My Infinite Wings

Chapter 1008:

Fortunately, the only five people who depended on me emotionally were Cathy, Elizabeth, Anit, Satilesa, and Yifei. Among them, Anit's "initial passion" for me gradually faded away. Only Yuwang and a little entanglement are left, and as a "sister", it is naturally impossible for Satilaza to ask her "brother" to sleep with her in public.

So, there were only three left.

Simple! One on the left and one on the right - sleep!

Although the external conditions are bad, as long as you have wings to accompany you, you can look up to this starless night...

Helplessly, a more serious problem appeared: hugging the high-quality beautiful girl left and right made the sleeping dragon irritable, but couldn't find the opportunity to have sex?

"It's obvious that I am the contractor..."

Liu Hua, who at least activated the power of the evil king's true eyes to resist the coolness of the night, leaned against the ruins near me, and a faint golden light shrouded her body.

"Hoho? Do you want to do something like this with me too? My lovely Liuhuajiang?"

"Hmm! There's no such thing..."

"You're welcome, um... Go to sleep, I'll make you have a good dream."

"Eh...meaning, you still have the ability to control dreams?"

"Hehe, just try it and you'll know."

"Well! I'm going to try!"

In the eyes of the nano wizard, the expression of Rokka, who was gradually falling asleep, was surprisingly cute—uh! Oops, I feel even more than before, but now I can't have sex, so I have to use the on-site dreaming technique that I haven't performed for some time, let me use it to relieve my cravings!

what! I really like seeing the pure girl's cake nest expression the most! ————The dividing line of time————The sky was bright, I quit the meditation, and immediately found that the weight increased.


Oops, when did Liuhuajiang squeeze into the space between me and Yifei? Thanks to her petite stature, otherwise she would never be able to do it - in fact, it's outrageous like this... —————— This is the dividing line —————— PS: SeeyounextMonday. (lt;ゝω ·) Kira☆

Chapter 882 It's finally time for the original luck characters to start showing off

So, as expected, compared to Pandora, who was born to fight, Little Bird Tour Liuhua, who has never experienced life and death, needs more psychological comfort!

I have my own way - like making her more committed to the middle two or something.

"Good morning, Liuhua."

"Good morning, König Der Unendlich (King of Infinity


"It's a short name, I think it's good."


good? I also want to thank you huh?

"Forget it, do whatever you want."

Cui Yifei and other women who woke up one after another due to Liu Hua's "chaotic entry" were naturally resentful and coquettish - however, the focus of today was obviously not here.

We, shortly after, found a dugout.

There are many refugees in there...

So, here comes the problem.

Do you want to stay to protect them or move on?

Logically speaking, Pandora and the ruler who have not graduated are not official soldiers, and have no obligation to protect ordinary citizens, but whether it is Elizabeth, who is quite popular even in the third grade, or Xia Lulu, the leader among exchange students, They are all cold-faced and warm-hearted beings who, from the perspective of righteousness, believe that these people should be protected. ——Pandora's mission is to protect human beings!

In the face of this kind of boring rhetoric, I am really helpless, but even the small number of third-year high-ranking Pandora who survived also agreed with their point of view.

Also, Kim Yumi and Aliz Schmitz did not dare to contradict me, but they also gave me pleading glances.

"Hey, I really can't do anything with you hot-blooded idiots... However, staying here will only run out of ammunition and food!"

Elizabeth smiled slightly: "Of course, I never said I would stay behind!"

After a short discussion, everyone agreed to protect those who are willing to accompany them and move on!

"We don't have enough strength to hold on here, so..."

I didn't wait for Elise to finish speaking, but when I heard a loud noise, the mutation started again!

The so-called accident, it always happens when people don't expect it, so it's called "accident"...

It was like an earthquake, and then... a terrifying alien monster broke out of the ground.

This time, it's not Radam, but BETA, who is very good at digging as a miner!

The earth-red tank class, the cyan assault class, the pale striker class and the fighter class...

Like bamboo shoots after the rain, these evil monsters, which in the eyes of humans can only destroy and devour, rush out from the ground.

"Ready to fight!"

The two female teachers began to organize students nervously and orderly to form an effective tactical queue, but the passers-by in the air-raid shelter couldn’t help but jump around—no, this statement seems too slight, it should be panic boiling. right.

Because, a "part" of BETA appeared directly inside the bomb shelter!


Liu Hua, who was next to me, pursed her lips and wanted to help, but considering that the combat skills set by her "core theory" are basically the type of bombardment, in the melee, It is really easy to accidentally injure an allied force in the middle, so the small hands are grasped one by one, and in the end there is no action.

I am positive about that.

"You judged well, let's wait for the moment."


"The air-raid shelter is collapsing—"

I don't know which dragon set shouted, but everyone found that under the brutal destruction of BETA, this underground building was really going to be unable to hold up.

"All staff, mandatory order - first retreat to the outside and then consider the battle."

what! But I don't know how many survivors will there be after this uproar?

Thanks, BETAs, for saving me a little trouble.

So, I will happily send you on your way!

Although many other students should have fled or lost their lives in the joint attack of Radam and NOVA when they escaped from West Generic Academy, so there are not many members of our team. Third-year students, but Elizabeth and the others at the forefront of the second-year and Cui Yifei who are exchange students are all warriors who are comparable to the elites of the third-year, and even some of the "evolved" Pandora have stronger fighting power , but there is a slight lack of practical experience.

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