My Frostmourne can't be so cute

My Frostmourne Can't Be So Cute Chapter 623

"Oh, Xiaoshuang was pulled out by his master in a cave."

Frostmourne answered honestly.

"Pull... out?"

Tyrande blinked, wondering if there was a problem with his ears.

"Oh, that's... um... Xiaoshuang met her master in a cave."

Frostmourne frowned, and then realized that he had said that he had revealed his mouth-although it was nothing to know that his previous experience was for this stupid elf, but if the owner knew about it, he would definitely blame Xiaoshuang... …So let’s change my mind!

"Oh, it turned out to be like this...Did you meet Mrs. Shuang in a cave when Mr. Alsace was on an adventure? It's a very romantic story! How did Mrs. Shuang become Mr. Alsace's fiancee? What about?"

Tyrande put his legs down and stretched out, but still not sleepy, and continued to ask Frostmourne excitedly.

"What's the matter? Xiaoshuang was born to become the master's fiancée... From the first moment we met, we were inseparable!"

Frostmourne said triumphantly to Tyrande-although it is 10,000 years ago, sooner or later Xiaoshuang will return with her owner 10,000 years later, when those women with big breasts and small breasts It's about to be around the owner again... Thinking about this, I feel annoying!

"Really? So happy... But I haven't found the one I like the most... By the way, Ms. Shuang, do you have any hobbies?"

Tyrande nodded enviously, then asked again.


Frostmourne was stunned, and then asked a question.

"Yes! For example... When I am free, I always pray to His Royal Highness Elune, take Escadal out for a walk, bathe her, and read some interesting books in my room... ...Ms. Frost, how about you?"

Tyrande thought it would be more polite to introduce himself first, and then ask other people about their hobbies.

"Well...Is this the hobby you mentioned? Xiaoshuang has no other hobbies. Her only hobby is to stay with her master and occasionally do shy things with her master... But only occasionally, the master wants to do it every day Yes, it will hurt under Xiaoshuang."

Frostmourne thought for a while and said.

"It really hurts! I've been thinking about it when I watched it before... Ms. Shuang, you must be very painful! After all, you have to put such a thick stick in your body... Sometimes I get caught It hurts even if you break your finger."

When Tyrande heard Frostmourne say this, she immediately became interested. She asked with affection and touched her belly subconsciously—well, it would definitely hurt!

"Of course it hurts! But it was very comfortable at the beginning... Only when the owner refused to stop, and the water under Xiaoshuang dries out, it hurts."

After thinking about it, Frostmourne explained to Tyrande.

"Will it really be comfortable? But what about such a big stick..."

Tyrande felt that Frostmourne's words were unbelievable, and raised her own doubts-of course, Little Demon Sword would not admit mistakes so easily, of course she had to argue with Tyrande.


Just when Frostmourne and Tyrande were arguing about "Whether Alsace's stick is inserted into the place where Frostmourne peeed, is it more painful or more comfortable", Malfurion? Stormrage? The two brothers and Illidan Stormrage were also discussing something under the distant roots.

"Malfurion, do you really trust those two humans now?"

Illidan twisted a piece of leftover barbecue in his mouth with his hands, chewed slowly, and then asked his brother.

"At least until now, Mr. Alsace has never deceived us... The body discovered by Mr. Cenarius also confirmed the existence of those monsters... I really can't find a reason to doubt Mr. Alsace."

Malfurion glanced at his brother, frowned and said.

"But after all, they are not the same race as us, and... he knows that Burning Legion so well, I don't believe they have not been in contact before, who knows whether it is a good contact or a bad contact."

Illidan curled his lips and said.

"Is it just that, my brother..."

Malfurion glanced at Illidan, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, as if he had seen everything his brother was thinking.

"Of course that's the case... Is there anything else?"

Illidan avoided Malfurion's gaze and hesitated.

"I know what you are thinking, my brother... Regarding Tyrande, whether you admit it or not, I and you have the same affection for her... After Mr. Alsace arrived, we were about him and Tyrande. Rand had a few disputes, and I also think her attention to Mr. Alsace...something made me feel...jealous, yes, my brother, I feel jealous, and I bet you are just like me."


Illidan gaped his mouth-he didn't expect Malfurion to admit it so frankly.

"But I still have to say, my brother... This kind of emotion is normal and unnecessary... Mr. Alsace is indeed very good, he is very knowledgeable and has extraordinary skills... instead Jealous of him, it would be better for us to be better than him, right?"

Malfurion looked at Tyrande who was chatting with Frostmourne in the distance, and persuaded his frizzy brother with a peaceful mind.

"Jealous... well, I admit that I have a little bit, but... what sound?"

Illidan felt a little embarrassed-he nodded, admitting that Malfurion was right-but in the next second, Illidan stood up nervously and raised his head-on the top of the forest, there was a flutter. The sound of wings was rumbling.(To be continued.)

1019 Lonely Soul

Illidan has seen many winged creatures-horned eagle beasts, bats, various birds, bipedal dragons, Chimera... But no matter which kind, it will not emit such a huge when flying. The roar of —— Listening to the huge sound of tearing the air, Illidan couldn't help thinking of a legendary creature.

Malfurion heard the weird sound almost at the same time as his brother—he raised his head and looked above him—but Malfurion found that he saw nothing but the lush woods.

"Did you hear anything, Illidan..."

Malfurion froze for a moment, and then asked his brother with some uncertainty.

"Yes, it seems that some huge creature is flying above us... that should be..."

Illidan nodded, just about to say his guess, but before the words fell, a sound of crashing against the trees came. He raised his head and saw a huge blue figure falling from the sky.

Countless trees were directly crushed on the ground by this huge blue figure, and the sound of tree trunk breaking was endless; the birds that originally lived on the trees flew away, hare, Wild mice and unknown swarms of insects fled hurriedly from the roots of the fallen trees, ran around, and disappeared into the surrounding bushes.

"The blue... dragon?"

Illidan abruptly stood up from the root of the big tree where he was. He couldn't believe what he saw in front of him-it was a pure blue dragon.

Although the streamlined body is huge, it is elegant, with abrupt, white dragon horns and white beard, light blue scales, long and tough tail, strong body and limbs like a mountain... Illidan He had never seen a giant dragon before, and the opponent's overwhelmingly large body gave him a lot of pressure.

The same is true for Malfurion-beside Cenarius, the king of the forest, the young druid has already seen many huge beasts and treants, but nothing can compare to the one in front of him. The blue dragon-just standing on top of the trees that were pressed by its body, the opponent has almost taken up the entire forest clearing.

There is no connection between the kingdom of the night elves and the dragon-at least not on the level that Malfurion knows-but he has to consider that he is now in a period of escape, facing that end is swinging. Looking at the blue dragon with his head looking around, the young druid secretly increased his vigilance.

Malfurion didn’t want to take the initiative to provoke the blue dragon—maybe the opponent was just passing by the woods—but if the blue dragon attacked Malfurion...the young druid really didn’t. What certainty can survive.


Tyrande did not hear the sound of the blue dragon flying in the first place-she was chatting with Frostmourne at that time-until the three Nightsabers including Eskald When he roared fiercely, and desperately struggling to break the reins that tied them, Tyrande discovered that something else appeared in the clearing in the forest.

"Ah! Ms. Frost! What is that!"

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