The lid was broken into scrap iron.

Miya's eyes narrowed slightly: Huh? It seems that he is not bragging - No88 who has just emerged can have this power...

"Tuk Tuk!"

Miya tapped Xiaojun's head with a spoon: "It's very rude for a girl to be like this!"

"Yes... I'm sorry..."

Xiao Zhan covered his head and apologized.

"Okay, it's good to know."

"Hehehe, I was provoked..."

Dian Nu snickered.

"Xiaobu also has a share!"

Miya pointed the spoon at Diannu - oh, but I kept forgetting that the name she used when she was not fighting was "Buried"!


Dian Nu replied obediently.

"Let's listen carefully after the reason... I don't allow violence in this Izumo Village."

The atmosphere around Miya seemed to suddenly become solemn and dark, and a ghostly face appeared beside her face.

Even though I was smiling, I was the only one who wasn't affected by this terrifying aura. Both Xiao Yu and Xiao Mi nodded in cold sweat and said yes.

Um? Frightened by Miya, Dian Nu hugged my arm even tighter—ha, the soft and elastic feeling is always so comfortable!

"The meal will be ready soon!"

Miya turned around and went back to the kitchen, and said to me, "You need to pay for the money to buy another pot!"

"Uh, no problem..."

"Miya, it's especially scary when you're angry!"

Mii hugged my right arm tightly—well, it was the idiot who was struggling!

Packing up, they each got dressed, and inside the house—"I'm sorry—"

Xiaojue sat down on his knees, bowed his head and apologized dejectedly, and even lost his energy, "I have always been taught that I will fight when I see other wagtails..."

"Ahaha, that's it, that's it, that's how the wagtail is going," Dian Nu said, "Fight, and then fight until there is only one left - the president's catchphrase."

"Summary, and Qiujin, don't shoot casually in the future!"

I said softly, "Not all of what that strange president said is right—well, most of it should be wrong! So, in the future, you can't want to fight when you see other people's wagtails... unless the other party's Words and deeds make you angry or have my instructions."

"Yes, Master."

"Yes, I know the summary, everything is up to Jin!"

"Great, I really don't want to fight! That's it!"

Xiaobu got up and opened the door: "Ah, beautiful."

But it was Miya who came to announce the meal: "The meal is ready, everyone, let's go to the cafeteria."

I nodded: "Well, okay, let's go, summary, Qiujin."

"I'm sorry for bothering Jin Tian..."

The summary apologizes to me a little ashamed.

"The summary that will get you into trouble is cute too haha!"

I kissed Xiao Jun's forehead lightly.

"help me…"

Suddenly, the voice of a little girl came faintly in my heart—the leaves outside the vertical row of windows on the side of the corridor fluttered in the wind.

Don't worry, I will come to your rescue soon, Yo Xiaocao! ——This is the dividing line——After turning the clouds and rain with Xiaoyu and Akizu——Well, of course, in order to prevent the "prohibition of impure sex" Miya found out, I opened the soundproof barrier and planted a wizard's eye outside the door—— I entered dreamland.

Speaking of which, I don't really care about one dragon and two phoenixes in the summary - well, it seems to be a bit more crazy than before when "exercising"...---the dividing line of dreams---forest? cry?

Ah, will I have this dream too...

Following the whimper, I found a little loli who was sitting on a sturdy branch and crying with the trunk—well, speaking of it, I don’t seem to be very good at dealing with children. The above is hard to say by improper means...

"Cough, oh little girl, it's alright, don't be afraid, I'm here to save you - come down, I'll catch you..."

Little Lolita hesitated for half a second and threw herself into my arms - I said, is this really a dream? The girl's weight, body fragrance, and touch are so real, it's almost comparable to Kurono's domain ability...

"You're so cute, what's your name?"

I was reluctant to let her go, so I sat under the tree with my arms in my arms—the name still needs to be asked, otherwise it would be too strange.

"Grass... grass field..."

咿—the expression with two little fists in front of his mouth is so cute! No, in fact, such a cute little loli can only be described by the word "cute" no matter what she does!

"Xiaocao, a super cute name that matches you very well!"

I stroked Little Loli's soft orange long hair.

Hearing my compliment, Xiaocao smiled happily.

Ah, am I going to tear down such a cute baby tooth in the future - let her whine, scream, twitch... Thinking of this, my evil soul can't help but hesitate.

Temporarily suppressing the distracting thoughts, I asked, "Xiao Cao, why are you crying?"

"It was my fault-"

Speaking of this, Little Loli burst into tears again, "Sister Gao Mei shed a lot of blood... Big sister with such a big sickle... In order to stop taking me with you... No way... Sister Gao Mei is clearly there. When...I want to come outside...if I want me..."

A gust of wind suddenly and violently blew—the sky was spinning...—the dividing line of waking up from a dream—you are so cute in a dream, I must get her!

After waking up, Yu Xiaoyu and Akizu packed up the bedding and left the room—I saw Naka Miya in the front yard practicing kendo.

Take a deep breath... draw the knife, chop—a fallen leaf is divided into two halves.

Is it a sword drawing technique... um, the serious eyes and sassy demeanor are even more attractive!

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