My Frostmourne can't be so cute

My Frostmourne Can't Be So Cute Chapter 633


"Do you plan to enter this demon-ravaged city like this, relying on your own small power to save the night elf survivors who fled to pieces?"

From the time Sindragosa began to hover over Essalyn, Arthas kept staring at the burning city below until Malfurion walked up to him and said his request, Alsace. Sas raised his head and looked at the young druid.

The expression on Malfurion’s face was very complicated—he looked like a mixture of anger, sadness, panic, and contradiction... Arthas understood this feeling, and it reminded him of himself-- At the moment after breaking free from the shadow of Lich King Ner'zhul's dominance, looking at Lordaeron, who had been completely destroyed by his own fall, the thinking in Arthas's heart was almost the same as that of Malfurion.

"Yes, Mr. Alsace, I have already decided."

Malfurion nodded and said.

"Even if you know that the number of demons is staggering, and your helpers are few, there is still a mage... who has no ability to use spells."

Arthas looked at Malfurion, then at Illidan, and suddenly laughed.

"What are you proud of? You guy... Even if I can't use spells for the time being, I..."

Illidan’s gaze and Arthas’s gaze converged in the air, and he suddenly became a little bit ashamed and angry. He took a step forward unconvinced, trying to prove that even if he lost the ability to control the power of the Well of Eternity, he still It will never become timid.

"You don't understand what I'm talking about, Illidan... You only saw what you saw, but you overlooked some more important things... You thought you were late and Azalin had been ruined, but... Don't forget that even this city has not been completely destroyed, and more importantly...the footprints of those demons have not yet encroached on other parts of this continent."

Arthas shook his head and said to Malfurion.

" it something to be thankful for?"

Illidan thought for a long time, but didn't understand what this meant, so he asked with some irritation-he felt that he was really stupid, and instinctively thought that this strange human's words were right...

"This shows that we can still resist."

Arthas replied, and he walked to the side of Kotalos Raffincrest who had been left aside, and used a Holy Light spell to wake him up.

" am I?"

As soon as Kotalos Raffincrest was awake, he saw the face of Arthas close at hand-even though he was in a coma for a long time, the owner of Black Crow Castle would not forget that it was this guy who knocked himself out again and again. ... he arched back nervously and said loudly.

"Don't worry about where you are, Elf... look down and see what your kings have become."

Arthas pulled Kotalos Raffincrest's collar with one hand, lifted him from Sindragosa's back, and said.

"Aisalin? How could I be in Aisalin... The queen is here, this... this..."

Kotalos Raffincrest was stunned for a moment, then looked down in the direction that Arthas was pointing, and he was suddenly speechless, unable to say a word.(To be continued.)

1034 Action

Despite being caught in the raging flames, Kotalos Raffencrest can still see what Essene used to be from the pile of ruins; he waited in horror for his own eyes, watching the collapsed The houses and city walls suddenly became extremely angry.

"You monster! What the hell did you do? Why did you want to make Aizalin like this, you..."

Kotalos Raffincrest was struggling desperately. He twisted his body desperately. He wanted to turn around and fight Alsace, but he couldn't use it because he was tied up by a rope. More importantly Yes……

Kotalos Raffincrest saw his situation clearly-he saw the huge blue dragon hovering in the air under his feet-which deepened Kotalos Raffink even more. Lester had doubts about the human being in front of him who had kidnapped him.

Although he has never seen a giant dragon, Kotalos Raffencrest heard that this giant beast possesses the power to destroy mountains and tear the earth-he has determined that it is this blue giant dragon. Isalin became like this now.

"Save your energy, elves... If we did all this, Suramar City would have been in ruins. Why bother to spend so much effort to bring you out of the city... Pay attention to those in ruins. The creatures walking in the middle of the road, see if they are exactly the same as the demon legions Malfurion told you."

Arthas sneered. He kicked Cortalus Raffincrest's calf with his boots, causing him to kneel on the ground again, and then mocked.

"They...they... even if these demons attack Aishalin, they must be inseparable from a guy like you!"

Kotalos Raffincrest heard that, although he was not convinced, he subconsciously paid attention to the broken streets among the ruins, and he found the team of demons who were still killing wantonly-even so, He still feels that all this is inseparable from this human being... Maybe he is an evil wizard, and these monsters are all brought by him!

"I thought you would be a little smarter as a nobleman, but I didn't expect it to be the same stupid...Forget it, after all, those elves who died are your compatriots. Maybe it's sadness and anger that made you lose your little intelligence. ... I remind you again, pay attention to what these ruins have in common with the Aishalin you know."

