During this period, Haruna silently expressed her dissatisfaction, but after all, she is only a mortal talent, and she has already surrendered to my gun, but she needs to use body language to appease her.

All in all, after Yuyuko's savage—cough, smile, I finally touched... er, wiped every corner of Yomeng's body, and went to Furutekawa Yui's side.

Well, I guess Yaomeng won't be able to play in the water for a short time - I really didn't expect that Yuyuko could train her to be so "excellent". Even if I didn't use Eternal Power, just smearing on sunscreen would be enough. let her out...

Recovering my thoughts, I used the corner of my eye to swipe at the half-grey girl who seemed to be gray and white, and quickened my pace to flash towards Yui, who was standing by the beach blowing air on the swimming ring.

"Yo, do you want me to help apply sunscreen?"


"Then, let me teach you how to swim."

"Well, this is..."

There is no doubt that it is definitely a shortcut to improve the favorability of Landluo Yui through one-on-one swimming teaching...

Since there is no refusal and the eyes are flickering, it fully shows that the heart is moving!

Humph, some relatively intimate physical contact is inevitable in the process of teaching. With my various methods, Wei's whole body is easily softened.

So, the arrogant disciplinary committee member just learned a little bit of swimming skills and can't wait to get away from me.

Really, I won't push you down right away, why are you panicking...

Well, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. For Yui, I prefer to use "Qiao Jin". Of course, you can also call it "conspiracy". Then, a small accident happened.

With my strict order, it is naturally impossible for Lala's messy invention to cause some funny situation.

But... When I was entangled by the three daughters of Lala, Haruna, and Yuyuko, Yui, who didn't know what the little brain was thinking about, drifted away in the sea.

Originally protected by a lifebuoy, this situation should not have happened, but you must know that this is the "Okinawa Star", which is an alien planet! Therefore, it is normal for some strange creatures in the sea.

So, when some curious little marine creature that resembles a complex of pufferfish and jellyfish pierces the ring with its beak...

As a result, only drowning.

Fortunately, my satellite-like wizard eyes are constantly monitoring the beautiful (girls) girls who have not yet "entered the palace", so when she is in danger, I am immediately aware of it.

Question: What should I do after I rescue a drowning, unconscious person who has almost stopped breathing?

Answer: 1. Dial the emergency number; 2. Healing magic; 3. Artificial respiration.

This is from an alien planet, and the answer is rejected.

Unfortunately, any healing magic is used to relieve pain and wounds and remove the "evil substances" in the target's body, so the second answer is also negative.

What's more, this is simply the most arrogant time I can't wait!

Well, it seems that I really haven't learned the artificial respiration method for nothing, hehe-because, there is no reason for the girls on the field to learn it!

I can only be on.

Pinch your nose, mouth to mouth.


Because it was rescued by the onlookers of women, especially Xiao An who always talked about "hate H", so I didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

Well, emergency manual CPR doesn't count.

Moreover, to do manual CPR, you must untie the "all restraints" on your chest!

The plump jade rabbit that violated gravity immediately appeared wetly under my eyes - of course, before this, I also quickly sought everyone's opinions, and the result was that the women even asked me to "save people quickly, and discuss other things." Look at it (~o~) Y.

Mmmmm, it feels great to press down...

Ah, squashed - those tall and straight double peaks with enough C+.

So, the inventor of artificial respiration and CPR is really...goodjob!

Then, keep kissing...I mean Yui opened his eyes.

There is no suspense, after the drowsy awakening, Yui blushed with shame and subconsciously slapped her face—but although she is arrogant, she is also a reasonable person, and she can function normally when she is rational. Under these circumstances, he stopped the hand that hit me in the face.

It turned out to look more like stroking...

Yui quickly retracted her hand.

"Thank you... thank you."

The sound was like a gnat, and then she staggered away, not even noticing that the swimsuit on her body was missing, showing how flustered she was.

Oops, isn't it really time for the fire?

As for the subsequent hot spring incident, it did not happen, after all, my strength is different, and my mentality is different - and Saruyama has unfortunately died in the previous "accident"...

All in all, a happy day is over.

Chapter 737

The plot continues...

Under Lala's observation, I decided to go shopping with Yuuki Mikan to increase my favorability - so, if my sister or something, if my brother's control is not enough or I'm not conscious, I have to make up for it through the day after tomorrow.

Tsk, the time has not come, and there is no opportunity to make the relationship ambiguous - as expected, we still have to wait for Meikan to do something on his own.

Next, in any case, Cainan University reopened.

The main line of this plane continues to move forward after deviating from the trajectory...

Of course, the boring school life is not to mention.

Yui Furtegawa, who was deliberately or unintentionally taken advantage of by me on the beach, finally broke out—the fundamental reason was that she did not dare to face her true heart, so she used the excuse of rectifying her manners to vent her depression.

Well, at least in my eyes, that's what it is.

Well, this event, I have to take good care of it.

After school, there were only two people left in the classroom—this was also the reason why Wei shouted, "School rules do not allow you to stay in the school after school" and sent everyone home.

I go and return.

"Yuki...Are you still at school?"

Wei's expression was a little unnatural, as if he didn't dare to look at me directly, but just stared at me from the corner of his eyes.

"If you stay at school if you have nothing to do, you will also have to deduct points."

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