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Wang Ye slowly stretched out his hand and tried to touch the big guy with his hand, only to feel a cold metallic texture.

Under the cold metal shell, Wang Ye seemed to feel the deterrent power under its cold surface.

Think about once this guy is detonated, the power is even more imaginable.

Although there are such types of weapons throughout China, there have never been such privately owned missiles as Xiang Wang Ye.

This reminded Wang Ye of a tiger raised by a prince of a rich country before.

Now this mecha vehicle missile is like that tiger, although tigers are no strangers to people.

But in a privately owned way, I am afraid that no one dares to imagine it yet.

“Be careful in the warehouse, you must not allow anyone to approach, let me seal it in all directions!”

After being excited, Wang Ye suddenly thought that he had almost forgotten the purpose of coming here this time.

“Receive the master’s order and seal it in all directions…”

Bodyguard No. 1, who received Wang Ye’s instructions, immediately put his instructions into his head, and several other robots next to him initiated instructions.

I saw that the mecha car carrying missiles was driven away by several other robots, and after a burst of dust, the previous calm was restored here.

“Bodyguard One, help me detect what the nails are for here.”

Wang Ye, who is inspected, is now afraid that he will not even let go of a thumbtack under his feet.

After all, there are too many doubts here, and Wang Ye has to grasp every key point.

According to Wang Ye’s instructions, Bodyguard One quickly called up the data in his brain.

An X-ray on the chest began to scan the place where the pushpin was.

Combined with the data in the system, soon Bodyguard One came up with a result.

“Report master, according to the test, here was previously a part of a similar mechanism.”

Hearing the information given by Bodyguard No. 1, Wang Ye smiled happily, it seems that his guess is not wrong.

Again, there really was a strict organ here, and the mechanism here must be much more advanced than the one on Earth.

“What about the organ? Why are we close and can’t start the alarm? ”

Wang Ye couldn’t help but ask.

“There was no mistake that there was an alarm here before, but now the alarm mechanism here has been destroyed before, so there was no alarm when we approached.”

Bodyguard One explained that probably because of the complete destruction that Planet One experienced not long ago, the alarm mechanism here was also destroyed.

“The alarm mechanism is broken?”

After hearing the explanation of Bodyguard One, Wang Ye muttered to himself

It seems that the previous planet No. 1 was really a deterrent huge destruction, and it could actually destroy the alarm mechanism here.

Wang Ye, who was half-aware, put it on the metal door again, and found that the door was smooth and a little abnormal.

If you follow the normal thinking, such a gate is generally extremely complex in structure, and there are many carved shapes on the gate.

It looks extremely mechanical, but at this time, the metal door in front of Wang Ye’s eyes is not only not a little bit decorated.

There is not even an opening to put the keys.

At first glance, it looks like a flat piece of metal in front of your eyes.

Such a simple shape seemed to give Wang Ye some headaches.

Now there is no way to find even a keyhole, let alone how to open it.

Although there is no place to open the gate, at least you can start from the alarm mechanism that has been found so far.

Under Wang Ye’s explanation, Bodyguard One quickly found the mystery of the alarm mechanism.

A new X-ray alarm mechanism is used here, and the physical mechanical structure is no longer used here.

Even the metal door does not use a single mechanical structure, it is all the application of computer programs.

On Planet One, some of the most important warehouses are used by computer programs, and rarely physical and mechanical things.

From this point, it can be seen that the technology of Planet One has long surpassed the earth.

Since this is built by relying on computer-specific programs, there must be something that needs to be specifically identified, otherwise in what way do people on planet one come and go.

“Clear ring…”

Thinking of this, Wang Ye suddenly thought of the transparent ring he had picked up before.

The last time he was in the secret room, it seemed that he only saw a person wearing such a transparent ring, and no one else found it.

Originally, Wang Ye thought that the key to the metal door was related to the chip.

But it was from Professor Qin that he learned that those wafers were a special multiplex compound composed of polymer compounds.

Currently blink on Earth no longer exists.

Now think that those chips are just a little clue, and the bigger clue is in the body of the ring.

At first, Wang Ye only thought that the ring might be a jewelry of everyone here, but did not think about it.

But now that I think about it, I feel that I was really short-circuited in my brain at that time.

That transparent ring was not an ornament at all, if it really was.

Then he should have seen such a style of ring when he was packing up his jewelry before.

It’s not hard to guess when you think about it.

“Hmm… Eighty percent of this is related to the transparent ring. ”

Wang Ye, who was a little eyebrowed, immediately left Planet No. 1 and returned to his room in a flash.

“Hey… Yeah…… That’s where something went wrong! ”

At this time, in the scientific research room of Wang Ye’s private base, Professor Huang and Jiang Yu were conducting experiments on the combination of robots on the test bench.

Although the current experimental data are sufficiently accurate, the idea is a hypothesis after all, and it is still difficult in practice.

Before Jiang Yu and Professor Qin met Professor Huang, there was no problem with the results they envisioned.

However, when Professor Huang personally operated it, he found that there were still many problems.

However, although there are some problems, they are not big problems.

Professor Huang, who has been accustomed to it for two days, has also abandoned his curiosity and begun to concentrate on his robot research.

“Jiang Yu, can you rearrange this line of instructions of the robot, because in this way the robot we made will be more coherent, and there will be no problem of not being able to distinguish human instructions like on the market.” _

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