My Infinite Wings

Chapter 1136:

The dividing line of space-time.

According to the images sent to my mind by the "satellites" surrounding Mikoto and other women, I "saw" Kamijou Touma, the original first male protagonist of this plane.

The rì homonym of this name is called "Shenjing to seek the devil", which is so domineering that it has the same effect as the "Long Aotian" of my Great Heaven Dynasty, but its appearance is so ordinary that it can't be found if thrown into the crowd. But thanks to the "spikehead" hairstyle, all kinds of people who want to find him can always confirm the target at a glance. Perhaps this is also a kind of "unfortunate" brought about by the "phantom killer".

Well, I just made sure of Kamijou Touma's image, so that I don't recognize the wrong person in the future, I didn't have to look carefully at the quirks of men when I was having **** with beautiful girls...

After Meiwei fell into a deep sleep in the countless continuous cake nests, I saw that my head was still in the west, so I decided to "do something serious".

Heart-to-heart clairvoyance!

This is the name after Meiwei's "perspective" ability evolved into LEVEL4. Although the English title is still "Clairvoyance", its effect is naturally incomparable to that of LEVEL3.

Not only has the distance of perspective been greatly extended, becoming a veritable "clairvoyance", but also has the effect of further magnifying the object of observation, it is really peeping... I mean a sharp weapon for reconnaissance of the enemy's situation.

Although my spiritual sense can do similar things, even better, but how do I put it, the information that my spiritual sense feeds back to the brain is difficult to explain in words. It's "stored a fact directly in memory", not the vivid feeling of seeing it with your own eyes.

Otherwise, why would I bother planting wizard eyes everywhere? As long as the spiritual thoughts are sprinkled, you will know what is going on in the world.

Besides, in order not to let the Hanged Man start to trouble me too early, I don't want to use the skill of "spiritual sense" on a large scale that a real powerhouse will definitely be aware of...

By the way, I don't have the energy tank of "calculation amount", so the "clairvoyance" that I displayed after the heart-to-heart relationship actually consumes magic power. However, as a super power that has no killing effect, it has no effect on my The consumption is really not even a drop in the bucket, so the fluctuation of magic power it produces is also very low, and it will not attract the attention of distant magicians, I mean Kanzaki and Aleister.

All in all, please ignore those unscientific places, and follow my eyes to explore all kinds of interesting places in Academy City!

Scouting dividing line.

My vision has long been unattainable, and it is impossible for me to study the splendid rivers and mountains that may exist in public baths or the locker rooms of large shopping malls, but it seems to be aimless, but in fact... blind cats can also meet dead mice. God, let's see if there will be an "unexpected surprise".

Of course, even if there is no "surprise", I can remember the overall layout of Academy City by the way, so I won't be at a loss when I want to find Tokiwadai Middle School or Kirigaoka Women's College or other major plot locations in the future. Take your time to check the map.

What's more, for me, who has the "Dimensional Leap" spell, the spatial three-dimensional impression of the destination is also a very important casting condition.

Just like that, a few hours passed, but luckily the other "I" was trying to find a way to improve Kanzaki's favorability from various details. I can also play with the sleeping Meiwei casually. Finally, I won't be bored and want to hit the wall.

Just when I saw the lights on here, I used "Clairvoyance" for a long time, even though it didn't consume much magic power, but my eyes and nerves would eventually get a little tired. A super beautiful girl who is too likely to be completely forgotten.

The most striking thing is the long golden hair hanging down to the waist. In this academy city where most of the residents except the chairman of the board and a small number of researchers are Asians or simply Rì himself, so Hair styles with Western European characteristics are very rare.

I'm so sure, of course, because I can tell from my experience that it's all natural blond hair.

If you look carefully at the color, this golden color is slightly lighter than most of Ba Mami and Astrea, and it is deeper than Fatina's "light golden color".

If I look at the hairstyle carefully, I find that it is not a simple shawl hair, but a soft arc that starts from the middle and spreads to both sides. Is this also a kind of alienation expression of natural curls?

Except for the gloves and stockings with the spider web pattern and lace trim, the girl basically wears the same Tokiwadai uniform as Misaka Mikoto, and she is also slender, but there is no suspense in terms of size. Even I couldn't help but raised my eyebrows secretly at the visual impact of the plump, round and bulging under the thin sweater.

