My Frostmourne can't be so cute

My Frostmourne Can't Be So Cute Chapter 664

Illidan looked at Vaschi and said seriously-even though he knew that the girl in front of him was an upper elf, and she was also the close maid of the upper elf queen Azshara, theoretically, she should be Illidan's out-and-out enemy .

Although Vashj brought food to Illidan, chatted with him, and told him a lot of information about the Highborne, and he always looked stupid... but Illidan was not naive because of this. Just trust Vaschi completely.

After all, Illidan also knew that Vasiqi might have been sent by those high-level elves to pretend to be so innocent to cheat his trust.

But the reason why Illidan made such a request to Vasiqi also had his own reasons-although he didn't know the reason, maybe it was intuition... Illidan felt that he could trust the upper elf in front of him.(To be continued.)


"Help... help you escape from here? How so... how to help?"

When Vasiqi heard Illidan say this, she suddenly became nervous, put her hands restrained on her knees and stirred, then stammered.

"Will you help me?"

Illidan was stunned for a moment-he didn't expect the other party to talk so easily.

"I...I don't think you are a bad person..."

Vasiqi raised his head and glanced at Illidan, then quickly lowered his head, muttering.

"Of course I am not a bad person, but... Are you really willing to help me escape? You know, I am a prisoner of those demons... If you help me, even if you are the maid next to the Queen, you may not be able to escape. Punishment..."

Hearing Vasiqi say this, Illidan hesitated on the contrary-as Vasiqi said, sometimes Illidan seemed a little arrogant and arrogant, but he was really not a bad person-thinking of what Vasiqi might face after helping him. Difficult, Illidan felt that he couldn't harm this seemingly silly upper elf girl.

"Yes... But how do you want me to help you?"

Vashj nodded, and then asked again—Those "devils" were terrible, but Vashj was also very afraid of being eaten...but the guy in front of him called "Ilidan" didn't look like a bad guy. , Shouldn't he let himself go to fight with those terrible guys?

"Can you figure out a way to unlock the chains on my feet?"

Illidan thought for a while and said to Vaskey.

"This chain? No...I can't...I only know a little spell, and I still don't learn well..."

Vasiqi stabbed the chain around Illidan's feet with his fingers, and said embarrassedly.

" you know where the key to this thing is?"

Illidan looked at the iron chain on his foot, and noticed that there was a keyhole in the iron ring—it seemed that the iron rope could be opened with a key.

"The key... I don't know... Maybe it's on Lord Harves, but I don't have much chance to get in touch with that lord... He stays by the Well of Eternity every day now..."

Vaschi said after thinking about it.

"Forget it, you can't help me..."

Illidan shook his head in frustration and sighed.

"But... but won't you be bored here alone? I can chat with you? And together we can find a way to help you escape!"

Seeing Illidan's frustration, Vasiqi didn't know why she felt a little sad, so she quickly comforted Illidan.

"What can I think of? I can't use spells, and I don't have a key..."

Illidan shook his head and replied.

"Then...then we can only chat...can you tell me about the outside world?"

Vasiqi pursed her lips, seeming to feel very sad that she could not help Illidan, but she quickly looked at Illidan with some expectation and said.

"Outside things? What do you want to know?"

Illidan raised his head and glanced out of the prison-it was still a tunnel with dim lights, and the dark distance could not see the edge... Although he wanted to be free, Illidan knew that this could not be achieved for the time being. Extravagant hopes-after knowing this clearly, he also relaxed a little. Seeing Vasiqi's look full of anticipation, he suddenly moved inexplicably in his heart, and even his voice became much softer.

"Things outside the palace! Things in the city of Suramar! I have been in the palace since I was a child, staying next to Her Majesty the Queen, and I don't know what the outside world is like!"

Vasiqi said excitedly, her eyes seemed to flash.

" look like a friend I know..."

Illidan looked at Vasiqi without realizing that the distance between the other party and himself was getting closer and closer, and he suddenly said something like this.

