My girlfriend is an idol

Chapter 652 When Iron Man Meets Iron Fist

As a result, the two burgers really didn't touch each other. Instead, the salad covered with cheese sauce and mango sauce became the object of their mouths.

"After talking about the game, how are the preparations for "New Iron Man"? Can shooting start next year?"

Wiping his lips, Li Xianzhe felt that the previous yogurt tasted quite good, and asked the boss for two more cups.

"Wow~ I almost forgot if you didn't tell me. In fact, Kevin told me that Marvel's plan for this year is difficult to invest in new movies.

Next year, "Captain America 3" and "Thor 3" and "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" will be on the agenda one after another, but he and his father are very supportive of this work."

"In other words, we can only invest in shooting ourselves?"

Li Xianzhe is not surprised by Downey's statement. In his opinion, without Marvel's intervention, the two of this movie will have more room to "let go and do it boldly."

In addition, being able to get the support of Kevin and the old man is equivalent to getting the support of Marvel. Apart from the need to discuss the box office share, the biggest problem has been solved.

"If that's the case, Donnie, you should be the director of this "New Iron Man".

"Era of Ultron" will go to the Atlanta studio for filming in the next few days. By then, the Russell brothers will definitely be too busy to be the director of two movies at the same time. This situation is basically not the case in Hollywood, so the director will only I can only rely on you."

Hearing that Li Xianzhe gave him the position of director with confidence, Downey's pupils moved slightly. Although the film was completed by the two together, he knew that most of the hard work was done by Li Xianzhe.

First of all, the creation of the script was almost done by him alone. Together with the various types of armor structure drawings of Iron Man in it, and the characters in it, Li Xianzhe has been re-edited on the script written in the past, and it can be connected to the "Iron Man". The plot of "Man 3".

In fact, it is not only that he thinks "Iron Man 3" is a failure, although it is the highest box office of the "Iron Man" series.

But after the movie was released, Marvel tried to appease the dissatisfaction of the majority of fans and released a short film "Long Live the King" under pressure to appease the emotions of the fans.

This operation has never been done before, which shows how bad the situation was.

This is also Li Xianzhe's firm belief that once the news of the filming of the film that Marvel executives consider to be "Iron Man 4" is reported, what the outside world will expect.

Marvel's "Iron Man 3" version of "Iron Man 3" turned the Mandarin into a mentally ill actor. It not only deceived people who believed that he was a "Mandarin" in the movie, but also deceived the people who watched the movie. .

Therefore, Lee Xianzhe and Downey’s new "Iron Man" movie is truly customized for Asian fans.

Not only copied the plot in the original comics, but also in response to the previous rule of "Marvel weakens the villain in the movie", Li Xianzhe instead increased the drama and ability of the Mandarin.

"Lee, I actually hope you can join in and join me... I can see that you like Daniel Rand this superhero very much.

Moreover, this plot is again placed in the conflict between China, Tony Stark and the Ten Rings. I think it is very appropriate to introduce Iron Fist in the middle..."

As Downey talked about his thoughts on the plot, Li Xianzhe's eyelids jumped. Obviously, he didn't expect that the plot could be rewritten in this way.

Generally, independent movies of superheroes are shot. Marvel will also add some auxiliary superheroes appropriately on the basis of the protagonist to maximize the box office benefits of the movie.

For example, "Gears of War" was added to "Iron Man 2" and the debut of Black Widow was introduced, "Falcon" and "Winter Soldier" were added to "Captain America 2", and Hulk was added to "Thor 3" And Sol group cp and so on.

With these experience and operations before him, when Downey proposed to let "Iron Fist" appear in the new movie, Li Xianzhe did not directly refute it as before.

No matter from any angle, Downey’s suggestion is very attractive.

Moving the main scenes in the movie to Huaxia will definitely increase the presence of some Huaxia characters. Iron Fist is undoubtedly the most suitable.

Although in the comics, although Tekken joined the Avengers, it never had a conflict with the Mandarin. However, comics and movies are completely different. Many superheroes belong to Fulian, but they do not belong to the movie universe.

After thinking about it, Li Xianzhe's brain started to work. Apart from the feasibility and benefits, his original idea of ​​the plot was.

"With the end of the third plot, Trevor, a fake Manchurian, was arrested and imprisoned, but he was sought after by many prisoners in prison.

Suddenly one day the reporter Jackson Norris came to interview the fake Manchuria in prison, but he was actually a member of the "Ten Commandments" of the Manchuria to save and punish the "so-called liars."

The Mandarin who was really far away in China was very angry at the pretender who suddenly appeared, and asked his own hands to go to the prison and take him out to China.

However, this news was learned by Iron Man Tony Stark, and he followed the group of people in battle armor, hoping to find the base camp of this criminal organization.

On the road where the fake Manchuria was successfully rescued and transported to China, when the vehicle blocked a certain mountainous area, Iron Man chased him and clashed with members of the Ten Rings Gang.

Of course, this time to prevent Iron Man from succeeding, but at the moment when the fake Manchu was killed, the real Manchu appeared and knocked Iron Man into the abyss."

Originally, Li Xianzhe’s original plot was here, and there was a paragraph temporarily here, and the plot after that was nothing more than the story of Iron Man being rescued by the locals, and then upgrading his armor to seek revenge from Manchu and destroying the Ten Commandments.

Although the content is old-fashioned, at least it will not fail like the third one. Li Xianzhe is sincere in all aspects of the lines and the plot description.

However, Downey's sudden suggestion made Li Xianzhe a vague impulse.

Seeing a hesitation on his face, Downey took a sip of yogurt and continued talking about his thoughts.

From here, the following plot was filled with the fact that Stark was hit by the Mandarin into a snowy peak, which happened to be the entrance of Kunlun City where Iron Fist was located.

Stark woke up to find that his whole body was filled with tubes. He had been beaten to a half-handed by the Mandarin.

A group of monks he had never seen lifted him up and put him in a medicated bath that was carefully prepared, speaking Chinese language that he didn't understand, and because the armor was destroyed by the Manchu attack, he and Jawi The connection between Sri Lanka is severed.

After entering the pool, Stark noticed the changes in his body and began to become curious about all this and the unknown place he was in.

Later, after training and he was able to walk down the ground, he began to visit this place, a place full of Chinese ancient martial arts. Many knowledge and culture shocked Stark, who always believed in science... until later he saw Zheng Zheng Daniel Rand who practices "Qigong" and martial arts.

In this way, Iron Fist's appearance is no surprise.

Two superheroes join forces to fight Manchuria, one is Western technology, the other is Chinese ancient martial arts... this story is simply not too cool...

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