My Frostmourne can't be so cute

My Frostmourne Can't Be So Cute Chapter 642

With the help of the upper elf, another group of demon guards entered the real territory without hindrance.However, these numbers are still too small.This is of no avail to welcome the arrival of important people."What can we do?" the night elf asked.

For the first time, he saw uncertainty on Inuwang's strange face.The big warrior turned his aggressive eyes to the entrance.There, the others in the Highborne have continued to work hard to make it stronger."We must ask him."

The counselor Harves was silent, but before his men took a step, he took a step and knelt down at the entrance.He will not evade responsibility for failure, not to his master.

However, before Counselor Harvis’s knee touched the ground, a voice rang in his mind: "Is the entrance reinforced?"

"No, my lord, the progress of the work is not as smooth as we hoped."

For an instant, such a hint almost made the night elves overwhelmed by the threat of anger, but soon the feeling passed.After confirming the image of the Creator, Counselor Harves waited for the next word from the Creator.

"What are you looking for, say."

That voice rang in Counselor Harves's mind

Counselor Harves explained the idea of ​​cutting off the connection between the Well of Eternity and everything except the palace, and the failure brought this idea to mind again.He lowered his head, looking very low before some power.It makes the sum of the power of all night elves appear as threatless as a bug.

"I have considered this." The Creator finally replied, "The first person I sent did not fulfill his responsibilities..."

Behind Counselor Harves, the King Dog made a sound that was almost frustrated.(To be continued.)


"The other one will be delegated to you. You must make sure that this entrance has been prepared for him." The great voice murmured.

"The other one, my highness?"

"I'm sending you a person of my own now... a commander of mine. He will consider what needs to be passed... and fast."

The majestic voice gradually faded, and the counselor Harves shook a few times, and the sudden departure of the voice made him dizzy, as if someone had cut one of his arms.Another high-level elf helped him and held his foot.

Harves looked at Hakkar, he didn't seem to be happy at all, even though the counselor had heard the most wonderful news."He wants to send us a commander of his! Do you know which one it is?"

The Canine King put away his whip anxiously.Beside him, two hell beasts huddled aside: "Yes, I know which one it is, fairy."

"We must be prepared! He will come when he comes!"

Despite some troubles, Haka followed Harves.Harves inserted him among the upper elf.The two people combined knowledge and skills and tried their best to keep this entrance open for a long time.

The fireball grew bigger and bigger, and sparks of various colors flew out from time to time.It began to shrink, and then almost like breathing, the entrance became larger, and this physical change was accompanied by a savage roar.

Counselor Harves' face was already sweating, but he didn't care at all.The glory of what he was looking for gave him strength.Even more than the dog king, he devoted himself to spell-making.These spells are not just to be mastered, but to expand to the point where it needs to be.

The entrance was gradually enlarged, almost touching the ceiling.Suddenly, a huge black figure squeezed in from it, which was terrifying.But for Counsel Harves, it was too wonderful.He couldn't help but yell to thank the Creator.Now there was a commander of the heavens standing here, and Haka looked worthless in front of him.

"The Queen is on..." one of the other wizards cried out, panting.He pulled it indiscriminately and almost destroyed the entrance; Counselor Harves could hardly grasp the control mechanism, and he continued to use his force to keep the control mechanism in place until everyone else awoke.

The four fingers of a huge hand could almost grab the counselor's head, and now it stretched forward and pointed one finger at the absent-minded speller.A voice that resembled a roar and a rumble of a volcanic eruption uttered a word that was unintelligible.

The night elf fell to the ground and shouted.His body was crumpled into a ball, as if a damp cloth had been wrung out.Accompanied by the intermittent calls is a strange short sound of marching teams.Most of the other Highborne looked there immediately, and Hakkar's Hell Beast whimpered.

The black flame erupted into a terrifying sight, surrounding the group of wizards who were unfortunately left behind.The flames swallowed him like a wolf, and soon these wizards only left some ashes on the floor, proving that they had been here.

"There will be no more failures," said a thunderous voice.

If the Canine King and the Demon Guard can't surprise the counselor Harves enough, then it's sure that only God can make him awed.The terrifying figure walked forward with thick and strong limbs, reminiscent of the dragon clan.The huge swinging tail swept back and forth on the ground, which was very much like someone in the heavens.He was covered with green flame-like mane from head to tail, and wide leather wings behind him.Although the wings were wide, the counselor Harves still doubted whether he could afford such a large body.

