My Galaxy Technology

Chapter 360: The Boiling Network


Sales of 300 billion, flying high and making history!

This is a day that will go down in history!

“Feiyang Robot sold one million units!”

Crazy sales of 300 billion!

With sales of RMB 300 billion in two days, Feiyang tells you what real high technology is!

Even at the press conference, news about the robot's various parameters, performance, anthropomorphism, high degree of intelligence, the ultimate cost-effectiveness of 300,000 units, the official launch of the first highly intelligent robot in history, etc., have been flooding the screen for two consecutive days and one night. Already, it dominated the top five searches for scarves and major short video platforms. However, when the sales results of Feiyang Robot were released, it still successfully ranked first in the search.

No one expected that Feiyang’s robot would be so popular!

Two days! One million units! Full payment for pre-sale! Three hundred billion!

Taken together, these data shocked everyone. They were so shocked that their scalps went numb and their bodies trembled.

Three hundred billion in two days, what kind of crazy sales performance is this?

At this moment, marketing accounts, media official accounts, and even Yangma’s 7pm news also spent nearly ten minutes introducing the launch of Feiyang Robot.

Young people who watch short videos and surf the Internet basically knew the news immediately.

But those who don’t go online often can only understand the outside information through various news from Yangma.

It can be said that after Yangma’s key reports, even the farmers in the mountains and those living at the bottom of society knew that Feiyang Company in China had launched a robot and sold more than one million yuan in two days. Taiwan sold more than 300 billion.

Most people have no idea about 300 billion, but they still know that this is an astronomical sum of money, which is as rich as the country!

Is Feiyang Company richer than some countries now?

After everyone was shocked, such an idea appeared in their minds involuntarily.

so cool!

We used to say that Feiyang is very popular, but we have no idea. Optical materials, auxiliary materials, PI materials, and chaotic programming languages ​​are too far away from us. But now we know that making money is faster than a money printing machine printing money. !”

Three hundred billion, my God, I can't spend all these hundreds of dollars in a lifetime.

The richest generation born in the 1990s was born!

Nima, didn't Boss Feiyang rise to the top of the list of richest people?

What is the richest generation born in the 1990s? They have already been there, right? Look at Feiyang Optical, Feiyang Materials, Feiyang Information, Feiyang Battery... Which company is not making a lot of money?

Feiyang didn't make terminal consumer products in the past, so people didn't feel it deeply. But in fact, Feiyang has been extremely rich for a long time. Not to mention other companies, just talk about Feiyang Optics. Now the domestic mid-to-high-end optical materials market has basically been completely dominated by Feiyang. With a monopoly, this is a big market worth tens of billions of dollars.”

Some people say that Feiyang is not very good. Now look, how many companies are as impressive as Feiyang? If Feiyang just releases a terminal consumer product, it can beat all the companies in the world.

Feiyang: I'm not targeting anyone, I'm saying you are all rubbish!

Feiyang: Who else?

What about those people who brag about a certain fruit or Tesla? Any improvement in display bar technology can be blown away. Now that Feiyang Robot is on the market, why is there no sound?

They were frightened!

Feiyang's technology is inferior to that of Guoguo and Truss. How can they have the dignity to brag in front of Feiyang?

Netizens were all excited and commented excitedly.

So excited!

This time, the launch of Feiyang Robot and the astonishing fact that one million units were sold for more than 300 billion yuan clearly told the world that Feiyang's technology is the best!

Feel proud!

Pains in many fields, especially in the chip field, have made all Chinese people extremely sensitive and anxious about the performance of domestic electronic products.

Now, they can finally say loudly, even if we are blocked by you, we can still create products that are more advanced and smarter than you!

If you're stuck, just be stuck. It's best to be stuck forever!

In this way, we can work hard to be ourselves and surpass you in all fields, and finally leave you with nowhere to go!

Let's see who can have the last laugh!

For five thousand years, we have never been afraid of anyone. Even if we fall into the abyss, we still get up, hold up our chests and run forward!

Trolls and anti-fans don’t dare to speak out at this time.

At this time, it is the moment when the majority of netizens are in high spirits.

More importantly, Feiyang's robot has strong and leading technical strength!

Except for Feiyang, no other company or even country can do this.

There were some sporadic comments saying stupid things like what others had said but it was unnecessary. Netizens were too lazy to refute them because they were so stupid and hopelessly stupid.

Who really has the technology and can’t mass-produce it? It's not because of various reasons that it can't be mass-produced and put on the market.

Of course, it is not that no one has begun to criticize Feiyang Robot’s listing as too radical based on alarmist arguments such as “robots will eliminate employment”, “the unemployment wave is coming”, “the prelude to large-scale social unrest”, etc.

Among these remarks, there are many well-known experts in society, Internet celebrities, and even some capital newspapers.

...The government should not have approved the launch of Feiyang Robot. It is too radical. It is only 2022, and our economic development level is far from being fully equipped with robots. Such a radical operation will inevitably lead to many positions that rely on people. Being replaced by robots will eventually lead to large-scale unemployment in the short term, which will trigger social unrest.

I suggest that the government should strictly control the application fields of Feiyang robots after they are launched, and take effective measures to protect workers engaged in low-end jobs. Those workers have no other skills except selling their labor, but they bear the living expenses of the entire family. Once you lose your job, the whole family will inevitably fall into poverty and return to poverty...

On the short video platform, an expert made his comments with a worried look on his face during an interview.

What this expert said has been recognized by some people.

Indeed, China's economic development is unbalanced. The developed places are very developed, almost like science fiction; but the backward places are also very backward, as if they were still in the Republic of China.

A large number of workers engaged in manual labor still exist on a large scale in China. Apart from selling their physical strength, they can't do anything else.

Once robots are rapidly popularized, these people will indeed become unemployed quickly, and the life of the whole family will become difficult.

However, the majority of young people do not see it that way.

Not only on other platforms or videos, but also on this interview video, the first comment from young people is: I suggest experts not to give advice.

This comment has more likes than this video, more than 100,000, and its popularity far exceeds the video itself.

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