My Infinite Wings

Chapter 1261:

"How's it going~...My Rimen~...Uncle~?"

Zhu Nai squatted in Jin's Shen Shang, and his gorgeous breath sprayed on his face and ears.

So Jin smirked teasingly.

"Anthracene, the warmth of Ruan is just for the sake of it. Of course, it's my uncle, and I didn't expect Zhu Nai's Limian to be so actinium. The chef is unexpectedly quick!"

" Shin Ti is eagerly waiting for Jin's petition~!"

Zhu Nai didn't mind Jin's teasing at all, but instead laughed sternly and charmingly, and the main frozen cow set up a bungalow.

"Actinium~huha~haoda~the number looks like it's about to burst~but after finishing the fist and walking the vine~mocha's rush to sleep~the uncle of the number actinium~..."

After being frozen for a few summers, Zhu Nai found the rhythm, and Shen Yinsheng became louder.

Truly, Chuan breathed and enjoyed the appearance of the block music.

"Uncle No.~Jin~...actinium~ Let me add uncle to me~!"

Very naturally, the two picked it up again.

She pointed against each other, exchanged angels with each other, exchanged drags, or cast She to explore each other's Kau Qiang, which stimulated their respective high-flying invitations.

At the same time, Jin and Zhu Nai's step will naturally stop freezing, and even increase the speed with the improvement of tacit understanding, and it becomes vaguely obvious who is in the back of the year.

"Number like~...Bone throws are going to be crispy~..."

Zhu Nai's Shen Zi explained one by one, and Mango's rhythm gradually became more and more relaxed, and Jin understood that her limit was reached.

"Anthracene~jin~...actinium~a lot of points~...he~ scare Jinlai~! Clam~ take the golden crystal night~...boxing department~...wood~!"

The slaughter unfolded again, the golden ring hugged Zhu Nai's sedan chair, and the frost wind of Shao Niguda was only attached to the man's buckle, and Xia Ershang's sorrowful insertion had become Ling Shaoyu's throw. Brain blank super speed continuous hunger.

Kuai Le was boiling, and the appointment was in the cake. Zhu Nai closed his squinted eyes after finishing his fist. The spirit of the boxing team concentrated on the place of Laiyuan in Kuai Chuan. The catharsis, in order to let his burning Shen Ti cool down Xia Lai.

"My cuckoo~ I'm going to get rid of it~...Jin~actinium~in my limen and shy chulai~jingye~daliangdi~quanbudi~...actinium~ scare cheulei~! In my limen ~Your crystal night~Hou actinium~Scare Chu Lai~!"

Zhu Naihuang froze his head, the headband finally loosened, and the black hair suddenly poured down like a waterfall and shrouded Jin's face.

The sedan chair is like a dream, full of Gillette's royal hope, and can beg for love, Zi Run.

In response to Zhu Nai's provocation, Jin's nerves were also paralyzed by the block, and he took advantage of the situation to deliver the final blow.

"Tooth actinium actinium actinium~..."

The sedan chair sighed instantly, and then returned to silence.

Zhu Nai temporarily lost her stamina to speak, all her fists were in Wei Jingluan, and her mango stalk was standing by the shuttle.

"Actinium~Numbers messed up~...Numbers messed with teeth~...There are many numbers~In my Zigong Limen~..."

Well, the fact is that Shang Jin's "last blow" against non-human beings often uses "eternal magic skills", so Jing Ye will directly pay attention to the other party's Zigong, which will naturally disappoint Zhu Nai. ————General dividing line————Zhu is a mango, which means "Real Artifact? Dull and Shaking" Although I didn't notice any abnormality at first, after walking through it, I found it was really frozen. The frequency is indeed synchronized with the ordinary situation, and the subtle influence of the terminal is stable and winning...

In a nutshell: sip.

Afterwards, Wen Cun will definitely hold back and turn the clouds and rain again... Bu Tan.

Then, after a "long" wait, the "Bible" Trilateral Talks finally officially started. Since it was a matter of cooking at the home of the Gremory family, I was also a party to the Kirkball, so I wasn't the leader. Rias and I also participated in the meeting.

"Tooth roar~ Have you missed Levy Charcoal Actinium~☆!"

The meeting started with Seraph's lively greeting to me.

The central idea: Dajia is bullshitting together, and at the end they reached a consensus - armistice and peace.

Main Nunrong: Hey, what do you mean, Asachel, I'm going to do the actinium, and I'm going to look at me actinium with that strange look! Believe me, I will destroy you to the point where the elementary particles are gone!

Just as the talks were almost over and I was about to hold back, the advance team of terrorists from the Troubled Squad arrived.

Without further ado, the battle begins.

So you have to reason with the terrorists. For them, your reasoning is false, and their reasoning is the truth-such a **** logic, it is easiest to kill the account directly...

Speaking of the terrorists, the steps are only logical and normal, and even the IQ is enough to rush to sleep? Just these shrimp soldiers and crab generals, what is the use of more people? The leader-level characters here, whoever is frozen and guarded, can ride a thousand, and play the real existence of easily slaughtering the city and destroying the state. This group of stupid magicians rushed to deliver the food, and they were kicked in the head by a donkey.

But the question before me right now is...

What's up with this massive time stop? The position of the carton vampire was "replaced" by Tokisaki Kurumi. How can there be such an exaggerated time-based person who can stand?

Chapter 1134 Super Brief

Right now, the power of time actually stopped the "evolved" Himejima Akeno and Xenovia, which cannot be underestimated.

As for me, it wasn't because of the divine weapon that I wasn't "stopped" at the beginning, but because my strength was strong enough, I naturally wouldn't be affected by this lack of concentrated power.

"Tsk, all in all, it seems that the only combat power that can be freed up here is me?"

I shrugged, and the three leaders, including Sazex, agreed with me.

Then, Azazel made a supplementary statement: "Well, I heard that there seems to be a time-stop artifact owner on the European vampire side..."

Oh? So Gaspar still exists? This also means...

"I want to go too!"

Rias grabbed my hand firmly.

"It's normal for our relationship to advance and retreat together?"

Hmm, is Rias' situation because of a higher degree of "evolution"? Or the hidden attribute of the owner of the holy evil weapon...

"...Well, I won't say anything to stop me, so let's act together."

Feeling that Rias's will was unshakable, I could only laugh and clench her catkins in support.

Since the fluctuation of time-based power is unique, it is not too difficult to find its source.

"It's actually hidden in the corner of the school openly, these terrorists are really bold!"

Divine Sense Diffusion - Positioning - Dimensional Leap!

Although the magicians of the Troubled Group have blocked general transfer magic, my spells do not belong to the system of this plane!

As soon as the space movement was completed, I deployed my defensive magic, and sure enough, the enemy's fireballs, ice arrows, light bombs, etc. slammed towards this direction—it didn't work.

"Dare to run wild in Gremory's territory—have you made up your mind to die for redemption?"

Rias' eyebrows jumped up, and the bright red aura of destruction burst out like a fire, and the magic shot she swiped at her hand swept away the surrounding enemies.

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