My Galaxy Technology

Chapter 388 Ruihui’s Medical Representative

Director Li, you don't have to work overtime tonight, right? Let's go out for a meal together?

Nanjiang Province, Provincial People's Hospital.

On this day, Li Yung, the chief physician of the Department of Orthopedics, had just gotten off work. He went downstairs and got on a battery car, then walked out of the hospital gate and rushed home. He didn't want to turn the corner when he ran into an old acquaintance, Wang Qing, a medical representative from Ruihui.

Wang Qing was wearing light clothes and carrying a bag. When he saw him, he had a smile on his face, as if he was seeing a relative, and he also spoke warm words.

Well, I'm kind enough to invite you to dinner.

Li Yun stopped and responded with a smile on his face, but secretly sighed in his heart: Here we go again!

As the chief physician, Li Yun's status in the Orthopedics Department of the People's Hospital and the entire People's Hospital is considered to be a high-level position, so he has to be publicized by medical representatives every now and then.

Although the management is now much stricter than before, as the saying goes, there are policies and countermeasures. Even if we treat guests to dinner or give small gifts during holidays, the above-mentioned people turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye. As long as you don't engage in large-scale bribery or abuse of power for personal gain, it's basically not a big problem.

Of course, we do not rule out the possibility that there are many doctors who want to take advantage of the situation and make huge profits.

But Li Yun is not among them. He is a person who is afraid of trouble, and at most he just wants to eat.

The Wang Qing in front of me is a frequent visitor to the People's Hospital. He has been to every department. He knows everyone at key points in the hospital and has eaten there, and he is no exception.

Only this time, I wonder what kind of medicine or medical equipment Wang Qing is going to sell again.

I won't go to eat. My wife and children are at home waiting for me to go back.

Li Yun rejected him flatly.

It's nothing, just a casual meal. This year is already halfway through, and I haven't treated Director Li to a meal yet. Give me a chance. I'm going on a business trip to another place tomorrow.

Wang Qing said with a smile. As he spoke, he took a pack of cigarettes and stuffed them into Li Yun's hand.

With a quick glance, Li Yun recognized the brand name of this pack of cigarettes: Huaxia. They were still soft and should be said to be higher-end cigarettes. A pack cost half a hundred.

He wanted to refuse, but the tickle in his throat made him subconsciously accept it, and then skillfully put it in his coat pocket.

Wang Qing continued to take another stick from the soft Huaxia he had opened and handed it to him, and kindly lit it for him.

How about we have some barbecue tonight? I'll come over and write some materials after I go back.

Li Yun said while puffing out smoke.

Okay, then I'll find a good place. Send me a message when you're done.

Wang Qing smiled.

He knew that this time things were basically half done.

The evening time passed quickly, and it was eleven o'clock in a short while.

Li Yun, who finally finished writing the materials, rode a battery car and followed Wang Qingfa's address to the barbecue place.

Director Li, you have worked too hard, and you have been working so late.

After meeting, Wang Qing warmly greeted Li Yun to sit down.

Li Yun smiled and said: It's just so so. Who made me choose the doctor's profession?

Under Wang Qing's warm hospitality, as various barbecue ingredients were served, and they drank draft beer, the atmosphere between the two quickly became familiar, and they even began to treat each other as brothers. Li Yun is brother Li, and Wang Qing is the younger brother.

After chatting for a while, Wang Qing changed the topic and got into the purpose of this time. He smiled and said: Brother Li, this time I just want to talk to you about the current market, nothing else.

Li Yun smiled and did not answer the question.

Wang Qing poured him a glass of draft beer and asked while pouring it: I heard that Ziyang Biopharmaceutical Company is preparing to conduct a clinical trial at the People's Hospital this time to test a drug called Lumbar Disc Herniation Repair Injection. Is it Brother Li? Are you taking charge?

Li Yun was startled when he heard this. He didn't expect that Wang Qing was asking this question.

Li Yun thought for a while and felt that although this project was very important and had strict management requirements, it was not actually a highly confidential matter.

As a hospital doctor, you are only responsible for treating patients.

As for how the drugs used to treat patients are produced and what technology is involved, neither the hospital nor the doctors know and have no way of knowing.

Therefore, the conversation between him and Wang Qing, even if Wang Qing was a medical representative of another pharmaceutical company, did not involve leaking secrets.

What's more, medical representatives are not fixed. No one knows whether Wang Qing, who is Ruihui's medical representative now, will be the representative of Ziyang Biopharmaceutical Company tomorrow?

There are so many medical representatives who change jobs, and the most they can do is sign a three-year non-compete agreement.

I'm not in charge.

Li Yun shook his head and said: Our dean personally led the team to take charge of this project. I am just a follower. The materials I just wrote are the relevant materials for this clinical trial.

Wang Qing's eyes flashed and he said with a smile: I heard that Ziyang Biopharmaceutical Company is a newly registered subsidiary of Feiyang Company in Nanjiang Province. Looking at it now, this rumor should be true, otherwise it wouldn't be owned by the people. The hospital director personally leads the team and is responsible.

Li Yun said blankly: I really don't know this.

It turns out that you don't know, Brother Li. It seems that their confidentiality work is done well.

Wang Qing chuckled lightly.

Li Yun shook his head for a while: What kind of secrecy? What is secrecy if you already know it? It's just that I didn't pay attention to it, and I won't pay attention to it.

Wang Qing echoed: That's true. Doctors only care about treating diseases and saving people.

The two chatted for a while, and gradually, Wang Qing roughly learned about the clinical trial of the lumbar disc herniation repair injection at the People's Hospital.

Except for the information related to the drug itself, which was not asked, and whether Li Yun said anything, he probably said everything else.

Wang Qing was shocked that this brand-new drug was actually undergoing phase 2 clinical trials this time!

What does this mean? Wang Qing knows it very well.

This means that this drug has been secretly developed for a long time before this.

Like something that jumped out of a rock!

Wang Qing was secretly amazed.

As a medical representative, he only pays attention to matters in the medical field. He rarely pays attention to information outside the medical field. However, he also knew that Feiyang was a high-tech company that made basic materials, batteries, and robots. Comparing the two pieces of information, he felt extremely weird.

Feiyang’s crossing this time is too big, right?

Even though the manufacturing of materials and drugs are both related to the chemical industry, Feiyang, without any technical accumulation, entered the medical field for the first time and completed the research and development of drugs for the treatment of lumbar disc herniation, which is really shocking.

Lumbar disc herniation will not cause death, but it is an incurable disease. There is currently no specific medicine in the world that can truly cure it.

If the Lumbar Disc Herniation Repair Injection experiment is successful, it will be the first in the world. This money path is vast and unlimited.

After eating and drinking for almost an hour, Li Yun became a little drunk and called it a night.

Wang Qing, however, acted like a normal person. After getting up to pay the bill, he personally sent Li Yun home.

The next day, a piece of information with a person's name and contact information was sent to Wang Qing's mobile phone.

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