Arthas snorted and said disdainfully.

"Common... the... place?"

Cortalus Ravencrest’s eyes were blank, and he searched frantically in the ruins—suddenly, Cortalus Raffincrest’s eyes stopped moving, and he stared closely. Looking at the center of Isalin's ruins, there was a puzzled look on her face.

That is a palace—its magnificence can make the sweetest bard sing praises for three days and three nights in a row. It is not enough to describe the magic of this palace—even Cortalos Raffincrest himself, There were only a few chances to enter this palace and see the queen.

Yes, this is the palace, the palace of the night elf queen Azshara—even though the entire city has been reduced to ashes, this palace still stands magnificently in the middle of the city of Essalin—more importantly Yes, Cortalos Raffincrest can clearly see that those high-level elves are still coming in and out on the balcony and city wall of the palace...Cottalus Raffincrest cannot see the palace What kind of scene is inside, but... at least from all the things in front of him, he can see that those noble compatriots who are in the city of Essalin don't seem to be surprised by what happened.

More importantly, Kotalos Raffincrest's gaze shifted to the back of Azshara's palace, where there was a huge lake-the Well of Eternity, the source of all night elves civilization. .

But now, in the high altitude, Kotalos Raffencrest can clearly see that several strange teleportation arrays are erected on the edge of the well of eternity, flashing dark symbols and lines. It is particularly conspicuous in the dark twilight, as if laughing at the stubbornness and ignorance of Kotalos Raffincrest-the owner of the Black Rook Castle remembered that the young druid had warned him before Thing, and now...

"Why... why did it become like this..."

Kotalos Raffincrest murmured, he no longer struggled, but fell to his knees, his head hanging deeply on Sindragosa’s back, letting the sharp scales take him down. His forehead was cut, blood was overflowing, but he didn't realize it—at this moment, Kotalos Raffincrest seemed to be dozens of years old, from a vigorous noble lord to a decadent A frustrated person without fighting spirit.

"Master Ravencrest..."

Malfurion walked to Cortalos Raffincrest's side, untied the rope for him, and helped him to stand up—to be honest, Malfurion had dealt with the owner of the Black Rook Castle before. There is not much dislike, he also knows that the other party does not believe that his language is completely reasonable.

Although Cortalus Raffincrest was forcibly taken out of Black Rook Castle by himself, but now, he clearly understands what happened... Malfurion sympathizes with the painful Cortalus Ra. Fincrest, because he is the same-anyway, whether Kotalos Raffincrest hates his previous behavior or has forgiven himself, Malfurion feels that now, every Any surviving night elves should unite and retake their civilization.

"Sorry, Malfurion... it was all my fault. If I had chosen to believe you, maybe..."

Kotalos Raffencrest held Malfurion's shoulders-he hadn't eaten for two days, and now he was very weak-he still didn't faint after witnessing the terrible things that happened to Essalyn Rather, it was entirely because there was a belief in his heart that supported him.

"No, it's not to blame you, Lord Raffincrest... Moreover, even if you believe me, everything is too late... The most important thing now is that we must rescue those who are still alive, and... ...Organize those demons to spread further into our territory."

Malfurion said quickly.

"Yes, yes, it's like this... what are we going to do?"

Cortalus Raffincrest nodded repeatedly, he seemed to have lost his ability to be self-assertive, and instead began to seek advice from Malfurion, who was much younger than him.(To be continued.)

1035 Allocation

"I... Lord Ravencrest, I don't know..."

Malfurion was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Cortalus Raffencrest to give himself such a decision... He hesitated, not knowing what decision to make.

"If you find it difficult...I have a plan here. I don't know if you want to believe me now."

Arthas walked up to Kotalos Ravencrest and reminded him.

"Please tell, Mr. Human... I apologize to you for my recklessness."

Cortalus Raffincrest bowed to Arthas and said sincerely-he had spoken many times against aliens like Arthas and Frostmourne, but Cortalus Raffincrest Everything he saw told him that these alien races are more trustworthy than his own compatriots...For these humans who came from afar and wanted to help the night elves solve their troubles, Cortalus Raffincrest said. Give enough respect.

"Okay... Sindragosa, take us down... What I want to know is, Master Ravencrest, what is your family's status and your own status among other night elves?"

Arthas ordered Sindragosa to land on the ground, and at the same time asked Cortalus Ravencrest.

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