My Infinite Wings

Chapter 1005:

The girl's left eye widened, and her pupils radiated doubts, struggles, and hesitation, but after seeing the existence of the soul, it immediately turned into a light of extreme excitement, instantly shattering the "sad" emotion, and gradually turning the "joy" Also squeezed into the corner.

"Yes, it is resurrection, so your sister's body has to be kept by me temporarily."

Saying that, I put away my soul, missed the girl by one step, bent my knees and half-squatted, raised my hand to touch the corpse on the ground, and put it into the storage space - a storage space where time is completely still, which can effectively prevent the corpse from rotting, even freezing. All can be saved.

"Ah! What was just... space magic?"


This time it was my turn to be surprised.

"You... know magic? Also know space magic?"

"Hmm! I know I know!"

The fear on the girl's face gradually disappeared, replaced by incomparable excitement, but the next second her face softened slightly, and she lowered her voice hesitantly.

" sister, can she really be resurrected?"

"Ha! Is it any good for me to lie to you?"

The advantage is of course that you can receive a pair of sister flowers again. Now you can increase your favorability a lot, plus twice the life-saving grace, which is greatly beneficial to the follow-up quick strategy...


The girl whispered and glanced at Radam, who had been dismembered, and her eyes met mine again.

"Hey Duo... Thank you for saving me, may I ask... Who are you?"

"Oh, before asking others, shouldn't you report your family name?"

"Well, you're right!"

A stunned expression appeared on the girl's face, she took a deep breath, took a half step back, bowed her head a little, tried to adjust her expression to the ancient well, and raised her skirt slightly with her hands in a nondescript - Hey, you are wearing the "regular" school uniform for high school girls. Miniskirts, **** are coming out!

"I'm sorry! I am the master of the evil king's true eyes. I have undergone several star reincarnations, and my strength has dropped significantly. If you, who are the strongest in the world, can form a contract with me..."

Therefore, my expression is like this - o(╯□╰)o.

Ahh, now that I think about it, it's no wonder it's so familiar--so, a light flashed in my heart, the corners of my mouth were raised decisively, and my eyes narrowed slightly.

"Huh? So that's the case, your pseudonym in this world is 'Little Bird Swimming Six Flowers', but isn't it?"

The little bird swims in Liuhua, from the light novel "The Second Sickness Also Falls in Love". It is a daily peace plane without supernatural power. I really don't know how she and the original "sister" of the TV version both got into this already. The messed up "Zero Battle Girl" came.


The girl - Xiaoniao Liuhua showed a very surprised look, and for a moment forgot to "old-fashion" the words " do you know..."

"Because as you said, I am indeed from the 'strong', and my pseudonym in this world is Louis? L? Bridget..."————This is the dividing line————PS: Long live in the middle of the second ... and more.

Chapter 879 Are you willing to sign a contract with me and become a magical girl?

Since Liuhua no longer uses the ancient language, then I will not continue to write.

"Also, I sensed 'something' from you, so there is a contract that might be suitable for you!"

This is not a lie. After getting close to Liuhua, I did have some kind of strange feeling for her—hmph, does the "intuition" refer to this on a whim?


The second beautiful girl opened her mouth slightly and was stunned for five seconds.

"Really, really, really—"

I rub it, it's so easy to believe it? It’s so rare that so far I haven’t been deceived by bad people, cheating, cheating, playing bad and black...

"Of course it's true, but..."

I deliberately let out a bit of evil and awe-inspiring temperament, but it seems that it made Liuhua's eyes more small stars.

"The real 'dark world' is quite cruel! Since it is a contract, there is a corresponding price, and... well, for the future, let's wait until I see the results of the contract!"


Liuhua swallowed as if with all her strength, and stared at me with her left eye without blinking.

"The contract... is it real? Is it a contract that can... awaken my power?"

"Ah, well, you have to try it to know..."

I took a quick step forward, put the girl's petite body in my arms, and bowed my head before she realized what I was going to do.

"Let me find out your worth!"


A kiss a contract method that is common to most high-dimensional existences, and the contract I have now made with Xiaoniao Liuhua is a high-level but simple non-attribute contract. - Energy circulation contract.

This name sounds very ordinary, and it doesn't have the feeling of being arrogant, cool and handsome at all. In fact, its basic functions are indeed very ordinary. It's just that the contract applicant Xiaoniao Liuhua and me, the contract owner, are in the same space. You can draw my energy from the air and use it for your own use.

For ordinary humans, this function is meaningless, but for Liuhua, who made me have a "special induction", the mutation happened in the next instant...

Before I had time to enjoy the soft lips of the pure girl in panic, a gentle force separated us.

Ow - a fiery but temperatureless golden light, overflowing from the edge of Liu Hua's blindfold, and her whole body was covered with her breath, making her feet off the ground and floating slightly in the air.

The blindfold was quickly blown away by the mysterious power attached to the golden light, revealing the radiant golden eyes beneath it - that power even turned into a beam of light, piercing the smoke of gunpowder in the sky, turning the smoke cloud into a circle. Ring-shaped, as if in awe of this sky-high beam of light.

Hmm... is it really "that" physique? Even in my "database", there are only vague records and a lack of detailed descriptions. - Delusional voice.

To put it simply, this is a kind of physique that only ordinary people can have... or that the "soul physique" itself has no power, no matter how many major crises it encounters, it will not stimulate any potential, but if you can get a powerful magic external force If you help, and the owner is full of imagination, you can activate the power of "delusion".

Well, it’s actually not that easy. The owner must also firmly believe in a core theory that only belongs to him. It doesn’t matter how absurd the theory is, as long as he can justify it himself, and then the strength of the ability is determined by the degree of belief. , erodes reality through the imagination in the heart, and achieves various goals...

The above are the modern legends circulating among gods and demons. They are usually dismissed with laughter, and most gods and demons cannot understand the profound meaning of the word "中二" - I didn't expect that a "" The "Wandering Sound" beam of light continued to erupt for a full ten seconds.

Tsk, the Pandoras, who were alarmed enough, ran over to find out, driven by curiosity.

Really, then I can't justify Liu Hua's body check...

"I... ah, ah? Eyes... lenses..."

The second girl looked at a loss. Although the light dissipated, her right eye still maintained a golden color.

"Your beauty contact lenses should have been wiped out by the power just now...or fused -- according to your own wishes."

I pulled out a small mirror from the storage space and handed it over.

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