At the time of the battle with Chang An, it was almost the same opening. Although his performance was much better than before, the ending still did not change, and this was under the premise that Renault did not use his full strength.

'It seems that I have to think more about some tactical plans. My personality is enough to support me to consider more different situations and tactics. In addition to defensive counterattacks, I seem to be able to play some heavy firepower...'

At this point, the one-hour practical training was over, and everyone started the cultural class again.

"Ahhh! Reno-kun, can't you take a break?" Lying on the table, Ashido Sanna didn't want to see the textbook in front of him at all.

"It's been ten minutes since you rested, isn't it enough? I see that your physical strength has recovered, and you are full of energy." With the math book in his hand, Renault said mercilessly.

"Um...are you the devil?"

"It's understandable. After all, as I said at the beginning, my tutoring is very strict. Now, turn the book to 86 pages, and let's talk about the next knowledge point, which will be tested here."

Seeing Renault lecturing earnestly, and the other five people either thinking hard or going crazy, 8 million hundred smiled and got up to prepare refreshments.

Chapter 102 Exam (1/2)

At 4 pm, the study meeting finally came to an end.

"Ah~~ It's finally over!!!" Putting down the pen, Ashido Sanna stretched greatly, looking relieved.

"It's still too early to end, don't forget that the exam only starts on Thursday, which means that you have to study hard for the next three days." After closing the textbook, Renault looked at Ashido Sana and said.

"Reno-kun, can't you say something nice? No girl likes you like this!"

"You don't have to worry about this." Renault smiled and returned to his seat, tidying up his things, then raised the cup and sipped the black tea that was about to cool.

After resting for a while, everyone said goodbye and left the 8 million home.

After sending it to the door and watching everyone leave, the eight million hundred was a little disappointed and walked back.

And that night, the video of Reynolds and everyone's combat training at the training ground was sent to 8 million parents. After seeing Renault's performance, the two heads of the 8 million family gave Renault a grade again.

This is a boy who can match All Might in the future, or even surpass All Might.

As the leaders of the big family, the parents of 8 million hundred have always been very confident in their vision. But in the first year, don't be too aggressive, just pay attention quietly, wait until the second year, and then start investing gradually.

. . . . .

On Renault's side, after returning home, before sitting down for a few minutes, Renault received a call from the head teacher Aizawa Shota.

Reno had been sent a message by Aizawa Shota before. Today, he will give his classmates a tutoring session. If there is anything, he will contact him after 5 o'clock.

Aizawa Shota was not impatient, and indeed waited until this time before calling Renault.

"Last night, why did you bump into the enemy alliance again?"

Aizawa Shota, who had just come out of the police station, sat in the car and asked Renault with his mobile phone.

"I don't know, I just came to the convenience store to buy something at night, then took a cool night in the park and had a late-night snack, and I was attacked. But the level of those people was average, and it wasn't enough to cause me problems. threaten."

"I also have confidence in you about this, but you also know that if someone finds out, the problem is still quite troublesome."

"In this regard, I have also observed, because it is in a park, and my side is not a busy city, so there will be no people at night."

Aizawa Sakura listened and nodded. After receiving the news from Reno last night, he immediately contacted an acquaintance at the police station and came here to clean up the mess. The more than 20 enemies that Renault took over were all taken into custody immediately. But after interrogation, they found that although these enemies have some guys with a lot of previous knowledge, they don't know much about the intelligence of the enemy alliance.

"That is to say, those people are not important roles in the enemy alliance? But I feel that the strength of these people is stronger than the previous group of usj people." Listening to the interrogation content described by Aizawa Shota, Renault was also puzzled.

After thinking for a while, Renault came to a judgment.

"Could it be that they were sent to die because they couldn't control it?"

"Send to death?"

Aizawa Sakura didn't expect Renault to say this, but on second thought, it was indeed possible.

"Our confrontation with the enemy alliance is only once, even if you count the one in Hosu City, there are only two times, but we have done some analysis, and the two operations were carried out under the command of that dead handle. Among the people who came to attack this time, there are indeed many guys with great temperament and do not like to be under people."

"It seems that my guesses are close to ten." Renault was quite sure about his guesses again, "The guy who hangs on the wood is a paranoid and arrogant person who has reached a certain level of arrogance. Rather than taking the time to make him obedient, he would definitely choose to throw it away. But this time, he chose to throw it away and cause me some trouble at the same time."

"It seems that you are very hated by him."

"Huh, who knows?

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