My Galaxy Technology

Chapter 155: Comments on the War Ignorance Situation

“…I believe everyone has seen the hot searches in the past few days, and it seems that the matter is a new round of threat theory.

According to my investigation these days, as far as the existing information is concerned, the matter is not complicated. They just want materials from Feiyang Company, which is called FY-02. According to them, it can be used in the Webb Deep Space Telescope. Project-wise, speeding up Weber's progress.

As for Webb, I believe many people are unfamiliar with it. Let me briefly introduce it. This is a project to explore outer space built with a large sum of money from almost all the top research institutions and scientist teams in the West. It is somewhat similar to the previous successor to Hubble, but There is a big difference again. I won’t go into the details. If you are interested, you can search it on the Internet. Anyway, it can be said that it is such a cutting-edge project that can profoundly affect human beings’ understanding of outer space.

But this project has been a bit bumpy. More than 20 years have passed and it has not yet reached the sky. It has been put off. It is said that their thin film material technology is not up to standard.

Feiyang Company's FY-02 can be used on Weber. I think it should be used to make this. You can imagine how powerful this material is.

Therefore, our country's development in recent years has actually caught up with us in many fields, and even surpassed it. Otherwise, they would not be able to shamelessly ask us for materials, right?

Scientists from our country did not participate in Weber's project, and everyone knows the reason.

Here, our people are not allowed to participate in research and development, and here they are so shameless that they want our materials, so this is a bit shameless, it is really a double standard.

Feiyang probably rejected them, even if he gave them benefits. Here, I must give Feiyang some praise. This is what a nation with backbone should do.

I see that their public opinion has changed in the past two days, saying that they must rely on their own strength to develop research and development, and must strengthen their strength against us. Haha, I guess the NSA is short of money for the Weber project again, and will drag us to ask Congress for money.

Some friends also talked to me about this matter. I think their scientific research strength is still very strong. Once they get serious, they can still develop materials like FY-02. Just like hypersonic weapons, they used to say that only we can do it and they can't, but look at it, haven't they also successfully tested it during this time? Therefore, we cannot pay too much attention to them. This is the only superpower in the world, not only their US dollar hegemony, but also their military and technological hegemony...

On the second day after the NSA changed its strategy, when their domestic public opinion changed, the director of a domestic war and neglect bureau who had taken a back seat expressed his views in an interview with a media outlet.

This evaluation is still fair.

A large number of netizens have also commented in support below the short video. Of course, many people trust this bureau leader without any brain.

Well, the director of the War Negligence Bureau used to make fun of him, because many times his remarks were beyond people's expectations and imagination, but after looking at them afterwards, they found that they were extremely true. The director has always told the truth, but these truths are too far ahead of his time. Only when we look back many years later can we understand that this is a true prophecy.

But the schizophrenia-like behavior on the other side actually reveals only the idealism of their interests and small circle. Other dignity, face, standards, contracts, etc., are all false expressions.

This is Feiyang Company. If it were another company, the NSA would have given it a step up, and it would have gone downhill long ago.

You have to be tough to strike iron!

The ironclad fact tells everyone that only true strength is the backing, and you can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai. No matter how the opponent jumps up and down, they can't shake you at all.

As a result, Feiyang Company's nationality skyrocketed again, reaching a level comparable to that of Zhongzheng.

And when some netizens raised this statement, some people immediately started to argue over this matter, whether it was Zhongzheng Niu or Feiyang Niu. We cannot rule out the possibility of provocation from the walking 500,000, but it is normal for Zhongzheng fans and Feiyang fans to have a grudge against this matter.

Well, Feiyang has also accumulated a lot of fans in these months.

In other words, any company with real core technology has a lot of fans in the country, and its national popularity is also very high. Everyone trusts it, and this is the first thing to consider when buying products.

As you can see, Zhongzheng relies on its high nationality. As long as it enters an industry, Zhongzheng can quickly establish a foothold in this industry and then quickly expand its market share.

“It’s a pity that Feiyang doesn’t make terminal consumer products!”

A large number of netizens felt sorry for Feiyang. They expressed regret that if Feiyang entered the end consumer goods market, it would be another Zhongzheng.

The terminal consumer goods market is directly facing consumers, such as electronic products such as mobile phones and computers.

It's already the Red Sea. If I fight in again, some people will curse me.

Zhou Feiyu noticed the public opinion on the Internet and the various comments in the public opinion. He just smiled and said without any other reaction.

Zhou Feiyu also admires the dogs raised across the street from the NSA for their achievements in the aerospace industry. After all, they have indeed made significant contributions to the progress of all mankind to some extent. However, this still does not change the fact that it is a dog raised by the opposite party, and it is a vicious dog, specifically targeting China.

In terms of technological blockade and suppression, the NSA has actually been an accomplice.

There are always people bragging about the fact that this agency was founded by our aerospace founder and four other young people, but it is really unnecessary. The aerospace founder completely broke up after returning to China. NSA’s achievements were made by others and have nothing to do with us. Half a dime relationship.

The decision not to sell the materials was firm.

Even if the other party was jumping up and down and now said that he wanted to develop it himself, Zhou Feiyu only regarded it as a joke.

So what if they succeed?

Just wait, sooner or later he will achieve results that surpass them!

On the computer desktop, the pop-up window of the program Watchdog densely streamed all the news reports and comments related to Feiyang, focusing on deleting links related to him.

At this time, the Watch Dog's ability has improved to a terrifying level.

This kind of horror is naturally for other websites.

These days, in addition to writing the software compiler and starting to conquer one professional technical software after another, Zhou Feiyu also upgraded the Watchdog and recompiled the Watchdog using the chaos programming language. , has become a super tool program that is different from today's mainstream programs.

In addition to actively searching and deleting links on the Internet, Watchdog can also crawl along the network into those connected personal computers and delete any stored information related to Zhou Feiyu, Li Shihan, etc. .

The actions of the watchdog were silent. Only when the information was deleted did the other party realize that it had been invaded.

At a glance, Zhou Feiyu saw that everything was green, and there was no information that had been counterattacked or tracked. It was all very safe.

On the other side of the computer desktop, the professional technical software SimWorks has been compiled. From the underlying architecture to the actual application, it is completely different from the original version.

The name was also changed to simulator by Zhou Feiyu.

Double-click the mouse to open Simulator, and a pure Chinese interface appears in front of Zhou Feiyu.

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