My Galaxy Technology

Chapter 226: Restricting advanced technology is a wrong path!

The signing ceremony between Feiyang Robot Company and the Nanjiang Provincial Government was bustling with lights and decorations. As the leaders and Ye Qing signed documents with each other, and then each held the documents and shook hands to pose for POS, the scene suddenly erupted with warm applause, cheers, and fireworks. With the sound of the salute, a rain of colorful flowers fell in the sky.

This signing ceremony attracted much attention at home and abroad.

Everyone is paying attention to Feiyang's actions and eager to know Feiyang's strategic plan.

Even if Feiyang did not hold a global press conference like Truss at this moment, it just released a video and now said it would sign a contract with the Nanjiang Provincial Government.

Almost everyone is guessing that this must be because Feiyang has already made plans and has reached a specific cooperation agreement with the Nanjiang Provincial Government. Otherwise, how could it be possible to sign the contract so quickly?

You know, Truss hasn't started construction yet.

And this style of cutting first and reporting later is also in line with the style of Feiyang and even the country of Huaxia.

Don't look at many new energy vehicle manufacturers and major Internet companies now. They start to hold press conferences and play with PPT before the products are seen. However, most companies do it first and wait until they are close to mass production before holding a press conference. Yes, only in this way can we quickly create popularity and increase sales.

You haven't even started making your stuff, but the press conference has been held. After a while, others will have forgotten about it, and your stuff just started selling. Are there any sales?

Absolutely not!

Only those who play with PPT and engage in concept hype do this kind of operation, because they have never thought about actually selling products. They just want to create a wave of popularity first and reap the money from leeks. It's just like selling off-plan houses. The better ones will give you the house when it expires, while the worse ones will give you a dime, and you can take the money and run away.

Mr. Ye, why didn't Mr. Zhou from your company come this time?

As the founder of Feiyang, the strongest post-90s generation, and a leader of the younger generation, Zhou Feiyu has never been interviewed by the media. For the media, he is indeed a rarity and worthy of an interview. In the subsequent Q\u0026A session with reporters, the first The one who was allowed to ask questions immediately asked this question.

We, Mr. Zhou, are leading the company's R\u0026D team to develop a new material and are very busy, so I was appointed to attend the signing ceremony on our behalf.

Ye Qing smiled and replied that he had asked Zhou Feiyu for instructions before setting off.

There is no need to tell the truth that my wife is pregnant, just find an excuse to fool her.

Can you tell me what new material it is? It's even more important than this signing ceremony.

A reporter immediately asked.

The technology is too advanced to be disclosed.

The smile on Ye Qing's face did not diminish at all, he was very professional.

The reporter who asked the question suddenly became depressed, but since this was considered a major news topic, he was not too disappointed.

The other reporters and people attending the meeting couldn't help but think: Too advanced materials? It seems Feiyang has another big move coming up.

Even the leader of Nanjiang Province, even if Zhou Feiyu personally explained the reason for not coming the night before, could not help but subconsciously have a thought: Could what he said be true?

Feiyang continued to create miracles, so much so that the big leaders were deeply impressed by Feiyang that everything is possible.

General Manager Ye, I have seen a voice at home and abroad saying that the humanoid robot your company is about to launch is too intelligent and will replace a large number of intensive labor, causing a serious impact on the employment situation and causing a large number of people to lose their jobs. , what do you think about this?”

Soon, a reporter wearing a mask asked a pointed question.

Ye Qing still had a smile on his face, and he replied unceremoniously: The advanced eliminate the backward, this is the inevitable law of social development, and it does not depend on human will. We should consider how to solve this part of the low-end staff It is not the right path to restrict advanced technology because of the problem of re-employment, but it is a wrong path.

Well said, I agree with this. Our government has also taken this into consideration...

The leaders of Nanjiang Province assisted on the side. Balabala explained the government's preparations and future plans in this area of ​​work. They talked about everything in a watertight manner, giving people strong confidence.

But some media say that this should be a step-by-step process, gradually phasing out backwardness, just like Tesla, which first launches less advanced robots, and then launches more advanced robots after society has adapted to a certain extent. Your company's response to this What do you think, do you agree with this statement, and should this approach be adopted?”

But then, a male reporter with an Asian face asked in broken Chinese.

The leader showed no emotion or anger. He glanced at Ye Qing and found that Ye Qing, the junior, was still smiling calmly, as steady as a mountain.

The leader couldn't help but nodded secretly: It really makes sense for Feiyang to be so big.

A glimpse of one spot reveals the whole leopard. Ye Qing's great determination shows Feiyang's overall temperament.

Then, he heard Ye Qing answer the question casually: As for this question, I can only say that Tesla's technology is too backward, and there is no need to bring it into the issue of impact on employment.

The Asian male reporter who spoke broken Chinese was immediately choked and his face became very ugly.

The personnel from Feiyang Company, the Nanjiang Provincial Government, and the people present at the meeting all had smiles on their faces when they saw this scene, a smile of confidence and a smile of contempt.

Haha, is this person here to slap you in the face?

It should be a reporter from Xiaori or Bangzi Country, haha, you deserve it!

You are still domineering. As for you, you just don't have the skills, so don't force yourself to get a job.

Many people started whispering and laughing at the scene.

Ye Qing's answer was actually something no one could imagine or dare to imagine. The reason is very simple. Chinese people pay attention to being reserved in their speech. Even when facing life and death competitors, they have to twist their words when speaking. But now Ye Qing named Tras by name and said that his skills were not good. This was a breakthrough in Chinese culture, and it also reflected Feiyang's stance and style from top to bottom, which was tough and straight as steel!

After the signing ceremony, Ye Qing and Nanjiang Province went to complete the rest of the event. Not to mention, the scene and questions and answers quickly became a hot topic.

Everyone's original focus was on the content of the contract, but now that the questions and answers were exposed, everyone's focus immediately changed.

It has to be you, Feiyang!

Is this a quarrel?

You idiot, are you still breaking up with each other now? You've already broken up with each other. After Truss joined the Sanctioner Alliance, he was destined to have an endless relationship with Feiyang.

Feiyang: That's right, Tras, your skills are just not good!

Haha, this is the effect I want. I have long disliked those guys.

I never thought that Truss would be criticized for his poor skills.

This is thirty years to the east of Hedong, thirty years to the west of Hexi!

I have to say that Nanjiang Province's treatment for Feiyang is really high. The interest-free loan is 5 billion, not to mention the land grant, tax exemption and other policies.

You guys upstairs don't even look at who this is, this is Feiyang! Those companies with little technology are just doing some contract processing, aren't they just the same as casually lending billions of dollars?

Feiyang has now become the signature of Nanjiang Province. Can we not give him a high salary? What if he runs away? Funny smile!

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