My Galaxy Technology

Chapter 383: Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Repair Injection

Gao Jie is from Nanjiang County, Nanjiang Province. He graduated from a third-rate medical school. After graduation, he returned to Nanjiang County and worked as a doctor at the Nanjiang County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. Well, the most humble kind.

The monthly salary was not enough for living expenses, so I became impatient after working for more than a year.

It happened that a company was recruiting factory doctors, and the price was more than 10,000, so I applied directly with my resume.

Later, the company invested in building a factory in Tanzania and wanted to select young backbones to go there. Gao Jie originally didn't want to go, but he couldn't resist the lobbying of the company leaders, so he signed up.

According to the leader, if you are so young and don’t think of ways to make more money, how can you marry a wife in your hometown?

The high betrothal gifts in Nanjiang County are a big headache for countless families. Not only does the real money start at 150,000, but it also requires a car and a house. In total, it can reach millions!

For personnel assigned to Tanzania, the company will provide two additional expatriation subsidies in addition to the same domestic salary. One amount is called the foreign salary, which is the same as the domestic salary. The foreign salary is the same as the domestic salary. The other part is the real overseas subsidy, which is 5,000 yuan per month.

According to Gao Jie's salary in the company, it is 15,000. If he goes to Tanzania and Zambia, it will be two 15,000 plus 5,000, a total of 35,000. In one year, it will be 420,000. After staying in China for three years, he will earn 10,000. More than a million.

Why don't you want such free money?

As for the various wars and chaos in the countries on this side of the equator, they are nothing in front of money.

Furthermore, the domestic situation in Tanzania is relatively stable, and we have never heard of anyone losing their life while wandering around here.

Don't worry, the company has hired a lot of security guards there.

The company leader patted his chest and assured him.

After arriving in Tanzania, Gao Jie found that apart from the poor living standards, everything else was pretty good. Anyway, staying in the factory, having a satellite network and a mobile phone is enough.

As a factory doctor, Gao Jie had very few things to do. It was not until the factory leaders agreed that small town residents could come here for medical treatment that Gao Jie became busy.

Of course, Gao Jie's busyness is only of a general nature, similar to that of doctors in small domestic clinics.

He could only look at minor ailments, but he couldn't treat serious illnesses at all. The most he could do was decoction and injection, and if possible, he could do bone-setting, bone-setting surgeries and the like.

No other surgeries or various professional examinations can be performed.

The residents of the small town also know this situation, so most people also realize that serious diseases will never come here.

Occasionally, someone with a serious illness would come over for treatment and become irritable and cause trouble. Gao Jie and the medical staff immediately hid far away and let the factory's security department deal with it.

So up to now, Gao Jie's life is pretty good.

Gao Jie was very confused about the new medicine mentioned on the phone. This was the first time that the leader directly assigned the task.

Although he didn't know what was going on, he still agreed directly. Anyway, the factory leaders would not mess around.

As for the miraculous effect in treating lumbar disc herniation, Gao Jie only thinks that it is another kind of medicine that promotes blood circulation and relieves pain, similar to those musk analgesic ointments and bone-strengthening musk analgesic ointments.

Gao Jie immediately searched the medical records files he had created these days on his computer, screened out the list of patients with lumbar disc herniation, and then printed it out.

Five days later, the new medicine that the factory leaders said arrived.

The delivery was delivered by an intelligent robot that looked exactly like a human. From a distance, Gao Jie thought he was a human being. It wasn't until he walked in that he saw clearly from the dull eyes that he was actually a robot.

Dr. Gao Jie, please sign for this batch of new medicines.

The robot smiled slightly, and its facial expression became more vivid, becoming more like a real person.


Gao Jie was so shocked that his eyelids were beating wildly. He quickly took the medical kit and held it in his arms.

The company actually sent such an intelligent robot to deliver this box of medicine, which immediately made him feel that this box of medicine was unusual, and he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

It wasn't until the robot walked away that Gao Jie came back to his senses and said to himself: I didn't expect that today's robots would become so intelligent and human-like.

The uneasiness in his heart lasted only for a moment, and he quickly ran to the back of his mind.

The company is only engaged in resource extraction, processing, trade, etc., and it does not produce drugs. So the robot must be incidental to delivering drugs. The real purpose should be to come to the factory to produce.

After carrying the medical kit back to the infirmary, Gao Jie immediately opened it and started looking at it.

Lumbar disc repair injection?

A bottle of transparent liquid filled with ampoules lay quietly in the medicine box. He picked up a box and looked at the label and simple instructions. Just the name made Gao Jie a little surprised.

Good guy, this name is too simple and crude!

However, this drug dares to be named directly after the disease, which shows that the manufacturer is very confident in the efficacy of this drug.

Looking at the manufacturer, it is a company I have never heard of called Ziyang Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Gao Jie couldn't help but murmur to himself: Zi Yang? Is there such a store in China? It seems that I am still ignorant.

He does not think that he knows all the domestic pharmaceutical manufacturers. He thinks that he has limited knowledge about these pharmaceutical manufacturers that he has never heard of but are researching difficult and complicated diseases.

After all, if they dare to deal with difficult and complicated diseases, this pharmaceutical manufacturer is either an ironclad or a real expert.

Especially since the other party sent all the medicine over the ocean.

Gao Jie didn't understand the formula part, but could only vaguely see that it was a very complex chemically synthesized drug.

Finally, he looked at the efficacy explanation section.

“...For patients with early lumbar disc herniation, it can have a significant healing effect...For patients with severe lumbar disc herniation, the lumbar disc has already undergone degenerative changes, and other adjacent structures have undergone secondary pathological changes. Patients can achieve good recovery effects...

Gao Jie was stunned.

Although he is not a veteran in the field of lumbar disc herniation treatment, he also knows how difficult this disease is to deliver.

Indeed, lumbar disc herniation is not a terminal illness, but it is one of many diseases that cannot be cured by modern medicine. Current drugs basically promote blood circulation and relieve pain, and cannot have any repair effect at all.

I never expected that this injection produced by this Ziyang Biopharmaceutical Company could actually cure the disease of lumbar disc herniation. Are you sure you are not bragging?


Gao Jie couldn't believe it.

What's impossible?

At this time, another colleague happened to walk into the office. Hearing his surprised voice, he asked casually. He also walked to Gao Jie and took the box of injection in Gao Jie's hand to look at it.

Gao Jie stood up, introduced the medicine, and asked his questions.

After hearing what he said, the colleague smiled and said: Don't look at advertisements to see the efficacy. Since it is the arrangement of the factory leaders, we will just follow it. We will see if any patients come tomorrow, and if so, we will give them medicine. Once the results come out, everything will be known.”

Gao Jie thought about it and said, Then we'll see it tomorrow.

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