Satisfied—well, of course, no wine…

"Miya, I'm going out, no need to prepare my share."

The bonfire opened the doorway of the canteen.

"Oh, it's rare to see you wearing a tie!"

Miya was slightly surprised.

"Go to work with your companions, be a little bit motivated..."

"What about the conversation of the adults?"

The summary naturally asked, "Who is the companion?"

Bon waved his hands to say goodbye, "She's a very strong woman. Please invite me to eat something delicious before work - that's basically how it is."

"Wow! The summary also wants to be entertained!"

I had a headache at the "no common sense" of the summary: "Summary, you are my wagtail, and from a human point of view, you are my woman - you can't do a job like "hospitality"!"


Xiaojiu turned his head to look at me, and said softly, "Summary listen to Jin."


A small muffled sound came, but Xiaocao swayed and fell asleep on the table, with a spoon in his hand, and the cute sleeping face still stuck with rice...

"Hehe... I fell asleep after I was full!"

Miya smiled.

"She must be very tired. After all, turning the entire botanical garden into a big forest is overused."

I picked up the little loli and said.

"Well, if it's a golden wagtail, then I'll have to trouble you to take care of her--don't do anything to such a small child!"

Miya covered her mouth and smiled.

"Of course, I swear to eight million gods!"

I said solemnly - the eight million gods of hell, I am the envoy of the magical **** from the West!

Ah, the innocent sleeping face, the more I look at it, the more cute it is!

Looking at the sleeping grass, I continued to struggle with how to eat her without causing too much pain.

However, for tonight...

I also put a soundproof barrier on the little loli, and then I threw down Xiaoyu and Qiujin, and solved today's curse...

Oh, by the way, the effect of the evil sword will start to take effect today - just to prevent the delicate-minded Miya from becoming suspicious, at first, I will only appear in her mind unconsciously when she tossed and turned or missed her old friend. , and then gradually...————The dividing line of time————When Xiaocao woke up, Miya had already started to make breakfast——If I hadn't remembered to remove the soundproof barrier, I don't know what she wanted How long do you sleep!

Summary and Qiujin went to the front yard to practice the battle, and I took the little loli to the backyard and sat under the porch.

"Did you sleep well?"

I asked with a mild smile.


Xiaocaopu flashed big eyes, and a very light blush appeared on her pink face, "Ah Chiu!"

"Ah, be careful to keep warm!"

I randomly drew a robe and put it on her.

"That, Xiaocao's big brother, please be Xiaocao's Lord Weiya!"

Saying that, Xiaocao actually took the initiative to hug my face and kiss it—the brilliance shines, the green light wings, the feathering is successful...

Uh, I didn't realize it when I was watching the anime, but now I realize that being kissed by a little loli is really depraved...

Well, there is a good smell in the body and mouth of Xiaocao, which is between the milky fragrance of the little girl and the fragrance of plants, which makes people feel relaxed and happy!

The emergence of the grass is really special. I don’t know if it’s because I’m too young and can’t control my own power, or I really have the best strength among wagtails as No108. The plants in the courtyard are collectively revived, and a hundred flowers are blooming. ……————The dividing line of time————After the meal, the summary continued to accept the battle guidance of Miya, and Xiaocao was stunned by the side-or maybe it was more appropriate to be excited...

"It's not enough!"

Miya seriously taught: "If you breathe in a mess, there will be too many unnecessary movements, because too much unnecessary force is used - let's improve this first!"

"Yes, thanks for the advice!"

Respond cheerfully with a summary, and then continue practicing.

"Xiaocao, we will fight in the future! Are you afraid?"

I took the little loli in my arms and sat down to watch the battle.

Hmm, she is really delicate and soft and easy to push down! Although I don't have the fleshy feel of a beautiful girl with big breasts, it is a "cute" enjoyment for the doll-like grass to stay in front of me obediently!

"Xiaocao, don't be afraid!"

Little Loli's eyes flashed with a firm light: "The grass will be very powerful when it grows up!"

"Well, I know, Xiaocao is very powerful now - it can make such a big forest!"

As I said that, I gently pinched the little loli's soft body, and Xiaocao hummed comfortably.

A happy day passed in a leisurely and contented way, and suddenly, Miya entrusted the "powerful" summary to buy rice - ah, is that guy Seoka coming to eat rice...

The normal question is still required: "A guest coming?"

"Hey, it's a friend from the master's college days."...

"Yo, are you the new tenant of Izumo Village?"

The unshaven-looking man finally arrived, and greeted him casually: "My name is Seoka, and I'm a frequent visitor here!"

"Ah hello, my name is Hasegawa Shogo."

I said lightly.

After taking a seat and having dinner, Xiaojue just happened to buy the supplementary rice.

"He's the master's good friend, but—"

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