My Frostmourne can't be so cute

My Frostmourne Can't Be So Cute Chapter 615

If they wanted to shake the magician's original affection, they failed again this time.

"It must be one of us," a huge male dragon said lowly.He hummed his nose, and his breath blurred the path in front of Krasus.

"This is me... why I brought him." A little male dragon said bitterly, "He is always screaming."

Surrounded by comfortable smoke, Krasus turned to the second male dragon and said: "If you have the inspiration from the Creator, you will immediately recognize who I am through my identity and warnings given! We! May be pardoned and leave from the territory of the Forest King."

"I still don't know if it was a wrong decision to bring you!

"This is where?"

All the four dragons turned their heads in slight surprise.A female dragon spoke: "If you are one of us, Xiaolong, you should know this, just like knowing your own den."

Krasus cursed his bad memory, this could only be one place."Is it in my own cave? Or is it living by the beloved Queen Alexstrasza?"

"You really want to come here," Xiaoxionglong reminded him.

"The problem is still there." The second female dragon interrupted. She looked younger and more sleek than the other dragons. "Have you been farther away?"

"He can go where he wants to go." A new voice broke in. "As long as he answers me a simple question."

The four dragons and Krasus turned to find that the fifth, more mature dragon suddenly sat there.Compared with the original two-headed male dragon, the crown of this dragon is more impressive, growing from the top of the head to the back.He is several tons heavier than the heaviest end of the previous four dragons, and even his feet are longer than Xiaolong's height.(To be continued.)

1006 Another Traverser

But even with a huge body and obvious dominating power, his eyes are sharp and full of wisdom.He has more power than other dragons to determine the success of Krasus's trip.

"Although you are wearing a disguise, if you are one of us, you must know who I am." The last dragon said rumblingly.

Krasus tried hard to remember something.Of course he knew who it was, but he just couldn't remember the name.

When Krasus struggled with his chaotic will, his body was tense and his blood veins stretched.He knew that if he didn't know the name of this dragon, he would be rejected no matter what, and he would never be able to warn other dragons about the dangers he encountered and when they would reappear.

"You are Tarannis Taz!"

Krasus roared loudly, making a sharp and somewhat bleak voice.


Of course Krasus knew the name of this giant dragon-either now or ten thousand years from now.

As a dragon, a giant dragon-Krasus does not belong to the current world-the reason why he appeared here, was questioned by these dragons, and lost most of his power and abilities, is entirely because... he is An uninvited guest from ten thousand years later, an existence that shouldn't have appeared in this world.

Krasus didn't know why he went back 10,000 years ago-but when the bronze guardian dragon Nozdormu, who was at the same level as his most respected queen, found Krasus in Dalaran After that, the wise red dragon understood many things at once.

In Krasus’s memory, he met a great mentor ten thousand years ago... that mentor had a great influence on his future life and experience, but he disappeared from his vision forever soon after. .

Until the past ten thousand years, Krassus was looking for the whereabouts of this mentor, but... when the bronze guardian dragon Nozdormu appeared in front of him, he gave him a way back ten thousand years ago to stop the burning After the mission of the Legion invasion, Krasus understood everything.

What a mentor, what a mysterious leader... Krasus finally understood that those are illusory shadows shrouded in real thoughts-leaving all obscurations aside-Krasus discovered his mentor and friends ten thousand years ago , Is himself, returning to himself ten thousand years ago.

It’s really ridiculous to think about it—something like the conversation between the self ten thousand years later and the self ten thousand years ago... But Krasus knows that for Nozdormu who controls all the timelines of Azeroth Said, this is not a difficult task.

But only after coming to this world did Krasus discover that going back to the past is not a simple thing-the bronze guardian dragon Nozdormu didn't explain much to him and threw him here. The time flow of major events about to happen... If it weren’t for contacting these companions through the Dragon Clan’s unaltered contact information for tens of thousands of years, Krassus didn’t even know if he could survive in that strange forest— —Compared with the powerful body, he is a bit too weak at this time.

Especially when compared with these young and strong counterparts-Krasus looked at the huge dragon in front of him-he knew that the other party was not in the strongest form yet.

Whether it is now or ten thousand years later, Krasus knows that he is not Taranistaz's opponent, but...

Krasus looked up at his powerful and robust companion, his eyes seemed to be able to travel through time, through endless space and far distance, reaching the depths of Taranistaz's soul-Krasus really wanted to ask This companion, why should he betray his own species, betray his... queen.

Yes, betrayal-after ten thousand years, Krassus knew that Taranistaz would betray the queen and conspired with the powerful black dragon Deathwing Nesario to trap the red dragon queen in Grim Batol , And use the queen's egg to do some evil things...

Krasus did not personally experience everything that happened in Grim Batol-that dwarf’s castle had already been wiped out in the flames of the Queen, and Taranistaz... According to the Queen, this traitor She had already died of infighting with Deathwing Neltharion in her witty provocation.

Krasus really wanted to ask Taran Nistras what caused him to betray his race, but he remembered the rules that the bronze guardian dragon Nozdormu had told him-except for blocking With the invasion of the Burning Legion, Krasus could not change anything-for example, he could not remind the Red Dragon Queen of the need to pay attention to the future rebellion of Tarannisstras at this time, nor could he remind other dragons about the black dragon Nazar Rio thing.

