My Frostmourne can't be so cute

My Frostmourne Can't Be So Cute Chapter 697

Ma Long wanted to prevent the birth of the Scourge, to prevent Alsace-he should be just a stubborn, playful kid who really wants to win the attention of his father-to become the Lich King, to the north of this continent Bring destruction and death;

Ma Long wants to destroy the Burning Legion’s conspiracy, so that these demons can never encroach on this land, and never be able to entice/confuse the various races in this land-these emotions come from Caral’s sojourn in Ma Long, although there is no independent Consciousness, but still maintains Naaru's kind and gentle heart of light.

Ma Long wanted to travel through this magnificent world, to get to know those famous heroes and villains in his memory-this is his own idea-when he came to this world, he always had to do something.


Just as Malone was thinking about his future in the world of Azeroth, the door of the narrow cabin opened and Anduin Lothar walked in.

"Anduin... Uncle."

Ma Long greeted softly-he quickly entered his role-anyway he admired the elder more.

"Hmm...Is it better? Archbishop Faor said you are getting better soon, and there is basically no problem now."

Anduin Lothar sat beside Malone and handed him what he had in his hands—a piece of dry rye bread, a small bag of cooked beans, and a glass of water.

"Thanks...thanks, I'm much better."

Ma Long said jerky while taking the food from Anduin Lothar.

Anduin Lothar frowned slightly as he watched Malone put the piece of bread into his mouth-he didn't know that his nephew had changed another person, and thought it was because he had been too harsh on his nephew before, causing two There is a lot of sharing among individuals.

At the same time, Malone frowned slightly; he was accustomed to the food on earth, and this kind of dry bread—not made of flour—is too difficult to swallow.

"Sprinkle some salt..."

Anduin Lothar seemed to know what Malone was thinking, and he handed the last little bottle left in his hand to his "nephew".


According to Anduin Lothar’s instructions, Malone sprinkled a little salt in the small bottle on the bread; sure enough, this time it tasted a little bit, so he swept the bread and beans with water, and then emptied the wood. The cup is set aside.

"Isn’t you full? But... now there is not much food on the boat. Marcus and the others are trying to get some fish from the sea, but they haven’t succeeded yet, so..."

Anduin Lothar seemed to say apologetically.

"No, it's okay... I'm full, thank you."

Ma Long said quickly.

"Okay...then you can rest for a while, we are almost there. When we land, we will have food, fresh water and comfortable beds."

Anduin Lothar stood up, his tall figure obscured all the light from the oil lamp; however, the marshal did not seem to know what to say to his nephew, so he chose to leave--even if In the endless sea, there are many things that need him to worry about.

"it is good."

Ma Long answered dumbly.

Anduin Lothar didn't say anything, but left the small cabin directly; when he closed the cabin door, Ma Long seemed to hear an inaudible sigh.

There was a moment when Malone thought he had heard it wrong—maybe it was just the sound of wind and rain; but the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong—is his attitude...something too cold?

Thinking of this, Malone decided to leave this cabin and take a look-this was the first day he came to the world of Azeroth, he didn't want to stay in such a small space.

However, when he left the cabin, Malone was a little bit troubled-he found only a few deformed armors and ripped cloth strips in the cabin-there was no coat for him to wear.

After hesitating for a while, Ma Long felt that he would just leave the house like this-as a man, now that he has such a perfect muscle, there is no need to be shy even if he doesn't cover it up?


When Malone walked out of the cabin, Anduin Lothar was no longer there; the wind and waves seemed to be much smaller than what I had heard in the cabin before, and the sun shone from the fading dark clouds and shone on Malone, warm Yang Yang, very comfortable.

Stretching his waist, Malone looked around and found that he was not the only one to get out of the cabin.

"Ma Long?"

A pleasantly surprised voice came from behind him, and Ma Long turned his head around-it was a young man with brown hair, some water marks on his face, and his height but a little thinner.

"Varian... Your Royal Highness."

Ma Long judged the identity of the teenager from the memory of this body-he is the only heir to the Wrynn family in Stormwind, the future king of Stormwind, Varian Wrynn, and his uncle Anduin ? Lothar's disciples; in a sense-they are classmates.

Of course, Varian Wrynn and Marlon Lothar are also good friends-young people at their age do not seem to need a reason to become friends.

"After saying so many times, just call me Varian... Malone, how are you? I just heard Archbishop Faor say this, and it's unbelievable... Anyway, it's great that you are fine!"

The appearance of Malone made Varian Wrynn very happy. He walked to Malone's side, and while speaking loudly, he tapped his chest lightly with his fist.(To be continued.)

The Light Knight of Extraordinary Warcraft (5) Apprentice

"Thanks to Archbishop Faor, I am indeed much better."

Malone nodded and said-he was looking at Varian Wrynn; the king, who has assumed a very important role in the future Azeroth world, is now just a young boy- His eye circles were still red, and Malone suspected that he had just cried.

"Anyway, you are fine... Teacher Lothar has always been worried about you."

Varian Wrynn said to Malone.

"I know."

Malone nodded—he was not a fool, even though Anduin Lothar didn’t say it clearly, but when he saw that he woke up, he was a little gaffe-which is enough to prove that the marshal was treating his only nephew. Emotions.

In the history of the world of Azeroth that Malone knew, Anduin Lothar was the only heir to the Lothar family; the only means that his other relatives were all dead.

Regarding this point, Ma Long didn’t know the reason before; but he knew it now—if he hadn’t been brought into this world by Karaal’s light core by accident, after Ma Long Lothar was seriously injured by the orcs and died. , Anduin Lothar will indeed become the last member of Lothar family.

Just as Malone listened to Varian Wrynn expressing his worries when he was in a coma, a burly man in a brown linen robe walked out of a cabin and stepped onto the deck.

This man looks more than 40 years old. Malone doesn’t know whether this age is middle or old for humans in the world of Azeroth, but it seems that this man is still majestic-even though he is not wearing armor, but Every move is exactly like a soldier.

"His Royal Highness, Prince Varian, Sir Marlon Lothar, hello."

The man walked up to Varian Wrynn and Malone and nodded slightly in greeting.

"Hello, Lord Uther."

Varian Wrynn replied first, and Malone knew the identity of the middle-aged man.

Uther, the disciple of Archbishop Alonthos Faw, was called the "bringer of light" by the civilians near the North County monastery because of his noble character.

He was one of the first five paladins, and was invited by King Terenas to become the teacher of Alsace Menethil, the prince of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

Even when he was old, Uther was still running for the peace and stability of the mainland, but his stubbornness and staidness caused him to drift away from Alsace, and finally died sadly. Under the fallen/fallen Arthas sword.

Malone didn't expect to see a celebrity so soon, he nodded to Uther, then looked at Uther's gray beard and hair, slightly lost.

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