My Galaxy Technology

Chapter 299 Wheat comes for help

who I am? Where do I come from? Where am I going?

These are three questions in Western philosophy.

Chinese culture values ​​​​the son does not speak, the monsters, the power and the gods, and survives on the basis of reality, and does not engage in these vain questions, nor does it ask.

But in fact, these three questions are still very necessary, but most people are running around for survival most of the time and really have no time to think.

Before this year, Zhou Feiyu occasionally thought about this problem, but couldn't figure it out.

But now, even though he couldn't figure out why people would come to this world to walk around, they obviously didn't do anything and couldn't do anything. But he is no longer confused. Now he clearly understands the answers to these three questions.

First, he is Zhou Feiyu, a descendant of China on this planet;

Secondly, he comes from his parents. As for what happened further back, it has nothing to do with him and he doesn’t need to pay attention to it;

Third, he wants to go to the sea of ​​stars!

Even if it is as small as dust, we must look up at the stars.

Perhaps, in the sea of ​​stars, he can find the ultimate answer: Where do they come from! Where are they going!

A speechless night!

The next day, as soon as Zhou Feiyu finished breakfast, Mr. Maiyu Tian arrived. He personally went to Nanjiang County to consult him on some matters.

Mr. Zhou, I'm here to have a heart-to-heart talk with you and ask for help.

Mr. Amada said with a sincere face: The current situation is very unfavorable for wheat. No matter whether you want to go east or west, it is basically a dead end now. It is just the difference between dying early and dying late.

As he spoke, he sighed: It's also because Wheat's technical strength is insufficient, otherwise it wouldn't be so difficult.

Manufacturers such as Oppein and Weiwo have been punished for patents. Although Wheat has not been punished so far, Mr. Amada believes that it will be a matter of time.

In addition, the development abroad is also unsatisfactory. Not to mention the extortion and various restrictions imposed by other countries, not to mention the return of manufacturing industries in many countries, let’s talk about the Sanctioners Alliance. , with the continuous blockade of Feiyang, they were also asked by the Sanctioner Alliance to start taking sides, and the Sanctioner Alliance's attitude became increasingly fierce and tough.

Under such circumstances, Mr. Yutian and everyone at Wheat, including mobile phone manufacturers such as Oppein and Weiwo, began to feel that they were struggling.

Mr. Yutian has talked with other people in the industry, and without exception they all have a pessimistic attitude.

They don't have much hope for the future. They all agree that the future will be even more miserable and they must prepare early.

The key is, how to prepare?

Any technology is not imagined out of thin air. It must be acquired through long-term research and development or accumulation. However, they lack the foundation. They are just on the forefront of the trend these years, so they are blown up.

Yes, they are constantly investing heavily in research and development, but under the moat of the Sanctioner Alliance, most of their research and development is only marginal and does not play a big role.

So, Mr. Yutian came to find Feiyang. He thought Feiyang could create miracles!

create a miracle?

Zhou Feiyu smiled, a little surprised by Mr. Yutian's decision to come to him, and couldn't help but said: Feiyang does have this idea, but it won't be soon. After all, Feiyang is also a newcomer.

Whether it is chip manufacturing or communication technology, these two fields actually have little to do with Feiyang, but they are also closely related.

For example, if Feiyang Information wants to promote the chaos programming language, the mobile terminal is indispensable.

On the mobile side, if chip and communication technology are stuck by the West, then the promotion of chaos programming language will actually be unsuccessful.

Therefore, within Feiyang Information, as the general manager, Fei Hongyi strongly urges the company to make achievements in these two fields. Even if it cannot be done alone, it must cooperate with domestic manufacturers to do this.

Regarding this matter, Zhou Feiyu could not deny it.

But when he saw Mr. Yutian personally coming to help him for this matter, although Zhou Feiyu said it lightly, he was still moved in his heart.

This is completely because Chinese manufacturers have been suffering from the Sanctioner Alliance for a long time!

If it wasn't really too painful, why would Mr. Amada come to him when he saw some hope?

Although other manufacturers did not come, it does not seem to mean too much, but Mr. Yu Tian is actually enough to represent all mobile phone manufacturers in China.

At the technical level, there is no need for Mr. Zhou to be modest. All Chinese people know that Feiyang's technology is world-leading. There is no doubt about this.

Mr. Yutian naturally gave him a high hat, and then said: Whether it is a humanoid robot or a lithium-air battery, Feiyang's technology in precision manufacturing is obvious to all. Coupled with Feiyang's strength and position in the country, If Feiyang can take the lead in pulling together the R\u0026D team of chip manufacturing and communication technology, I believe we can defeat the opposing alliance of sanctioners, and it won’t take too long.”

The Sanctioner Alliance, originally a term used by netizens to ridicule the corporate alliance formed to deal with Feiyang on the other side of the Taiwan Strait, has now become a commonly recognized synonym for all Chinese people.

President Yutian has oversold me. This matter is serious and requires long-term planning.

Zhou Feiyu smiled faintly.

He was not knocked unconscious by the top hat. This matter was indeed too big, and it was not something Feiyang's family could do. It had to be led by the relevant departments, and Feiyang could only be his deputy.

Mr. Amada couldn't help but feel regretful that he didn't get a definite answer.

He knew that Zhou Feiyu actually had the intention to do this, but he had other considerations.

However, Mr. Amada will not lose confidence because of this. He still has great trust in Feiyang. Since Zhou Feiyu has this intention, it means that at least at the technical level, Feiyang or Zhou Feiyu has a certain degree of confidence.

Later, Mr. Yutian visited Feiyang Company again.

Mr. Yu Tian found that compared to the previous times, Feiyang now has some new changes. Not to mention other things, there are a lot more monitoring facilities on the surface. And next door to Feiyang, a new police station and a fire brigade were built!

This security measure~

Mr. Yu Tian's eyelids jumped when he saw it, and then he remembered the video of intelligent battlefield auxiliary equipment released by the relevant departments, and couldn't help but thought: Feiyang's technology is really not as strong as usual!

There are various signs that Feiyang has many more advanced technologies here, but they are still in a confidential stage. This makes him more confident that Feiyang will take the lead in chip manufacturing and communication technology.

What he didn't know was that shortly after he left, Zhou Feiyu thought for a while and then asked Xinghe to write a PPT report and sent it to the relevant departments in his name.

Oh? Feiyang wants to do something in these two areas?

Within the relevant departments, the leaders read this email as soon as they received it, and then they became interested.

In terms of communication technology, with the existence of Zhongzheng and the Academy of Sciences, in fact, it is not too far behind the West.

But in the field of chip manufacturing, mainland China is a piece of cake.

In the past month, many rookies, experts, and industry veterans in the field of chip manufacturing have been dismissed, and a huge amount of national funds have been wasted, which has made senior leaders angry.

Compared to these unreliable guys, Feiyang is undoubtedly very reliable!

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