The skin that was not covered by the black armor was dark gray and green.He stood at least the height of a building, twice as high as Haka.The fangs from the upper jaw pierced the ceiling, and there was a tooth in the shape of a dagger, the length of a night elf's finger.The thick eyebrows completely covered his eyes, and the eyes given by the creator were staring down at the counselor Harves and the dog king.

"You disappointed him," said the winged commander.

"I—" Haka paused in the protest and raised his head. "I have no excuses, Mannoroth."

Mannoroth tilted his head slightly, looking at the dog king as if he was studying the little dirt that he didn't want to see on the pan."Yes, you didn't..."

The hell beast on the right of Hakkar suddenly whimpered loudly.The black flame has enveloped the terrified hell beast.It rolled helplessly on the ground, trying to extinguish the fire that could not be extinguished at all.The flame spread on it, and then swallowed it... When there was only a puff of smoke left where the hell beast stood, Mannoroth once again said to the dog king: "There will be no more failures."

Harves was terrified, but it was another fear full of surprise and glory.This is the embodiment of power.He knew how to turn defeat into victory, and his black eyes turned to Harves.Mannoroth took a quick breath through his nose, then nodded: "The creator approves of your efforts, spirit."

He was blessed!Harves bent lower: "Thank you!"

"The plan will follow the steps. We will remove all possible obstacles from the rest of the kingdom. Then the arrival of the master can start well."

"Then the Creator, will he come?"

Mannoroth gave him a big smile, big enough to swallow the counselor: "Oh, yes, the night elves lord! When the world is clean... Sargeras wants to come here, he will. I really want to come."


Counselor Harves recovered from his memories and saw Mannoroth was waiting for a pair of burning, huge eyes to look at him. He quickly lowered his head and waited respectfully to listen to this. Command of the commander.

"Today, we have a more important mission. A more important commander is going to come here through the portal... Harves, King Dog, you two assist me in expanding the new portal."

Mannoroth snorted coldly, seemingly not satisfied with the absence of counselor Harves just now, and then said loudly.

"The new commander? But Master Mannoroth... Is Lord Sargeras dissatisfied with our work again? But we..."

After hearing what Mannoroth said, the counselor Harves felt panic at first, and then quickly defended himself—it’s no wonder that the counselor Harves was nervous—the reason why Mannoroth appeared here was because of the last time. His work with Hakkar, the dog king, was poor.

When Mannoroth descended last time, he killed the hellhound beside the dog god Hakkar for punishment. Counselor Harves didn’t know the temper of the new "Commander", but he didn’t want to burn this time. It is oneself that is anxious.(To be continued.)


"No, Harves... This time, the commander we are going to meet is not sent because Lord Sargeras is not satisfied with your mission... This time, Lord Sargeras is eager to send Akmon Master De came here to clear all the obstacles in this world as quickly as possible-in fact, Lord Archimonde was strong enough to crush all the rebels in this world into powder before Lord Sargeras came. "

Mannoroth roared.

"Really...really so powerful?"

The counselor Harves quietly swallowed a sip of water and asked cautiously-he admitted that these creatures from outside worlds are very powerful, but they are obviously hierarchical-although not the most powerful wizard among the night elves, but Counselor Harves is still confident that he can defeat some of these legions.

For example, those hellhounds are a bit tricky for the wizards, but those demon guards... Counselor Harves feels that a few demon guards can be sieged by himself. If there is time to prepare spells, more demon guards will not be there. Next.

But Counselor Harves knew that when he faced Hakkar the dog king, he was not the opponent at all, and Hakkar the dog king could not even catch up with the opponent's finger in front of the mannoroth in front of him .

And now the new commander that Master Mannoroth is talking about... It seems to be much more powerful than Master Mannoroth... What kind of existence is that?Counselor Harves could hardly imagine.

"Of course! Lord Archimonde is the most trusted subordinate of Lord Sargeras, and the commander of the Legion second only to Lord Sargeras... If it hadn’t been for Lord Archimonde just to send troops to crusade against someone who did not obey the Legion’s control. The world, he should have been in this world long ago."

Mannoroth said proudly.

"Crack against... against a world! So... Master Mannoroth, how is that world?"

Counselor Harves asked tremblingly.

"Of course it was turned into ruins... Lord Archimonde went out in person, and there has never been a world that can be spared... As long as they are uncomfortable to become servants of the legion, they will only end in destruction... Okay, Harves, stop talking nonsense Now, you and Hakkar are ready, we are about to start calling Lord Archimonde to come!"

Mannoroth said proudly.

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