Krasus did not intend to abide by such a rule-as a person who experienced that disaster, he knew what Deathwing's betrayal meant to dragons-countless dragons were fighting the Burning Legion The power of the demon soul that was grasped by the wings of death was reduced to ashes.

Krasus knew that he had to stop the invasion of the Burning Legion, but he also knew that he had to stop everything that followed-the betrayal of the black dragon, the crisis of Grim Batol, the rise of mankind... Krasus didn't know he could How long does he stay in this time stream, but he believes that he has an obligation to use his knowledge of the future to fight for more opportunities for his compatriots to survive and grow.

Of course, Krassus knew that he should not question Taranistas right now-because as the Queen's most trusted guard, Krasus knew that offending Taranistas would not do any good for his next mission. —After all, he has to rely on the queen's guard to meet the queen he cares about most.


Taran Nishidaz laughed loudly, much like human laughter.He is certainly proud that others can remember his name and title. After all, the title of this crimson dragon is always eye-catching.

"You are indeed one of us, although I can't place you yet! The person who brought you has told me your name. But obviously it is wrong, because among us, this name is destined to be given to one Of lonely people."

"The name is not wrong," Krasus insisted, "and I can explain why."

Tarannisstrass, Alexstrasza's guard shook his head powerfully.A puff of smoke came out of the nose: "We have heard your explanation, but it is still hard to believe that it is true! You said you were trapped in an eternal place, Nozdormu, but even he still doesn’t It may be as careless as you said!" (To be continued.)

1007 The Red Dragon Queen

"He's mentally confused, plain and simple," a red dragon said, "one of us? I said it was an accident or injury by equipment."

"Maybe—" Taran Nistraz's voice shocked the other dragons, and he lowered his head to look at Krasus.

"But because you know me, you also answered my question! You have the privilege to enter the deepest part of this place! Come on! I will take you to meet someone who will settle everything for us. She knows all dragons. , It’s like knowing her child! She will recognize you and know the truth."

"Will you take me to see Alexstrasza?"

"It's not someone else, it's her. Climb to my neck if you can."

Although Krasus was very weak, he managed to climb up without hesitation.Not only did the idea of ​​finally asking for help inspired him, but he also really wanted the opportunity to meet the person he loved, even if she didn't recognize him in the end.

The red dragon took Krasus through the long tunnel and the familiar room.During the period, some memory cues were aroused, but Krasus still could not be satisfied.Even when they met many other dragons head-on, everyone felt strange to this person who had known everything about the Red Dragon clan.

When the caregiver flew him here, he wished he was awake.The scenery surrounding the Red Dragon clan evokes some of his memories.Besides, is there anything more glorious than seeing the dragon on the top of the mountain?The towering peaks and hundreds of ravines between the cliffs are the entrance to the kingdom of Alexstrasza.Since then it has been uncountable how many centuries have passed, and Krasus always mourned its passing, the passing of a dragon era.

Maybe once you convince the Queen, before she decides what to do to me, she will let me take a look at the land of the dragon race.

Taranistaz's huge body moved lightly through the tall and smooth tunnel.Krasus deeply loves this rare race and enjoys the time with them, but now, when he may be placed in a position of absolute existence, he would rather like his true appearance.

A glaring but comforting glow suddenly appeared in front of them.This reddish heat warmed Krasus inside and out, reminding him of earlier times when he was constantly learning to grow between heaven and earth.During the period when Krasus came here, when the short memories of life came to life in his mind, he felt his existence for the first time.

They came to the source of the blazing heat-the mouth of a huge cave.Taran Nistras knelt at the entrance, lowered his head and said in a low voice: "Thanks to your permission, my queen."

"Talan? Are you back?" a delicate, elegant and divine voice replied, "have you found a delicious fish?

A wry smile appeared on Krassus's face-even 10,000 years ago, the Queen was still like this... It seems a little disrespectful to use the word "greedy" to describe it, but... Krassus had to admit this The fact that he felt that the terrible things he said next might not be as important as those fish in the eyes of the queen.

When Krasus and Taranistaz walked in, all the things that might have happened to Krasus disappeared because Krasus saw a man who could control his mind and body...a dragon.

From the shimmering red dragon body, a surprisingly hot radiation was emitted, permeating every corner and even the cracks in the room.Alexstrasza is the most representative dragon in the race.Her body was four or five times the size of the dragon Taranistaz under Krasus.Nevertheless, when Krasus looked at her, he could feel an inherently docile character emerging from under his huge physique.The Queen of Life moved a fragile dragon egg from under her body to a ventilated place that she confirmed was safe.

She was surrounded by dragon eggs, more and more.These eggs were just laid by her, and there are a lot of them.Each egg occupies the same small space vertically and looks very tiny compared to the mother.Krasus counted, there were three dozen.Only half of the dragon eggs will be hatched, and only half of these hatched eggs can survive to adulthood.However, this is the way the dragons multiply and survive, and a difficult beginning heralds the glory and miracles of life in the future.

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