My hosting life

Chapter 079

Lurenja Eddie, I feel a little strange lately.

Recently, the atmosphere in the family seems to have suddenly become a little strange, even the usual cold guys who don’t like making friends the most seem to have opened up, and they have invited other people in the family to hang out together.

Not only that, those guys who suddenly became enlightened, after taking the people in the family out to play, the breath on their bodies also had a subtle change, and Lu Renjia couldn’t even be sure that this change didn’t happen again, but they always felt that something was strange beyond description.

Obviously, everyone looks no different from before, and those unique family spiritual power fluctuations and witchcraft cannot be said to be strange situations that have been impersonated and replaced by others.

Those clansmen who are slightly strange in breath, whether it is talking and remembering, are no different from before, which is even less likely to be fake.

Maybe it’s just that he is a little too sensitive ~ sense, Lu Renjia thought so, a wizard, even if it is just a wizard apprentice, is also cultivating in his own spiritual field, and it is not a strange thing that he accidentally trained himself into a mental illness.

And not only that, the previously lively family canteen has somehow become a little deserted, listening to those uncles and aunts in those canteens complain that the wizards in the family seem to be eating out, and they need to dump a large part of the food every day, which is very wasteful.

It seems that the people in the family have found some delicious food outside, and the people of the family who used to eat in the cafeteria are becoming fewer and fewer.

Lu Renjia, who noticed this situation, was slightly disappointed, after all, everyone went to eat delicious together, and no one had invited him to eat together, which also made Lu Renjia as a member of the family a little uncomfortable, as if only he was excluded.

This feeling of being faintly rejected by everyone, Lu Renjia also did not like it very much.


Although there are doubts above interpersonal communication, but it is just doubts, after all, they are wizards, and wizards have to rely on the strength of their spiritual power to speak.

Even if he is rejected by everyone, as long as he can become a powerful wizard, he is naturally accepted by everyone.

Entering the important cultivation place of the family’s cultivation, Lu Renjia in the blood pool moved his nose and looked at the blood pool in front of him with some doubt.

Blood here… Seems to have gone a little bad?

And it seems that the speed of consumption is much slower than before, it seems that no one is using it, obviously if you did not take the initiative to come to the blood pool to cultivate before, the blood pool replenished in a week, basically used up in three or four days, now it seems that it has not been replenished for more than ten days.

Even though the blood in the blood pool has undergone some processing, it has still deteriorated after so many days.

After all, these blood pools are just the blood of some ordinary humans, and after refining by special means, they can be easily absorbed by them.

The special bloodline power of the Eddy family is that it can obtain power in the blood, I heard that the ancestors are not human at all, they are a powerful race that feeds on humans, but unfortunately, now they are only inheriting some of the characteristics of the ancestors.

Even sucking blood, you must enter the pool of blood all over the body to be able to do it, if you eat it, it will be absorbed by the body itself from the physical level before it is absorbed by the mysterious level, although the blood seems to have deteriorated a little, but Lu Renjia still pinched his nose and entered the pool of blood.

By absorbing these essence blood extracted by humans, as long as it is a clan member of the Eddy family who has awakened their bloodline, they can speed up their cultivation on the wizard path, and the effect is even more powerful than ordinary magic stones!

Not only that, in addition to being mentally strong, the flesh ~ body will also become more powerful, I heard that some of the predecessors recorded by the family can also become a pool of blood to hide themselves, and even can awaken the witchcraft hidden in the bloodline, directly hidden in the shadows!

It’s just that with the continuous deterioration of the bloodline, these juniors can’t do this, and now it’s just that the vitality is a little stronger than ordinary people, as long as the heart is not damaged, as long as it is thrown into the blood pool in time, it can be saved.

After a day of cultivation, Lu Renjia also took a shower and returned to his room.

It is obviously late at night, but those of their own tribesmen, but they all seem to not sleep, each of them is brightly lit, speaking of which, sometimes when they stay up all night, they also see those clansmen running out without even caring about the lights.

Such days seem to have been going on for many days.

Are these guys not sleeping?

Lu Renjia, who had a trace of doubt in his heart, quickly threw this somewhat strange idea to the back of his mind, wizard, isn’t it normal to stay up all night!



Lu Renjia, who had just woken up from his sleep, looked at Isaac who appeared in front of him with some surprise, looking a little sneaky, and even a little scared.

Isaac was one of his few friends, but Rurenja had never seen Isaac’s fearful face.

“Lu Renjia listen, I won’t be here for long.”

As he spoke, Isaac turned around, as if someone was arresting him, but Lu Renjia saw that there was only the shadow of the moon shining under the trees outside.

Alas? They finally went to sleep.

Looking at the houses of his own people who had turned off the lights, Lu Renjia thought so.

“Remember what I said!”

As if worried that Lu Renjia would not appreciate his words, Isaac tightly grabbed Lu Renjia’s hands, looking at Isaac with a hideous face, Lu Renjia also nodded.

“Family…. Something strange lately….. You feel it too, right? ”

With a somewhat painful, somewhat uncertain tone, Isaac said.

Lu Renjia also nodded, he did sense a hint of family wrongness, but isn’t this his nerves too sensitive ~ sense?

“In short, although I don’t know what is strange, those people seem to have noticed that something is wrong with me, and I can feel that they are watching me!”

Speaking of this, Isaac’s face suddenly became a little frightened, and he still couldn’t help but look out the window, as if there was some strange alien that devoured people hidden in the shadows.

During the day, Payn basically walks around with Tsubaki, and even in the wild, Payn can always find something that interests both Tsubaki and Tsubaki.

