My Galaxy Technology

Chapter 323: Is this just over?

Any kind of equipment, big ones are good, small ones are wonderful.

The big one is naturally of great use. It is a magical tool for house control and strategic equipment.

Although it is small, it has a small use, but if used properly, it can still play a big role. It is a tactical equipment.

Micro-unmanned aircraft are small tactical equipment, usually based on quantity.

When there are too many of anything, it becomes very threatening, even catastrophic.

Of course, Zhou Feiyu does not want to manufacture an overwhelming number of micro-unmanned aircraft. There are not many places to build them, and they will cost huge manufacturing costs. They will also need various maintenance in the later period. Otherwise, they will be scrap metal, which is really not worth the gain.

Zhou Feiyu adheres to the policy of enough is enough and makes things that are currently needed.

Compared with the manufacturing difficulty of large-scale unmanned aircraft, the manufacturing difficulty of small-scale unmanned aircraft is only higher. Because the size is too small, the processing difficulty is high, and the miniaturization of various components is a huge problem.

For example, power equipment requires both energy and starting equipment. It is understandably difficult to integrate it into a mini size.

Father, the solution for micro-unmanned aircraft is still lithium batteries and solar energy. If possible, continue to improve the light conversion efficiency of photovoltaic materials, cancel lithium batteries, and only use solar energy as energy. The size of unmanned aircraft can be reduced Make it smaller...

Artificial intelligence Galaxy gives its plan.

When any design is proposed, the artificial intelligence Galaxy will only simulate and calculate various feasible solutions in the first time, and select the optimal solution to report.

At this point, Zhou Feiyu is the most comfortable and the most satisfied.

If it were someone else, Zhou Feiyu would have to explain for a long time how the other party would understand, and then wait ten days and a half before the other party would give him a preliminary reply. As for the feasibility assessment report, I don’t know when it will be done, let alone the optimal plan. There is no need to think about it for a month or two.

Therefore, although it is just a difference between human and artificial intelligence, in fact it is a huge difference in the efficiency of doing things!

Time flies by in the busyness...

And just when Feiyang was quiet, there was a little turmoil in China.

Someone broke the news that a top famous figure had been assassinated, and various descriptions pointed directly to Feiyang Zhou Feiyu.

However, when many people were surprised, the news quickly disappeared from the Internet.

It was not the artificial intelligence Galaxy that took action, but the relevant domestic departments took action to suppress this matter.

In this regard, the relevant departments also called Zhou Feiyu to explain, asking him to calm down and the country would definitely vent his anger, but he needed to be patient first.

Zhou Feiyu didn't have any hope, so to explain this phone call, he just replied I know, and then nothing more happened.

The country has overall considerations, but as an individual, if you don't have the power, you can only hope.

But he is different, he is very powerful, so he doesn't care what the country does, he just does his own thing.

The mountains fall on the backing, and the sea and the sea dry up.

It is the kingly way to attribute great power to oneself!

However, in order not to embarrass the country and avoid exposing himself, he stopped taking action on the Internet.

In the eyes of the relevant departments, Zhou Feiyu was perfectly cooperating with their actions.

Abroad, this matter is also quiet. Even the various unscrupulous paper media that are the vanguard of breaking the news are silent this time, as if this matter has never happened and they have never received any information about this matter. message.

Our operation failed!

The target returned safely to its home base.


So many plans have failed. I don't know when I will go there next time. You should have listened to me and just made an accidental explosion to make them all disappear.

Madman, it's unreasonable! Our Guinia-class nuclear submarines are all missing. Do you think it's just a simple shipwreck on the seabed?

damn it!

This time our direct losses amounted to tens of billions of dollars, and we also lost a large number of intelligence lines. This operation was a complete failure!

The Sanctioner Alliance must reimburse!

What? You want us to reimburse you? God, are you crazy? Aren't you the ones who want to kill each other the most?

The secret lines and radio waves are engaged in a fierce battle, and no one dares to bring this matter to the table.

Once released, there will be a shocking explosion!

Think about it, after spending so much manpower and material resources, and even dispatching Guinia-class nuclear submarines, the result was still failure. Isn't this a big deal in their country?

In addition, mobilizing troops to assassinate top celebrities and high-tech talents in other countries is a naked act of war. How can the other side not react if you expose it?

Internationally, what do other non-ally countries think?

Now it's under the table. Even if someone hears some rumors, but there is no evidence, everyone has a way out.

We don't have to deal with the fried country here, just let the other side reap the benefits, and let's just get this matter over with.

However, although the officials of the Sanctioners Alliance suppressed the matter forcefully, so that the two parties who were at odds with each other united the front and made no further moves, there was some uneasiness within the Sanctioners Alliance.

The official power is strong, so of course you don’t have to worry about it.

Even though it was a small official, because he tried his best to stay with Father Eagle, he didn't have much scruples.

In their opinion, when the other party investigates the matter clearly and comes to them again, it will still be reasonable and well-founded, and they don't have to worry about unexpected situations, which is safer.

The Sanctioners Alliance is a loose alliance of enterprises. Individually, they cannot withstand the sanctions imposed by the other side. Even if they are united together, they are a little afraid. After all, this is a 1.4 billion supermarket.

The operation failed. They will definitely be able to find out that we played a role in it.

what to do?

Just wait and see what happens. If possible, let's talk about it together.

At first, they were a little frightened, fearing that the officials and Feiyang would join forces to retaliate.

As time goes by, a week has passed, and there is still no movement. I can't help but feel a little slack, and even the anxiety has faded away.

This matter should be over like this, right?

Shimonosuke spoke in a questioning tone while having a secret conversation with Shinetsu Ichiryu and the head of the intelligence department.

I think so.

Shinetsu Yilong gave his own judgment.

The head of the intelligence department smiled contemptuously: Of course, they have always wanted to maintain the image of a big country and engage in global markets, and will not easily impose sanctions on companies from other countries. What's more, this matter was ordered by Father Eagle, and so did we. Victims. They held a press conference and told us that we should turn back from our lost ways and not make the same mistakes over and over again. I can say it for them.

Ha ha……

Shimonosuke and Shingoe Ichiryu laughed loudly.

The two of them were used to the style of speech here, and felt that the words of the head of the intelligence department were too true.

But even if it's true, they still find it funny.

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