270. aggression

The Ren family was bursting with private guests who hadn’t seen them in a long time.

In relation to the clothing business, there were many times when I treated customers for work, so I guided everyone to a separate reception room.

The heavenly train departed from the royal family and arrived at Nirva.

Of course, riding in it was Elise, the third princess of the Kingdom of Phrygia. Starting with her, the elves, Eris, Eve, Mei, Sen, and Adrina, and the goddess of time.

There were so many women on board that it hurts to even list them.

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Judging by the expressions on their faces, they seemed to have suffered quite a bit in the wagon.

Women sitting at a long desk as if confronting Rin. Of course, the belligerent Mei was the first to speak.

“You said you were going to meet alone, kept it a secret from us and connected with the underworld?”


Rin is stabbed and bows her head. Because he knew he was acting selfishly.

In fact, even in a situation where she could be shameless, Rin, who was inherently caring, couldn’t do it.

“If you had come a little earlier, wouldn’t I have been able to see you too?”

Mei shatters the refreshments from the Ren family. It seemed quite annoying that I missed the opportunity even though I had it.

“But who is that little boy?”

Ha-yun sees Rin in trouble and intervenes. A cute girl with impressive silver hair flowing like a waterfall.

Ha-yoon is a bit worried, thinking that Daniel might be using his magic tricks on a woman she doesn’t even know, but Sen’s answer changes her emotions 180 degrees.

“She is the goddess of time.”


Embarrassed by the unexpected answer, Hayoon hurriedly turned her head toward Lin. Sure enough, her black hair was floating with mana.

“A goddess of time?”

sh*t, sh*t.

Starting from where Rin was standing, the table gradually began to split. As expected, May, Elise, and Sen fall back.

The three of them were in the position that there was no need to keep the Goddess of Time alive, so they had no intention of stopping Rin.

“Wow, that turned into a monster.”

“Should I invite you as the royal archmage?”

“What have you been doing for three years?”

Rin’s power was out of standard, to the point of bursting out in admiration. If it wasn’t fortunate that he was adjusting his strength, the mansion itself would have been blown away.


The goddess of time, as always, ran behind Adrina. However, Adrina could not stand out as confidently as this time.

As the only active witch, she had some confidence in her magic, but seeing Rin’s state in her eyes made her whole body tremble with a sense of defeat.

that’s what talent is

No one born in a village of witches could reach such a depth of magic with a single body. It was the moment when the name witch became colorless.

“I was in the mood to kill God, but it worked.”

Lin was more sincere.

Even if she was the usual woman, if the goddess of time was right in front of her eyes, she wouldn’t have sent her back gracefully.

When he saw the goddess of death in the underworld tempting Daniel with a lump of fat on his chest like now, he didn’t even hesitate.

“I will kill you as painfully as possible.”

Rin’s black eyes were dyed a muddy color. In an atmosphere where I wondered who would dare to stop Rin, Eris, an elf, stood up and stood in the way between the two.

“Calm down a little. I understand your heart, but I need to keep you alive just in case.”

“You don’t know, so you’re saving me? that woman?”

At the fingertips of Rin, who frowned, mana began to condense, overlapping and overlapping. It was a kind of warning that if you don’t get out of the way, you may be swept away.

“Be cool. It’s for Daniel.”



clench your teeth

In fact, Rin hadn’t liked Eris for a long time.

He had a crush on his childhood friend, Daniel, for a very long time. At the time, I didn’t say it because I was afraid of being rejected after expressing a favor.

After entering the academy, he was able to convey his feelings.

But what was the answer that came back to Daniel?

The fact that there is already someone you like is the same as the blue sky.

And later, I found out that it was Eris in front of me.

I wondered how Daniel liked Eris, whom he had never met at the time.

Now I knew it all.

Because it was he who killed Eris and Daniel in episode 0.

I heard all the confessions of damn love.

I heard the proposal of marriage and Daniel’s voice who accepted it.

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Judgment seemed to be twisted by the majestic plan to rebuild the world as a half elf.

‘The man Daniel promised to marry.’

Should I just kill them here?

Rin impulsively thinks things she would never normally do. That’s how the goddess of death and Daniel’s actions were affecting her.

“I will resurrect Daniel.”

However, Eris’s answer immediately afterward was enough to make Rin’s impulses disappear.

The light around the eyes returns.

As if a cold wind blows on your head, your hot brain calms down, and unexpected hope burns inside.


“Yes, I need Rin’s help for that.”

Eris took out a small crystal from her bosom. It was Rin who realized the reason and reached the level of a great mage, so I knew it the moment I saw him.

That was part of Daniel MacLean.

It was a trace left by chance as he sacrificed himself to save the world.

My head starts spinning.

If this is combined with his own magic that connects the underworld, the possibility of reaching the miracle of resurrection is calculated.

“When will you be available next time?”

Eris smiles meaningfully at Rin, who understands his intentions even without saying anything.

Worrying, Rin put in the vicious mana before he knew it. Connecting the underworld and the continent was a very mana-consuming task, so he had to save even a little bit.

“It will take some time. Because it is not easy.”

“It’s okay though. It was fortunate that Rin developed the magic of connection with the underworld in advance.”

Originally, I thought it would take a year, considering the time to develop magic together.

So, I needed the support of other personnel, so I gathered it up like this.

Isn’t that what Rin has already made?

Eris looked at Rin like that and nodded her head with satisfaction.

“Thanks, I think I will be able to pick it up soon.”


“What I can do.”

These days, while wielding a sword, I was only thinking about the advice the Goddess of Death gave me.

It felt a bit buoyant that I was worrying about this in a situation where the God of Life might invade at any moment.

In fact, this was more important to me than the God of Life.

“Hey, it’s difficult.”

I thought about it several times, but in the end, I realized that the conversation with the parties was the most important thing.

They are the ones who even try to revive the dead me.

In fact, it’s as good as giving them back the life they’ve already lost.

I will live that life for you.

“I don’t know if they will accept it.”

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Judging by Rin’s terrifying voice, it was so lively that I wondered if he was resurrecting him to kill him again.

Even though I know that it’s not for me, it’s for the goddess, but honestly, it’s a bit scary.

“Yah! Look at this! Awesome!”

The goddess of death hops and runs towards me. Whether or not he knows that several people are aiming for his life, he rolls up his arms excitedly.

“why. What else is so good?”

“Look at this. You have biceps.”

Hmm! The goddess of death holding her breath and giving strength to her arms. The soft, stretched flesh popped out and settled down firmly.


“Proof that you worked hard!”

I’m sure I’m working hard these days because I can hear the taste of exercise. It seemed like I was going to leave with this, and seeing what I liked, I thought that it was too naive to bear the name of a goddess.

“Let’s go wash up and play some chess.”

“Five! great!”

By the way, I also have a taste for chess these days.

It was still possible to lose, but it was a feeling that was not easily felt in the underworld.

It was a very interesting spectacle to make the goddess of death bewildered by an unexpected number.

When I was going straight to the river.


The sky, which has always been the same, begins to crack. The light that seeped through them was telling us that the time had come.

“I can’t play chess.”

“I couldn’t even wash.”

We each grumble and annoy each other.

Toward the God of Life, who had the timing right once.


The sky is collapsing, and light pours down into the underworld where darkness quietly roamed.

The golden color became a road and reached the land of the underworld, and countless soldiers who looked like statues began to invade the barren land of death all at once.

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