up. "Ladies and gentlemen, this time the commander has called everyone to discuss important matters. Everyone knows that the Dutch are now overwhelming the country, and we have to resist. However, relying on our strength alone, the odds of winning against the Dutch are low, so the commander has been We have been trying to bring in another force to help us resist the Dutch invasion. Here's the good news, we have now found a force willing to help us."

Having said that, after a pause, Luo Yibo said the answer. "Italians, they came to the rescue, they were willing to protect us."

"Wait a minute. You said the Italians provided us with protection?"

A voice suddenly appeared in the venue to interrupt Luo Yibo's words, and a man in black clothes was seen with his arms folded on his chest as if he was waiting for an answer.

Everyone knows this person. He is the leader of Guo Yawei Guo from Sankouyang. This is not simple. He has a high prestige in Sankouyang. He can call five or six hundred men with just one command.

Facing Guo Yawei's words, Luo Yibo glanced at Liu Enguan, and he said it immediately after receiving the instructions. "Yes, you heard it right, I said that Italy provides all-round protection for Lanfang, not only externally, but also internally."

Luo Yibo's words, like a boulder falling into a lake, immediately set off a stormy sea.

"When we were Dutch, we could still take care of ourselves, but when it comes to Italians, we can take care of everything."

"Isn't this the same as the Dutch conditions, and such conditions are acceptable?"

"That's right, if we are still fighting for something, it's better to let the Dutch call the shots, at least everyone is familiar with it."

"Damn your yellow melon, don't think that the labor and management don't know that you and the Dutch are flirting with each other, and tell you that as long as I, Chen and Er, live for one day, the Dutch will never be allowed to appear in Lanfang."

"Chen Ergou, you have taken the wrong medicine. You said that I couldn't collude with the Dutch to sell Lanfang. Besides, you also heard that your family was killed by the Dutch, and you didn't see it for yourself. ."

"Made, labor and management will take care of you, a traitor first."

"Chen Ergou, you... oops..."

The venue was in complete chaos. Some people tried to pull Huang Fuyuan, Chen He Er and two people away, and some people persuaded them. It was much more lively than the vegetable market.


A loud bang on the table stopped all this abruptly, and I saw the anger on Liu Enguan's face as the chief. "What do you think of this place, do you want me to give you two knives and let you share life and death."

After yelling at all the leaders in the venue, Liu Enguan turned his head and said to his right-hand man. "Lu Er, you maintain the order of the venue. If there are more nonsense people, just throw them out to me."

"Yes, Chief."

"Yi Bo, you continue to talk, the key point is to talk about the conditions of the Italian people."

Royber, who reopened his mouth, now talked about the conditions given by Italy. "I Lanfang merged into the Kingdom of Italy and became Italy's overseas province in the East, and our citizens also automatically obtained the national status of the Italian overseas province. As a condition for the merger, our Lanfang Republic will present to the Kingdom of Italy, Tianfu population roster, review Case files, etc. The Italian side will train our current Lanfang officials, and then arrange positions according to their abilities. In addition, in terms of the military and police, the Kingdom of Italy will also give priority to those who have this level of our country, and…”

Luo Yibo Lin always said a lot of terms, but most of them are the benefits that Lanfang can get after merging into the Kingdom of Italy. Now only his voice is left in the venue. Every leader will listen intently, afraid that he will miss out. what.

However, when I heard that Lanfangyuan citizens would pay 20% more tax than Italians in the future, there was a commotion in the venue, but it subsided under Liu Enguan's watch.

However, in general, in the future, the Lanfang Chinese and Italians are far worse in terms of political rights, and in order to show their goodwill, Italy has given them many positions to appease them. Only the Chinese have higher taxes. It can be said that this condition is the most friendly condition for the Chinese in all regions of Nanyang.

Sure enough, after Luo Yibo finished speaking, the focus of the scene was on taxation.

"Why, we Chinese have higher taxes, two floors higher than Italians. It's not fair."

The first person to speak was Ye Tingfan from Gaoping. Seeing his indignant expression, he seemed to have a strong opinion on this.

Since someone has come forward, then it is time to use him for surgery. Chief Liu, who is afraid of long nights and dreams, is not a good man and a woman.

"Why, what advice does Leader Ye have?"

"Chief, I don't have a high opinion, it's mainly because of my inner grievance. Why should the Chinese people pay two less layers, and we should pay two more layers. Also, what does that training mean? If it doesn't meet the Chinese people's wishes, then it's not Keep training."

If at first Ye Tingfan was to give advice, then there are some other meanings later.

Facing Ye Tingfan's provocative words, Liu Enguan smiled and said very kindly. "Then what should we talk about based on what Chief Ye means?"

"I think, at least we need to find the big guys to sum up, and we've all been negotiated, and then call everyone together. Isn't this a waste of everyone's time?"

This is already a serious provocation. I don't know what medicine this leader Ye took wrong, but now he can't be arrogant.

I saw Liu Enguan looking at him with contempt, and said casually. "It's up to you too."

These light and fluttering words made Ye Tingfan feel a burning sensation on his face, and he pointed a finger when he felt that he had lost face. "Liu, what did you say?"

Before Ye Tingfan could continue to speak, Liang Luyi, who had already been hinted, brought the two of them down and pushed him to the ground.

Facing his uneven expression, Liu Enguan walked in front of him. "Don't think that you colluded with the Dutch. I don't know. I didn't move you before for the overall situation. Since you jumped out now, don't be surprised."

After speaking, Liu Enguan turned his head and asked Luo Yibo. "Colluding with outsiders and plotting evil, how should I be punished?"

"Dug out your eyes, three knives and six holes."

These three knives and six holes are not made of three knives on the, but on the waist and chest and other parts of the torso. It can be said that the person who is pierced will die.

Hearing Luo Yibo's words, Liu Enguan said to Liang Lu who was holding Ye Tingfan righteously. "Then do this."

When Ye Tingfan heard that Liu Enguan was going to kill him, Ye Tingfan was also a bachelor and cursed. "Liu Enguan, you have to die, I am waiting for you below."

Liu Enguan didn't speak to the others until he took Ye Tingfan, who was provocative, away. "Since the traitor Ye Tingfan has been dealt with, let's continue the meeting. If you have any opinions, please raise them, and I will listen to everyone's opinions."

Who can tell what happened just now, how can there be opinions at this time?

"I have no opinion."

As the first person spoke, the next thing was logical.

"I don't mind either."

"me too."


Seeing that everyone had no opinion, Liu Enguan continued. "Since everyone has no opinion, then this is the decision. However, considering that it is rare for everyone to get together, everyone will stay for a few more days and let me use up the friendship of the landlord."

Seeing everyone's puzzled expressions, Liu Enguan explained. "In order to avoid the news of our merger with Italy leaking out, so I've been wronged for a few days."

When he heard that he was not under house arrest, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

And the one who is also relieved is President Liu. You must know that Italy has also given a benefit, that is, in the future, the deputy governor can have Lan Fang. Although this position will not have too much real power, it is still tempting to Liu Enguan. . Of course, if he wants to get this position, he still needs to do some things, and in order to avoid being disturbed by other people, so let these people settle here first.


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