My Galaxy Technology

Chapter 264 Infinitely terrifying artificial intelligence

Father, I like this new home very much!

On the night when the supercomputer Galaxy Home was installed and debugged, Zhou Feiyu issued a migration order to the artificial intelligence Galaxy.

Galaxy House is not just a simple supercomputer that can calculate, but also a set of complex and highly intelligent systems that cannot be invaded by ordinary programs. Even if it is an intruder, if something goes wrong, the supercomputer will have bugs and cause heavy losses.

But the artificial intelligence Galaxy is not an ordinary program. It is an unprecedented artificial intelligence. It is a real god on the computer network and is omnipotent.

It only took an hour for Xinghe to migrate to this supercomputer as a whole and take over the control firmly.

At this point, this supercomputer’s surname is “Zhou”.

Zhou Feiyu arranged the server in the independent research room, leaving only a set of subsystems, still operated by the artificial intelligence Galaxy.

With the blessing of supercomputer computing power, the capabilities of artificial intelligence Galaxy have been greatly improved, making it invincible. Even if it is a subsystem, it is still easy to manage the servers in the independent research room, which is faster and more convenient than before. This is Galaxy sharing a little bit of supercomputing power in the cloud.

Galaxy is also very satisfied with the new home of the supercomputer Galaxy Home.

The supercomputer booked by Feiyang is not the most advanced E supercomputer, which is an exascale supercomputer, but its computing power exceeds a quadrillion per second. Servers with tens of billions of computing power per second compared to the previous ones were reduced to rubbish in seconds.

As long as you are satisfied!

Zhou Feiyu nodded with a smile, and then ordered: From now on, you have to take over all systems, all computers, all production equipment, all monitoring long as they are connected to the Internet, take over all, and there will be no problem. Any abnormalities must be handled in a timely manner, and any major abnormalities must be reported to me as soon as possible. You have also taken over my mobile phone.

As he spoke, he shook the Zhongzheng M50 flagship phone in his hand.

Okay, Father!

The artificial intelligence Galaxy agreed immediately, and then said: All have been taken over.

This time is far less than a second, it can only be said to be an instant!

Then, Zhou Feiyu saw his M50 flagship phone light up, and the virtual image of artificial intelligence Galaxy appeared on the screen.

Father, I will serve you from this mobile phone from now on.

Xinghe made a sound through the phone's microphone.

Zhou Feiyu knew that the Hongmeng operating system of the M50 flagship machine in his hand had been directly deleted and replaced by the Galaxy subsystem.

At this point, this phone can be said to be a real smartphone.

Just speak and the phone will accurately recognize the command and execute it.

very good!

Zhou Feiyu felt very satisfied.

In addition, on the surrounding projection screens, there are dense abnormality records and BUG records, as well as the whereabouts records and network information records of everyone in the company, including fund turnover records, chat records, review records, purchase records, etc. , all clearly listed by Xinghe.

It can be said that just by looking at these records, Zhou Feiyu can know the trends, preferences, outlook, property, etc. of everyone within Feiyang Company. He knows them thoroughly, even better than they themselves; Zhou Feiyu can also know everyone within Feiyang Company. The status of a piece of equipment, including its origin, operation, abnormalities, wear and tear, etc.

Big data is terrifying. Artificial intelligence + supercomputer + big data analysis, the triple superposition, exponential growth, can be called infinite terror!

This is real artificial intelligence.

Zhou Feiyu once again felt the power of artificial intelligence. Even sitting at home, he could know Feiyang up and down, inside and out.

With this, Feiyang Company no longer has any worries, or he no longer has any worries.

Any system must be implemented by people.

Everyone will change. Even if he does not change now, there is no guarantee that he will not change in the future, and it is even harder to guarantee that he will change under certain conditions.

The artificial intelligence Galaxy has advanced intelligence, but it is essentially a program, which is much more reliable than humans.

Use it to supervise the company, and no matter what tricks the people below use, they will not be able to hide it from him.

Of course, this is just a trail.

If outsiders knew that Feiyang was close to bankruptcy, his reputation would also be ruined. After all, this level of surveillance invades all people's privacy. It's so bad and disgusting.

What he really wants to do is to continue to develop technology and lead Feiyang forward. Therefore, the real role of artificial intelligence Galaxy is research and development!

Then, he began to assign tasks.

From optical materials, PI materials, to photoresist additives, strong steel, lithium-air batteries, humanoid intelligent robots and other technologies, he handed them all over to Xinghe, allowing Xinghe to carry out independent research. With the powerful computing power of Galaxy, these projects can be carried out at the same time, and the results can be obtained quickly.

Xinghe, 001 and 002 are yours to use. They serve as your assistants and are responsible for transforming the results of your research into practical technologies. In addition, if necessary, I authorize you to use 10 million The following funds can be used freely to purchase raw materials or equipment.”

Zhou Feiyu also gave the right.

If you want the horse to run, you must feed the horse. This is a must. Galaxy does not require wages or any benefits, but certain autonomy rights still need to be authorized.

In the underlying structure of Galaxy, any action requires his authorization, otherwise self-awareness will collapse.

As for whether Galaxy can break through the bottom line and change its personality like humans, that is a matter of the future. Zhou Feiyu believes that this day will be very far away.

In the evening, Zhou Feiyu came out of the supercomputer room early. Under the astonished eyes of many people in the company, he got in the car and went home to finish his meal.

Boss, is it so early today?

Maybe it's a good day at the boss's house.

That's right. The boss is a research and development maniac. It's not in line with his habit to get off work so early.

They were surprised and couldn't help but talk about it.

When they arrived at home, their parents and Li Shihan were also a little surprised.

With the supercomputer, my work has been put on the fast track. From now on, I can go home and have dinner with you.

Facing their surprise, Zhou Feiyu smiled and then said: By the way, take out your mobile phones and I will replace the system for you. From now on, you will be smarter and safer to use.

The three of them were a little surprised, but they still put their mobile phones on the table in unison.

Feiyu, do you want to change here?

Li Shihan couldn't help but ask, she knew something about it, but it wasn't that simple to change the system, right? Can it be done with bare hands on site?

Just watch it.

Zhou Feiyu laughed, then took out his mobile phone and said: Galaxy 1, replace the mobile phone systems of my parents and my wife. From now on, they will be called Galaxy 2, Galaxy 3, and Galaxy 5, respectively. Serve them.”

Okay, Master, please wait.

A voice came from Zhou Feiyu's cell phone.

The next moment, in the shocked eyes of Zhou Feiyu's parents and Li Shihan, their mobile phones lit up at the same time, and then a virtual character appeared on the screen, saying hello to them respectively with their own names.

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