At night, after Tsubaki fell asleep, Pei En began to use the Yingyue Breathing Method to cultivate under the light of the moon.

It is worth saying that if you practice the Yingyue breathing method when you have moonlight, then the cultivation at this time can replace sleep.

Coupled with the fact that after Pei En’s physical fitness reached the level of a knight, Pei En’s not sleeping for a few days would not have much impact at all, which also led to the fact that since Pei En’s became a knight-level powerhouse, he had never slept again, making full use of every minute and second.

At the same time, after encountering the witch Kirito, Baeen also roughly recalled Tsubaki’s identity.

After all, with the continuous optimization of the life level, the improvement brought to Pei En is comprehensive, not only the enhancement of physical fitness in all aspects, but also in memory, as early as when he was a knight apprentice, Pei En almost reached the level of never forgetting.

If there are no other witches with the same name and surname, then Tsubaki should be the black witch Tsubaki in the original book who made deals with demons in order to ensure her appearance and thus fall.

After all these years of getting along, Pei En has grown older, but he still has his own feelings.

Tsubaki for Pei En has long been not the hateful and poor black witch Tsubaki in the original book, but the little witch Tsubaki who accompanies herself every day and relieves herself every day.

Therefore, after understanding that he was probably not far from dominating the Inuyasha world even if he could not dominate the world, Pei En directly taught the basic breathing method to the little witch Tsubaki.

Previously, he didn’t teach it to Tsubaki entirely because he was worried that there might be something beyond his control in this world, but now that he was sure that Inuyasha’s low demon would definitely not exceed the world of middle demons, then Baeen didn’t need to care so much.

As for why not directly teach the Yingyue breathing method to Tsubaki, of course, because the breathing method also needs to be gradual, if you use the advanced breathing method at the beginning, there may be some shortcomings on the foundation, and you don’t need this concern to start directly from the bottom.

Tsubaki, as one of the few genius witches in the original work who can have two moves with Kikyo, is still very good in terms of qualifications, and gradually it is not good for guys with ordinary qualifications, but it is the most effective for this kind of genius.

In Pei’s opinion, after having the breathing method, many problems that plagued Tsubaki were solved head-on.

With the basic breathing method and the blood and flesh of the demon, coupled with the slow extension of the lifespan of continuous cultivation, there is absolutely no problem in reaching the life span of up to three hundred years for the Great Knight.

Even, if the flesh and blood of these demons are relatively sufficient, they can resist the devouring of Pei En and Tsubaki for three hundred years, then even if they break through to the fantasy world like in One Piece again, there is absolutely no record at all, and there is absolutely no problem at the new level.

Pei En probably estimated that with the level of life in his One Piece world, there was absolutely no problem living for seven or eight hundred years.

Even, with continuous cultivation, the time to live will become longer and longer, and it is very possible to live for thousands of years.

In this way, with the improvement of the level of life, Tsubaki’s appearance aging problem is no longer a problem, after becoming a great knight, his appearance will be completely fixed in the peak physical state, and only when the limit is approaching and the life expectancy is less than five days, will he age rapidly every day.

The fantasy world calls this change the source of disconnection, which refers to the exhaustion of the source of life, but Pei En prefers to call this the five declines of heaven and man.

At the same time, with the learning of the breathing method, according to Pei En’s prediction, no matter how genius and demon the witch Kirito is, she will definitely be surpassed by Tsubaki within five years.

In fact, it’s almost the same in three years, but the witch Kirito is not only strong in talent, but also in the use of various skills, so even if there is a breathing method, and Tsubaki is also very genius, Pei En feels that Tsubaki still needs a full five years to do it.

Moreover, if Tsubaki did not practice diligently, this time would become longer.

In this way, the two major heart knots of the black witch Tsubaki in the original work were solved by Pei En.

Of course, Pei En actually knows that maybe soon, Tsubaki will have a third major knot here that cannot be solved by teaching breathing methods… Watching Tsubaki look at his gradually changing gaze as he passed day by day, filled with a trace of admiration and happiness, Pei En just sighed lightly.

Before meeting the right person, a girl will always mistake her gratitude for the person who has always been by her side and sheltered herself from the wind and rain for love.

In Pei En’s view, the current Tsubaki is probably the case, as the age increases, as he knows more and more truths, Tsubaki is no longer the ignorant little witch at the beginning, but a girl who yearns for love.

Tsubaki is really a very beautiful girl, and her beauty is by no means weaker than that of Kikyos.

And because of the difference in experience, the simple breath on Tsubaki’s body now also makes Tsubaki not much better than Kikyo in temperament, and Pei En has always protected Tsubaki very well.

However, he already has a wife!

By the way, the One Piece world seems to be polygamous, as long as the strength is strong, how many marriages seem to be arbitrary, and the woman’s side will not mind.

No, no, no, I can’t think like that, I’m a bad old man who is almost one hundred and twenty years old! Tsubaki is only fifteen or six years old now, but the difference is seven or eight times …

But then again, if another hundred years is going on, he is two hundred and twenty years old, and Tsubaki is one hundred and sixteen years old, such an age difference is not so difficult to accept, that is, it is equivalent to a thirty-seven-eight-year-old uncle marrying a twenty-year-old dynamic girl?

Even in two hundred years, he will be four hundred and twenty years old, and Tsubaki will be three hundred and sixteen years old, and getting married at this time is equivalent to marrying a sixteen-year-old girl at the age of twenty?

In this way, it seems to make sense?

Forget it, let’s talk about it then.

Pei En hurriedly discarded the gradually evil thoughts in his head.

If it really came to that time, and Tsubaki still didn’t meet the existence he really liked at that time, then it probably didn’t matter to him.

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