Score it. "

Kirishima Eijiro clenched his fists and said unhappily: "So, why should public satisfaction be included in this ranking? Isn't it good to talk about strength? Now we just need a group of the strongest heroes, give those The enemy's most powerful restraint!"

Reno was shocked. He didn't expect Kirishima, a guy with an uncomplicated brain circuit, to be able to say such incisive words.

277 Training After the Press Conference (2/2)

Among the top ten professional heroes, Long Jiu can at least rank sixth in terms of strength. Like that Mirko, Wash, etc., his strength is really incomparable to her.

The ranking rules of the announcement list are based on three aspects of the hero's event completion rate, social contribution and national support rate in the past year.

Renault estimates that although Longjiu can surpass a few people in the first two indicators, it may be a lot worse in terms of public satisfaction.

The black gang killer whale is an example. This guy has strength and does a lot of things, but he looks too fierce, like a villain, and the fan base is not enough.

"No way, the rules of this thing are like this." Renault was also quite helpless, "In the past, there was All Might, and it didn't matter how the ranking was calculated. But now, it is not enough to rely on the ranking alone, the enemy is more and more publicized, and the strength is the Hard truth."

Looking at the professional heroes who continued to speak in the stands, Renault recalled the strength of those ignorant, as well as the strength of the dead-handed wooden hanger and his enemy alliance.

If it is the brainless in the Stein incident, these heroes can still fight, there is no pressure. But if it is the same as the thirty brains that he had faced before, and the first one that appeared, the strength is much higher than that of the other soldiers, Renault estimates that among these ten people, there are several who want to flutter.

Soon, it was Hawks' turn of No. 2. When this guy faced such a big scene, he was not nervous at all.

Walking to the front, Hawks said with a smile: "What, I really can't figure it out, why are you all still obsessed with the past time. Now the symbol is gone, at this juncture, we have to say In those scenes, do you want to say more heroic rhetoric?"

Spreading his huge wings, Hawks slowly flew into the air, resting his chin in one hand.

His words also caused the professional heroes who spoke before to turn their attention to the past.

In front of the TV, Reynolds also looked at Hawks speechlessly: "This guy really doesn't think it's a big deal. He was avoiding this topic, but he even took the initiative to clarify the matter."

Hawks' character is like this, and it's not a big deal at all.

As for the people in Class A, because they knew that Renault had interned at Hawks' side and heard him talk about Hawks' character, even if they were surprised, they felt it was reasonable.

After a few short speeches, Hawks floated to Andrews and said with a smile, "My speech is over, it's your turn, the one with the approval rating below me, this No.1."

Andrews, who had been standing quietly, glanced at Hawks who stretched out his hand, patted off the palm of the other's outstretched hand, and walked past him to the microphone.

Looking at the dark figure below, Andrew said indifferently: "Since the young people have said so."

Clenching his fists, Andrew's expression was extraordinarily serious: "What is the power of a hero for? The answer to this question must be very simple. Facts speak louder than words, please witness with your own eyes, my future performance. "

Off the field, in addition to reporters, there were also quite a few professional heroes. No one was unfamiliar with this Andrew on stage.

Likewise, everyone knows that it has not been a day or two for Andrews to surpass All Might to become No.1.

I thought that today, Andrew would say some different provocative words. In the end, who would have thought that it would make people unable to jump out of the problem, and even thought that Andrew was standing in the No.1 position, which was quite a thing.

Listening to Andrew's speech standing in the center of the stage, Hawks, who had not refused to shake hands just now, was the first to laugh and clapped his hands.

After Andrew's speech, there were some messy announcements, such as the committee's assessment of professional heroes in the next year, supervision, and the mess of Balabala, which has nothing to do with Reynolds.

After turning off the TV, Renault saw Hong Jiao Dong bowing his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

Come to think of it, it should be related to Andrew's speech just now.

Renault was one of the few people who knew about the situation at Bong Jiao Dong's house, but he could only be a listener in this kind of matter, and would not offer any opinions. How to do it depends on the person involved.

Getting up and stretching, Reynolds said to Hong Jiao Dong, Bao Hao Shengji, and Izuku Midori: "After watching the press conference, there is a lot of time left today, so let's just come to the training battle, tomorrow I'm going to do an off-campus internship, so I don't have time."

Bakugou Shengji was the first to stand up, with an excited smile: "I'm always in a fighting state!"

Although Hong Jiao Dong was thinking about things before, he quickly came to his senses at this time, and followed closely: "I'm fine."

As for the last Izuku Midori... Although he felt unlucky when he was arrested at the beginning, but at this time he also adjusted his state, and it was true.

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