So, although the size of the chest is not an issue that affects the principle of my interest, unless I love the horns when I am a human, the bust and cup are still proportional to my net value. Relationship……

This is the dividing line.

PS: Insufficient festivals...

Chapter 1016 The Queen of Tokiwadai

Well...even though the girl "in front of me" has an eye-catching chest, I'm still a man with a lot of tyrannical wings, so it's impossible for me to lose my soul just for this reason.

What really attracted me was the girl's golden-orange eyes, and more precisely, the pupils.

The cross star-shaped pupils reminded me of her identity.

The Queen of Tokiwadai? Shokuhou Naki. ,

By the way, here's the rì pronunciation of "辙qi"...

I feel a little weird when I say how to read it? Trying to recall, I remember that the Roman pronunciation of Misaki is exactly the same as the pronunciation of the surname "Misaki" of the heroine Miyazaki in "Another"!

In addition, the name "Misaki" of Miyazaki's sister, Fujioka Misaki, is also pronounced Misaki.

Aah, the stalks of "writing XX read as XX" in rì language are really incredible, huh?

Well, in fact, the countless homonyms in Chinese also make foreigners who are studying in China get a headache.

Sigh, this is the digression, um, and another digression, in fact, in "Another", I prefer Akasawa Izumi, so I won't say...

Closer to home, the bee-eater and the prayer is the only one in this plane that I can't make a strategy plan for it in advance.

Because, her ability is "Mental Out".

According to the setting of the original book, it is not an exaggeration to say that Shokuhou Niaoqi is the most powerful **** in Academy City, or the most powerful **** in this plane. Thinking elimination, will augmentation, thinking reappearance, emotional transplantation... All the phenomena of spiritual gods are handled with one hand. If the classification of the magic side is used, then she is "the youngest spiritual great magician in history"!

If it was just that, it wouldn't be difficult. After all, Shokuhou is just a middle school student. The problem is...

Whether her mental age is a middle school student needs a question mark.

To put it simply, since Shokuhou can be someone else's spirit, then she can also be her own spirit!

Therefore, no matter what kind of personality it is, Shokuhou can simulate it vividly and without flaws, just like having multiple personalities.

Therefore, Shokuhou's "elegant queen" style revealed to the outside world and her "black-bellied demon" trait that she only showed when she was doing bad things, which ones are the true feelings and which are the products of the gods... I am afraid that only Her Lady Queen can tell the difference.

Yeah, it's a little troublesome.

In short, it shouldn't be a big problem to get in touch first. Anyway, with my vast spiritual power, it is obvious that I will definitely not be affected by the ability of the bee-eater.

Do it when you think of it!

dividing line of space.

At this moment, Shokuhou Naiqi, whose body and body are mature enough to surpass that of a high school girl except her face, is enjoying afternoon tea in a dessert shop. Well, well, the "afternoon tea" at this time seems to be a bit misnamed. Anyway, what does it feel like? That's it.

There is no **** around, only one person... a sneaky appearance, a happy expression on his face.

Well, although it's "sneaky", that's really just my preconceived opinion.

Because according to the official setting, although Shokuhou likes sweets, because she is prone to gaining weight, she is strictly rationed by her subordinates for daily sweets...

Having said that, Shokuhou's ability to pray is very spiritual. If she didn't have a kind heart after all, and didn't change from a simple black belly to a ruthless heart, then as long as she had a random thought, she would be able to change the "friends" around her. Guard" thought.

Well, maybe it's a form of self-discipline, after all, Shokuhou definitely doesn't want to get fat and look ugly...

Invisible Dimensional Leap I appeared in the alley near the dessert shop, and then turned around and walked into the shop openly.

Well! Wait, when it comes to the technique of picking up a conversation, it seems like... I really don't have much experience, eh? !

Thinking about it carefully, since I usually directly replace the "male protagonist" of each side, there is no such problem at all, but now...

Forget it, regardless of "the car must have a way to the front of the mountain", since I'm here, I can't run for nothing. With this in mind, I walked to the opposite side of Shokuhou.

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