"Like who?"

Vashj asked suspiciously.

"Tyrande, Tyrande? Yufeng, a friend of mine... She, like you, wants to know what the outside world is like... She once said that the thing she wants to do most is to Travel on this continent, meet more friends of different races, and see more landscapes that are completely different from the woods we live in..."

Illidan murmured in surprise.

"Really? That sounds so funny! If I have the opportunity, I also seem to know this friend of yours! Our two thoughts are exactly the same... Tyrande... sounds like a girl's name! "

Vasiqi said excitedly.

"Yes, that's right... Okay, do you want to know my life in Suramar? Actually, it's nothing special. I grew up with my brother Malfurion. We were very young. I lost my parents and was fostered with Tyrande in the local Moon Temple. Soon everyone became good friends..."

"We played together, hunted together, tamed the nightsaber together, traveled together, until Tyrande became a priestess, Malfurion became a druid, and I aspire to be an excellent moon guard ..."

Illidan looked at Vaschi, who looked excited in front of him, but was cautious, afraid to make a noise, for fear of disturbing his narration, while recalling the past between him and Malfurion and Tyrande. Friendship, gradually, a faint smile filled his face-even if you are behind bars, at least you still have these beautiful memories, don't you?


Tyrande Whisperwind followed Maiev Shadowsong and walked into a wide and crowded shrine-wide, because this shrine was really big, and crowded, because it was inside. Already stood full of night elf women wearing moon white sacrificial robes.

"Sisters, this is Tyrande from the city of Suramar? Whisperwind, as you can see, she is also our sister... Today everyone gathered together to discuss what we should do next ."

Maiev Yingge clapped her hands and attracted the priestesses who were chatting in twos and threes in the shrine, and then pushed Tyrande in front of her and said loudly to them.

The development of the Moon Temple is almost accompanied by the entire history of the rise of the night elf civilization. However, when the night elf queen Azshara began to resist this sect, their development was greatly restricted.

The center of the sect of the Moon Temple is in Suramar City, not the night elves’ capital, Isalin—because of the rejection of the Highborne, there are not many veteran Moon Priestesses in Isalin’s Moon Temple— —So, when Maiev Shadowsong came here, she was in charge of the sect, and soon obtained the command of the Moon Temple here.(To be continued.)


In the battle against the demon army a few days ago, Maiev Shadowsong took the lead and commanded his sisters. When the moon guards generally had no way to use mages, they relied on their superb bow and arrow skills and Moon Temple. Defending the difficult terrain actually resisted the demon army's offensive.

Although the final withdrawal of the Demon Legion made Maiev Shadowsong a little unintelligible, she still wouldn't refuse this short respite—this Moon Temple is now almost one of the only remaining buildings in the city of Essalyn. The huge crisis made her feel pressured, so she gathered all the members of the Elune Sisterhood to discuss countermeasures.

"Sister Tyrande, hello."

A few young priests gathered around, greeted Tyrande, and then gathered around Maiev Shadowsong, waiting for her proposal-in the previous battle, although the time was short, Maiev Shadowsong used Maiev. Her bravery has almost won the respect of all the priestesses of the moon, and now they are united under the command of Maiev Shadowsong, waiting for her order.

"The previous plan, Sister Maiev, we thought it was a bit too reckless... Our soldiers and sisters searched for refugees in the ruins of the city in the past day and night... Although the demon army seemed to retreat to the upper level. In the palace of the elves, it is difficult for us to guarantee that they will not attack us again after dawn."

"The goal of the Moon Temple is really too big, but apart from this, there is no other place in the entire Essalyn city for us to hide... I think since those demons chose to withdraw before sunset, it is very likely that they are not suitable for them. Night action...I think we can take advantage of this weakness. After all, our night elves are best at acting at night."

A female priest who looked a little mature and stable walked up to Maiev Shadow Song, nodded slightly, and said softly.

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