"Jianren always likes to call people," Seoka explained.

"Jianren, do you mean Meizai's Weiya?"

I take it casually.

"Huh? You surprised me too—"

The scumbag showed a shocked expression, "Shogo, what you know is unbelievable! Yes, that guy was my friend, but he passed away..."


A somewhat familiar female voice came out—the Raiden sisters in SM tights fell from the sky... Alas, it's such a pity to give this scum, I sighed more than once.

Chapter 040 Water Wagtail

"Oh, it's you—"

Seoka happily pointed at the kitten in her arms and said, "I've caught the money, so I shouldn't worry about food..."

"It's not time to talk about this kind of thing, it was discovered by a tricky guy!"

Sister Guang roared in a hurry.

"The guy over there..."

A beautiful female voice came from above my head, "Get in the way - get out of the way!"

Blonde, black - it's Moon Sea!

dodge? I don't want to - being knocked down by a beautiful girl is a supreme happiness!

This thought just flashed for a while - I didn't want to use a "weak" way to win Yuehai's approval!

I turned around gracefully and took a half-step back, I gently avoided the girl who landed quickly, and then carefully watched this water wagtail—the long microwave hair fluttered in the wind, the black eyes were firm eyes, beautiful The face, the delicate facial features—well, it really is the stubborn look that only a proud girl can have!

This dress—actually, I have never understood what Yuehai's black dress is called, it looks like a windbreaker and a dance skirt: but the wind pressure caused by the rapid fall still made me see the same pure white under the white miniskirt.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is the two big snowballs that are only covered by the pure white placket on the lower half - oh, the crisp luster and deep ravines really make me salivate... Of course not really, I am very Pay attention to the image, not the pig brother who can't walk when he sees beautiful women!

Mmmm, there are long black stockings and boots below - ah ah ah ah, there are belts tied around the thighs! Rebellious? No, Yuehai's heart is actually super innocent!

"Huh? It's quite flexible!"

Yuehai looked at me who was quickly dodging, suddenly a heart palpitation, involuntarily knelt down: "Wu..."

Good opportunity - at this time, the gentleman should rush up to support the weak girl like lightning!

Well, that's what I did...

"What's the matter with you, beautiful lady?"

Holding Yuehai who was almost paralyzed in my arms, I asked in the gentlest voice.

Yuehai's heart was a mess: What, what's wrong? This fear, no, this feeling of the fiery soul winding and climbing inside me... What's going on in my body?

In my eyes, there was a lovely flush on the girl's beautiful face, and I could even feel her tender body was hot and trembling—well, it was the same physical condition when Xiaoyu Komatsu couldn't help asking me for a feathered kiss...

Yuehai struggled to get up from my arms with all of her strength, and her black eyes burst into a ray of surprise mixed with anger and shyness: "You, you—is it mine..."

Is this man my reed tooth? Yuehai's mood is extremely complicated: Well, she looks pretty good, no! How can human beings have the right to do this kind of thing with me... 忿—"Well, you should be the No. 9 water wagtail Miss Yuehai—"

I looked at the girl's eyes gently, "Hello, I'm Hasegawa Shogo when we first met, but you can call me 'Kin' by my real name."

"You know me? Hmph, it's not important, hehe, hehe..."

The corner of Yuehai's mouth twitched and stood up with an angry smile, "I found it, it's you! The person full of evil that I met here—send you to Huangquan before I was defiled!"

Before he finished speaking, the turbulent water had begun to revolve around the girl.

"Wake up, human!"

Tsukumi waved his finger to make the water flow to attack.

"Wait a minute, your opponent is us!"

I was about to speak when I heard the voice of Sister Thunderbolt.

"What, isn't that punishment enough?"

Yuehai turned to look angrily.

"Hmph, you don't seem to know anything yet - Seo!"

Light laughed evilly.


The scumbag scratched his messy hair impatiently: "It's really...no way!"

Yuehai was shocked: My God! Compared to the man who made me react, this human is too bad! No, it can't be called "human", it's simply "scum"! Compare that to having that guy named Kim be my... phew! What am I thinking oh shit!

"Hmph, let me show you..."

Seoka put her arms around Hikari Kazuo, and she conveyed the strength of Reiya with her kiss.

Tsk... Seeing such a scene, I don't have any desire to accept them at all. At most, when I'm in a bad mood in the future, I'll just insult them.

"What, what, what...what are you doing—"

Yuehai blushed with embarrassment, and shouted at Sister Thunderbolt.

Light: "Ask this?"

Ring: "It's the wagtail's way of fighting!"

Light & Sound: "We are waiting for the Thunder of the Contract, the disaster that shatters the reed teeth!"

High-density thunder element energy accumulation?

This level... um, it's almost at the level of a full-strength blow from the evil undercurrent at the peak of my wings!

Yuehai's expression was a little flustered: "This is... According to legend, only the feathered can use-"

"God Ming!"

The Thunder Sisters performed a stunt.

The dazzling thunder light smashed the bricks and stones on the road, the electric snakes danced wildly, the white light flashed, and a large number of violent thunder elements really bombarded with thunder.

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